venerdì 28 febbraio 2020

MW log: from Botwana & Tanzania to Mexico & Ecuador

From QSL Album
Here few tips on Medium Wave, made in Bocca di Magra, Italy, with Perseus and Wellbrook 1530LNP loop
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

840 12/2 0300 Dimtsi Hafash 2, Asmara, Eritrea, HOA music, fair good
940 15/2 0100 Boa Vontade, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, talks PP, weak
950 14/2 0057 CNN, Buenos Aires, Argentina reports SS, weak

1130 14/2 0100 WBBR NY USA. Bloomberg news, EE weak fair
1200,17 12/2 0455 La Voz de la Raza, Medellin, Colombia, SS  tk, weak
1200 14/2 0600 WXKS, Newton, MA USA, news, EE, fair

1242 22/2 2300 Radio Sultanate Oman, great id, AA, good, //1278 weak
1270 20/2 0600 WXYT, Detroit, USA, sport, CBS sport radio
1280 12/2 0457 WCMN Arecibo, Puerto Rico, talks, SS, "NotiUno", weak fair QRM unid SS

1350 22/2 2300 Radio Botswana, talks in Vn and nice Afro songs, carnival program, fair (thanks to Dario Monferini for propagation info)

1350 12/2 0500 Radio Buenos Aires, Argentina, talks, SS, weak fair QRM SS pres WEGA
1350 22/2 0605 BBN Panama, religious songs, talks SS, weak fair

1377 23/2 0100 Radio Africa, Mwanza Tanzania, talks Kiswahili, nice songs, carnival program, fair good (thanks to Dario Moferini)

1380 12/2 0455 NSE Radio, Medellin, Colombia, religious music, SS, fair

1400,27 22/2 0610 Radio Z Uno Guayaquil, Equador, poor peaks at 0606 0610 0616 offset helps to note (observed Caracol on 1400,17 but no audio)

1470 12/2 0558 Radio Formula, Mexico DF, Hymn, news, SS, weak fair
1470 14/12 0510 Esperanza Colombia Radio, Medellin, religious, SS, fair
1500 14/2 0550 WFED, Washington, USA, talks EE weak fair
1510 22/2 0615 R Naval, Guayaquil, Equador, time bips, very weak

1520.04 & 1520.07 22/2 0558-0610 Su Presencia Radio Bogotà and Radio Principe de Paz Barranquilla fighting, talks SS, then WWKBwent over

1570 14/2 0610 XERF La Poderosa Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, talks, songs, FM id, SS, fair
1620 12/2 0545 Radio Rebelde Cuba, talks SS songs, weak
1650 12/2 0550 CKZW Montreal, Canada, religious music weak at 0605 QRM French Maritime
1660 14/2 0600 WGIT Faro de Santidad, Puerto Rico, SS talks about family, fair


594 22/2 2100 Radio Challenger, Villa Estense, Italy, id in EE as Nexus IRRS, good
1500 12/2 0605 Radio Eule, Germany, talks in G, weak 1 watt?
1530 12/2 0600 Pulse 2 Radio, Huddersfield, UK news EE, 740 w fair
1602 23/2 0900 Radio Jeans, Savona, Italy, songs, IT, fair

martedì 25 febbraio 2020

Primo DX Camp nella Foresta Amazzonica - Crew Radio Listeners' Marajò Island

Dx-Camp 15.61 Crew Radio Listeners' Marajò

Reportage del 1° Dx-Camp 15.61 Crew Radio Listeners' Marajò Island - Foresta Amazzonica del Nord Brasile - Novembre 15 - 18, 2019.

Organizzato da Ivan Dias da Silva Junior & Martin Butera
Testo di : Martin Butera. Foto del Dx-Camp : Ligia Katze
Foto-Editor: Mark Melzi  DX Editor: Dario Monferini - PlayDX Italia.

Dalla creazione del Gruppo 15.61 Radio Listeners nel Settembre del 2019
( ),
abbiamo cercato di presentarci nel modo più professionale e di trattare il nostrohobby preferito

Ci rendiamo conto che abitualmente i Dx camp sono principalmente organizzati per fare radioascolto, per testare ricevitori e tecniche di ascolto e sistemi di ricezione con nuove antenne.

