sabato 15 dicembre 2018

Utility on LW: DGPS log 283.5 kHz - 314.5 kHz

Ascoltiamo i DGPS in Onde Lunghe
(The Differential Global Positioning System DGPS transmits correction information that improves the accuracy of the GPS system, from 15 meters to as good as 10 cm. These transmissions are in the 283.5-325.0 kHz band, and are interesting DX targets).

Listening Report from Edoardo Nicoletti, SWL I7-082/BA, in Bari

Frequency Range 283.5 kHz - 314.5 kHz
Listening Location: Bari, JN81kd

Receiver: Perseus - Antenna: Wellbrook loop ALA 1530LNP - Software: Amalgamated DGPS

YYYY-MM-DD UTC   kHz     Call      km    Location

2018-12-13 04:21 283,5   #481      1442  Dziwnow, Poland
2018-12-13 04:21 285,5   #443      2247  Earls Hill / Stirling, Scotland (UK)
2018-12-13 08:28 287,0   #406      2271  Klamila, Finland
2018-12-13 04:21 289,5   #451      1586  Hammarodde Lt. Bornholm, Denmark
2018-12-13 04:21 290,5   #447      1913  Flamborough Head Lt., England (UK)
2018-12-13 04:14 291,0   #439      1848  Wormleighton, England (UK)
2018-12-13 04:21 293,5   #494      1097  Iffezheim, Germany
2018-12-13 04:20 296,5   #469      1866  Gothenburg, Sweden
2018-12-13 04:21 297,5   #465      1759  Hoburg, Sweden
2018-12-13 04:21 298,0   #468      1982  Nynashamn, Sweden
2018-12-13 04:21 298,5   #492      1597  Dune Helgoland, Germany
2018-12-13 04:20 299,5   #463      2167  Skutskar, Sweden
2018-12-13 04:14 301,0   #482      1527  Rozewie, Poland
2018-12-13 04:21 302,5   #490      1252  Koblenz, Germany
2018-12-13 04:21 302,0   #426      1479  Gilze Rijen, Holland
2018-12-13 04:21 303,5   #493      1467  Zeven, Germany
2018-12-13 04:21 307,5   #464      2073  Kapellskar, Sweden
2018-12-13 04:21 310,5   #500      2039  Faerder Lt, Norway
2018-12-13 04:21 312,5   #425      1547  Hoek Van Holland, Holland
2018-12-13 04:21 313,5   #496      1217  Mauken, Germany
2018-12-13 04:21 314,5   #495      947   Bad Abbach, Germany