Noi invece desideriamo cambiare il modo di organizzare i Dx camp in una occasione di aggregazione per scambiare esperienze ed idee deipartecipanti, un modo forse più "pazzo" ma certamente più informale senza perdere naturalmente i risultati pratici.... lo stile dei Dx camp organizzati per molti anni in Danimarca dal Danish Short Wave Club International (DSWCI) ormai inattivo purtroppo.

Stiamo per entrare nella terza decade del secolo XXI e cerchiamo di cambiare la nostra attitudine di ascoltare passivamente le voci dal mondo che entrano nei nostri ricevitori, sovente in modo quasi passivo.

Con queste premesse, abbiamo organizzato il nostro primo Dx camp nella foresta Amazzonica. Proprio quest’anno più di 80.000 incendi sono stati segnalati nella zona della regione Amazzonica creando molte apprensioni in tutto il mondo per i danni provocati alle foreste fluviali danneggiandole ed alla biodiversità messa in pericolo.

Molti gruppi si preoccupano degli attacchi portati dalle autorità locali supportate dal Governo Brasiliano, del Presidente Bolsonaro ed alle mancate azioni intraprese per difendere la preziosa natura della biodiversità dalle attività estrattive e lo sfruttamento attuato in modo irresponsabile, distruggendo ettari di foreste per impiantare coltivazioni di soia e per aumentare gli allevamenti di bestiame in aree protette.
Noi desideriamo essere presenti per monitorare anche questi problemi reali.

Vi invitiamo a leggere questo rapporto come un messaggio a tutte le coscienze del nostro pianeta, troverete anche la prima parte degli ascolti realizzati durate il Dx camp, ed inoltre anche le referenze culturali e storiche della zona scelta per svolgere la nostra attività hobbistica, in vista di organizzare il prossimo secondo Dx camp nel corso del 2020 per approfondire le tematiche trattate.

Le vostre proposte saranno benvenute per cercare di realizzare al meglio il prossimo Dx camp.
Il rapporto è in lingua inglese ed è possibile scaricarlo nella sua versione PDF, preparata esclusivamente per PlayDX Blogspot, contiene bellissime foto, assicurati di archiviarlo.

Questo Dxcamp rappresenta in Sud America una importante occasione di svolgere in modo innovativo il nostro bellissimo hobby : il radioascolto.


I nostri contatti :
Dario Monferini Playdx Italia
Email : (in Italiano, Francese, Inglese)
Martin Butera Gruppo 15.61 Brasile
Email : (in Spagnolo, Portoghese, Inglese)
Ivan Dias Gruppo 15.61 Brasile 
Email : (in Portoghese)

venerdì 21 febbraio 2020

Radio Taiwan Int. testing in French on SW from Bulgaria

Radio Taiwan International is going to start again broadcasting in French to Europe on 29 March 2020, from Bulgaria

But before then they have programmed tests on 22 - 23 -28 - 29 February
on 6005 kHz at 1900-1930 UTC

RTI asks for reports

Here the mail in French from Taiwan:

Chère amie auditrice, cher ami auditeur,
Par le biais de ce mail, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la reprise de la diffusion du programme du service français en OC à compter de la nouvelle saison radiophonique, dès le dimanche 29 mars, lors du changement des fréquences d’été.

Tout comme notre service allemand, le service français collaborera avec Space Line de la Bulgarie pour une diffusion quotidienne de trente minutes de 19h00 à 19h30 temps universel (UTC). La diffusion sera assurée depuis la ville de Kostinbord sur la fréquence 6005 kHz.

Avant la reprise officielle de notre diffusion, nous procéderons à cinq jours d’essai prévus pour les 22-23, 28-29 février et 1er mars. Nous souhaitons vous inviter à nous aider pour connaître les conditions d’écoute en nous adressant vos rapports d’écoute sur ces jours de test.

Tous vos rapports nous seront extrêmement précieux.

Nous vous invitons également à informer le plus d’auditeurs d’OC possibles afin d’avoir le plus de retour sur cette nouvelle fréquence pour nous. Merci d’avance ! Cordialement, Meg Wang Service français RTI

(Thanks to Marzio Vizzoni that provided the mail)

MW log from Radio Experience 1008 to CKPC 1380 AM

Medium Wave Log by Dario Monferini with Cloud-IQ receiver & loop antenna 

675 20+21/02 0050.....0330 Radio CALYPSO, Oostwold, Gr. NEDERLANDS. Dutch ballads rare ID CATCH THE FEVER WITH RADIO CALYPSO !. AM MODE. POOR/GOOD peaks. DM
LISTENED in // with WEB tnx list

828 20/02 0025-0035 Radio GAZETA SLOVO, St.PETERSBURG, RUSSIA. ID info Russian. AM MODE. GOOD/V.GOOD. DM  Dopo 0040 coperta da SMOOTH Radio. Herts, tx Luton, 200 Watts pop music Cindy LOUPER UK. SUFF.

880 18/02 0120-0125 WCBS, New York City, NY. USA.ID News Radio W-C-B-S 8-80. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1008 19+21/02 2312.....2357 Radio EXPERIENCE, Wageningen, Gld, NEDERLANDS. ID ENJOY THE MUSIC THIS IS RADIO EXPERIENCE ! AM MODE. SUFF/GOOD. listed 100 Watts QRM CADENA SER 1008.
contact tnx list

1010 18+20/02 2324.....0048 WINS, New York City, NY. USA. Weather report & Global News Report. USB MODE. POOR/GOOD. DM

1020 18+20/02 2340.....0118 KDKA, Pittsburgh, PA. USA. ID Breaking news...News Radio 10-20 K-D-K-A. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1030 21/02 0000-0010 WBZ, Boston, MA. USA. ID W-B-Z 10-30 NEWS RADIO. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1035 19+20/02 2359-0005 SUNRISE Radio, tx LYCA DILSE Radio, Cristal Palace London, UK. ID SUNRISE RADIO, ENGLISH News 0000 utc. 0003 phone calls from listeners. AM MODE. GOOD/V.GOOD. DM

1130 18+19+20/02 0055.....0145 WBBR, New York City, NY. USA. ID SPORT REPORT Bloomberg News Radio. USB MODE. POOR/GOOD peaks. DM

1140 18/02 0127-0135 CBI, Sydney, NS. CANADA. CBC Radio One Weather News Report. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1180 19/02 0135-0140 WHAM, Rochester, NY. USA. ID JINGLE WHAM News Report. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM Long deep fades.

1280 18/02 0140-0155 WNAM, Neenah Menasha, WI. USA. ID AMERICA's BEST MUSIC 12-80 W-N-A-M. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM deep fades.

1290 18/02 0158-0205 WKBK, Keene, NH. USA. ID W-K-B-K Keene CBS NEWS. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM QRM MURMANKS Biip Biip 1290.

1350 18/02 0210-0220 WHWH, Princeton, NJ. USA. ID SOMOS LA FAMILIA 13-50 AM. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM WITH TWO UNIDs ON 1350.

1350 20/02 0240-0245 WEGA, Arecibo, PR, PORTO RICO. RELIGIOUS Candelita 7 in Spagnolo. DJ ululante MILAGRO DE DEUS. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1380 18/02 0225-0230 CKPC, Brantford, ON. CANADA. Country Music program. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1395 19+20+21/02 0035.....0315 SEABREEZE Radio, Grou, Frisland, Nederlands. pop music no stop rare IDs. AM MODE, SUFF/V.GOOD. DM

1400 19/02 0146-0156 CBG, Gander, NL. CANADA. CBC NEWS REPORT. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1440 18+19+20+21/02 0050.....0314 RADIO 208, Kopenhagen, DENMARK. ID RADIO TWO O EIGHT THE ROCK of KOPENHAGEN. POP MUSIC, LED ZEPPELIN & THE DOORS & C.C.R. & BEACH BOYS songs ! AM MODE. GOOD/V.GOOD. DM NO SAUDI ARABIA 18 & 20/01 !

1480 19/02 0330-0342 WSAR, Fall River, MA. USA. NewsTalk Radio 14-80 W-S-A-R. Weather forecast. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1490 19/02 0345-0350 WBSS, Pleasantville, NJ. USA. ID AM 14-90 Sports Radio...... LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM Deep fades.


1500 19+20+21/02 0158.....0335 WFED, Washington, DC. USA. ID FEDERAL NEWS RADIO. SPORTS REPORT. LSB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks. DM

1503 19/02 0020-0040 BBC West Midlands, Stoke on Trent, UK. Live late evening local show. AM MODE. GOOD/V.GOOD. DM QRM RNE Radio 5 night program tx Campo de Gibrltar.

1510 19/02 0355-0402 WLAC, Nashville, TN. USA. ON THE HOUR FOX NEWS on 15-10 W-L-A-C. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1521 20/02 0215-0220 Radio PANJ, Covetry, UK. Punjabi Sounds. AM MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM QRM SRo3 Radio DEVIN Slovakia, classic music dominant.

1540 20/02 0208-0215 KXEL, Waterloo. IO. USA. NEWS TALK 15-40 K-X-E-L. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM splash 1539 CADENA SER Network.

1620 20/02 0225-0230 Radio Rebelde, CUBA. in // 5025. ID. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

1660 19/02 0208-0213 WGIT, Canovanas, PR. PORTO RICO. Estan en sintonia de Faro de Santidad. Monotonous Sermon. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. DM

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2020

DX Fanzine, just for real listeners. Here is number 77 January 2020

Radio Tezulutlan, DX Fanzine 77

Less logs than usual but a bumper edition of QSL review thanks to Artur Fernández Llorella from Spain who provided DXF with a lot of information about his QSL catches. This, in short, the content of DX FANZINE No. 77 of January 2020.

Read DX Fanzine: click here

However, the biggest news  is the return to shortwaves of the hosts of IBC (Italian Broadcasting Corporation) with a new programme in Italian called “Scorribande”. The show will be carried over the 1 kW transmitters of Shortwave Radio from Germany on 3975 and 6160 kHz. More details on the last full page advertisiment for “Scorribande”.

Follow DX Fanzine with Facebook


sabato 15 febbraio 2020

Short Wave log - SDXF 6070 kHz special program World Radio Day & other tips

Here some short wave tips by Anker Petersen, in Denmark, with AOR AR7030 receiver and 28 meters longwire

3910 2220-2225 11.2 CLA Voice of the People, via Goyang, South Korea Korean talk 33433 // 3480 (43433), 3935 (ex 3930 33433) and 4450 (32432) - all were jammed AP-DNK

3915 2225-2230 11.2 SNG BBC, Kranji English interview about China 45333 AP-DNK

3945 2230-2235 11.2 CLA Echo of Unification, via Chongjin, North Korea Korean talk, music 45232 AP-DNK

4750 1725-1750 8.2 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Shavar Bengali ann, songs, closing ann, 1730-1745 whisteling tone, then vernacular, not English as scheduled 35333 AP-DNK

4765 0140-0145 12.2 CUB R Progreso, Bejucal Spanish ann, Cuban music 25242 AP-DNK

4765 1730-1735 8.2 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik talk - very weak 25332 AP-DNK

4800 0145-0150 12.2 IND AIR, Hyderabad Telegu talk 43333 QRM China AP-DNK

4800 1735-1740 8.2 CHN Voice of China, Golmud Chinese ann, songs 44434 QRM AIR Hyderabad AP-DNK

4810 1740-1742* 8.2 IND AIR, Bhopal Hindi talk 35333 AP-DNK

4820 1743-1745 8.2 CHN Xizang PBS, Baiding, Tibet Chinese ann, local music 35333 AP-DNK

4850 0150-0155 12.2 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Kazakh talk with piano music behind, ID, song 45444 // 6015 (35433). Also heard 8.2 1745-1750 AP-DNK

4885 1750-1800 8.2 CLA R Echo of Hope, via Taereung, South Korea Korean talk, music 35333 // 3980 (ex 3985 33333 jammed) AP-DNK

4885.04 0155-0200 12.2 B R Clube de Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese conversation about Portugal 35333 AP-DNK

4910 0200-0205 12.2 IND AIR, Jaipur Rajasthani talk 35232 AP-DNK

5129.96 1620-1635 6.2 KGZ R Sadaye Zindagi, Canada, via Bishkek, Krasnaya Rechka Dari religious talk, hymns 35333 AP-DNK

5905 1225-1230 9.2 D Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg German weather for seamen 23222 // 6180 (12211) AP-DNK

6150 1210-1220 9.2 D R Marabu, via R Europa 24, Datteln Dutch ann, pop songs 45434 AP-DNK

6160 1220-1225 9.2 D Shortwaveradio, Winsen English ann, pop songs 35412 deep fading AP-DNK

6170 1245-1250 Sa 8.2 FIN Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish talk, piano music 35343 AP-DNK

7440 0900-1000* 13.2 D Channel 292, Rohrbach SDXF special px on World Radio Day Swedish, history of WRD, Arne Skoog explaining DX-ing, Sonja Persson from HCJB, Quito, interview in English of British Disc Jockey at R Luxembourg, tips in Swedish with R 208, Copenhagen, first, Ingemar Palin broadcasting at R Sweden 1956-1961 and R Atlantico, Canary Isles, 1963-73 in Swedish, English and German, advs for SDXF 45444 AP-DNK


5985 1535-1540 1.2 MMR Myanma R, Yegu Bamar talk 43433 QRM 5985 Turkey in Arabic AP

6085 1050-1100 1.2 D R Mi Amigo Int., Kall-Krekel Dutch ann mentioning Amsterdam, pop songs 45434, also heard on 7310 at 1445 in English (54444) AP-DNK

6150 1505-1510 1.2 D R Marabu, via R Europa 24, Datteln English ann, pop songs 44444 sideband QRM AP-DNK

6190 1500-1505 1.2 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Mongolian talk - QRM CRI in Vietnamese 43533 // 4500 (45434) AP-DNK

6200 1455-1500 1.2 CHN Xizang PBS, Baiding, Tibet Tibetan ann, local songs, timesignal 35232 // 4905 (35433) and 6130 (45434) AP-DNK

9705 1035-1040 1.2 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Kyrgyz conversation 35232 // 7295 (25232) AP-DNK

9750 1030-1035 1.2 CHN Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot Mongolian show with clapping audience, folkmusic 45434 AP-DNK

9780 1025-1030 1.2 CHN Qinghai PBS, Xining Chinese talk 25242 AP-DNK

11760 0950-0955 1.2 CHN Voice of China, Huikou Chinese talk with music behind 25333 // 9500 (25232), 9830 (15231) and 17580 (45544) AP-DNK

11770 0945-0950 1.2 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese conversation 25333 AP-DNK

11800 0955-1005 1.2 CHN China Business R, Beijing Chinese ann, music, timesignal, conversation 35333 // 9810 (25232), 9820 (35333), 11600 (45444), 11610 (34333) and 11670 (25232) AP-DNK

11895 0940-0945 1.2 B R Boa Vista, Porto Alegre, RS Portuguese talk 25232 AP-DNK

12055 1005-1010 1.2 CHN CNR 17, Lingshi Kazakh talk, local song by choir 35433 // 11630 (43433 QRM 11635 CRI in English) AP-DNK


3905 2145-2155 31.1 CLA Voice of the People, via Goyang, South Korea Ex 3910 and 3915 Korean talk, music 32232 // 3930 (32232) and 4450 (32332) all jammed AP-DNK

3915 *2158-2210 31.1 SNG BBC, Kranji BBC Chimes, English ID: "You are listening to the BBC World Service", 2200 Time signal, news: "Great Britain leaving the EU in One Hour !" 45434 AP-DNK

4010.23 0320-0325 31.1 KGZ Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz interview 32332 CWQRM AP-DNK

4750 2220-2225 29.1 CHN Voice of China, Hailar Chinese conversation 25242 // 4800 (45444) AP-DNK

4760 *0328-0335 31.1 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Ranch I/S, English ID's: "This is Trans World Radio, Swaziland", 0330 Shona ann, ID, hymn, talk 45333 AP-DNK

4765 0325-0328 31.1 CUB R Progreso, Bejucal Spanish talk 25232 AP-DNK

4820 2155-2158 31.1 CHN Xizang PBS, Baiding, Tibet Chinese ann, songs 35433 // 5935 (22332 QRM 5940), 6050 (55434) and 7240 (35434) AP-DNK

4885.04 0335-0340 31.1 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese discussion 35333 AP-DNK

4930 0340-0345 31.1 BOT VOA Studio 7, Moepeng Hill English conversation about China, Afropop music 35232 AP-DNK

4960 *2028-2035 31.1 STP VOA, Pinheira I/S, English ID: "This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing on", 2030 Hausa ID, news 35232 AP-DNK

5025 2235-2245 29.1 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish talk about Cuba, Cuban music 33333 CWQRM in LSB AP-DNK

5040 0345-0350 31.1 CUB R Habana Cuba, Bauta Spanish conversation about Cuba, music, ID: "Radio Habana Cuba" 35233 AP-DNK

6015 0240-0344* 29.1 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Kazakh ann by several people, telephone number, talk, local songs 45434 deteriorating to 35333 // 4850 (45333) AP-DNK

6015 *0334-0350 29.1 TZA Zanzibar Broadcasting Corp., Dole New s/on time Swahili talk 33333 QRM Xinjiang AP-DNK

6030 0350-0355 31.1 ETH R Oromiya, Adama, via Geja Jewe Oromo interview 35333 AP-DNK

7205 0310-0315 31.1 SDN R Omdurman, Al-Fatihab Arab songs 35333 AP-DNK

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2020

From Canada to Argentina via Eritrea on Medium Wave - Log

Here few tips on Medium Wave made in Bocca di Magra (Italy) with Perseus and Wellbrook loop Ala 1530LNP.
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

750 31/1 0158 Radio America, Belo Horizonte, music, talks, PP, weak
760 22/1 0158 WJR, Detroit USA, talks, news, EE, fair good

840 22/12 0255 Dimtsi Hafash 2, Asmara, Eritrea; HoA music starting BC, talks, weak fair
870 22/12 0255 LRA1 Radio Nacional, BA, Argentina, music, fair
880 22/1 0200 WCBS, NY, USA, news EE, weak fair

940 22/1 0059 KPSZ, Des Moines, IA, USA, religious mx & talks EE, weak,
950 22/12 0257 Dimtsi Hafash 1, Eritrea, HoA music, starting BC, fair good

1010 22/12 0300 CFRB, Toronto, Canada, news, weather info, fair
1010 29/1 0200 WINS NY USA, news EE, weak
1020 22/12 0300 KDKA, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, news CBS, weak
1040 30/1 0155 Radio Capital, songs, talks, PP, fair

1130 22/12 0300 WBBR, NY USA Bloomberg news, fair

1200 21/12 2200 Radio Clube, Fortaleza,Brazil, talks, PP, weak
1200 22/1 0600 WXKS Boston USA, news talks EE, fair good
1200 22/1 0700 CFGO Ottawa, Canada, news sport EE, fair
1280 02/2 0600 WWTC Minneapolis MN & WNAM Nenaah-Menasha WI USA, mixed talks - songs, fair signal

1290 22/1 0558 WNBF Binghamton NY, USA talks CBS news EE, fair oldies at 0550 iD

1300 27/12 0710 WOOD, Grand Rapids, MI USA, talks EE, weak
1300 22/1 0600 WGDJ, NY, USA, talks, CBS news EE
1320 28/1 0650 CJMR Oakville ON, Canada, Asian songs, fair
1330 22/1 0600 WRCA Watertown MA USA, Bloomberg news, EE weak fair
1350 22/1 0155 WEGA Puerto Rico, slow songs, talks, SS, fair
1350 30/1 0200 Radio Buenos Aires, Argentina, SS, news, fair
1360 22/1 0559 WDRC Hartford CT, USA, talks, news, EE, weak fair

1430 27/12 0705 CHKT, Toronto, Canada, slow songs, Fairchild Radio, weak fair
1430 22/1 0643 WENE, Endicott, NY, USA sport &  sport, fair good
1480 27/12 0705 WGVU Kentwood MI, USA, oldies, EE, fair
1480 22/1 0555 WSAR Fall River, MA, USA, Talks, news EE, weak fair

1500 27/12 0710 WLQV, Detroit, MI, USA talks religious EE, fair when dominant on WFED
1520 27/12 0710 WWKB Buffalo NY, USA, sport ESPN news EE, fair good
1540 27/12 0710 KXEL, Waterloo, IA USA, talks EE, fair good (sometimes mixed another USA rx)
1560 22/1 0600 WFME. NY, USA, religious,great id, EE, good
1570 27/12 0710 XERF, Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, songs SS "La poderosa", fair QRM pres Laval
1580 22/1 0640 CKDO, Oshawa ON, Canada, old songs, weak
1590 27/12 0704 WARV Warwick RI, USA, religious talks, EE, fair good

1600 22/1 0515  WUNR Brookline MA USA,romantic  songs SS, fair

1610 27/12 0705 CHRN Radio Humsafar, Montreal, Canada, Asian, talks, songs, many ids, good
1640 27/12 0700 WSJP, Sussex, WI, USA, religious, interview, EE, Relevant Radio,fair
1650 27/12 0705 CINA, Mississauga, ON, Canada, Asian songs, fair good
1650 22/1 0555 CKZW Montréal QB, Canada religious talks songs FF, poor weak
1660 27/12 0710 WGIT Puerto Rico, Faro de Santidad SS religious, weak
1690 27/12 0700 CHTO, Toronto, Canada, Greek songs, id in EE, QRM WPXT
1690 26/12 0710 WPTX, Lexington Park, MD, USA, EE, songs ids, now dominant good


1440 28/12 0700 Radio 208, Copenhagen, Denmark, songs, fair
1400 22/1 0200 Radio 208, Denmark, songs, EE, good
1530 26/1 0655 Radio Pulse 2,  Huddersfield, UK, commercials, news, EE, fair good
1584 9/2 1220 RDE, Trieste, Italy, Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione, weak fair fading
1593 28/12 0650 Radio Bretagne 5, France, talks, songs, FF, fair good

giovedì 6 febbraio 2020

Ascolti Marittimi DSC sui 2 MHz - Stazioni costiere

Ascolti marittimi in DSC sulla frequenza dei 2187,5 kHz del DXer Mauro Giroletti, a Buccinasco (Milano)

20200131 2130 2187.5 002070810 Varna Radio, Bulgaria
20200131 2231 2187.5 002091000 Cyprus Radio, Cyprus
20200131 2311 2187.5 002111240 Bremen Radio, Germany
20200131 2312 2187.5 002191000 Lyngby Radio, Denmark
20200131 2055 2187.5 002241022 Coruna Radio, Spain

20200131 2046 2187.5 002241024 Valencia Radio, Spain
20200131 2354 2187.5 002241026 Las Palmas Radio, Spain
20200131 2303 2187.5 002275000 CROSS Etel, France
20200131 2123 2187.5 002275100 CROSS Gris Nez, France
20200131 2203 2187.5 002320001 Shetland Coastguard, United Kingdom

20200131 2230 2187.5 002320007 Humber Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200131 2153 2187.5 002320014 Falmouth Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200131 2044 2187.5 002371000 Olympia Radio, Greece
20200131 2148 2187.5 002442000 Netherlands CG Radio, Netherlands
20200131 2211 2187.5 002470002 Palermo Radio, Italy
20200131 2112 2187.5 002470120 Augusta Radio, Italy
20200131 2124 2187.5 002470121 Bari Radio, Italy

20200131 2107 2187.5 002470124 Crotone Radio, Italy
20200131 2219 2187.5 002470125 Genova Radio, Italy
20200131 2334 2187.5 002570000 Public Correspondence, Norway
20200131 2040 2187.5 002570500 Floroe Radio, Norway
20200131 2206 2187.5 002570800 Vardo Radio, Norway

20200131 2101 2187.5 002711000 Istanbul Radio, Turkey
20200131 2157 2187.5 002712000 Samsun Radio, Turkey
20200131 2302 2187.5 002713000 Antalya Radio, Turkey
20200131 2104 2187.5 002734411 Novorossiysk Radio, Russia
20200131 2344 2187.5 002734446 Taman Radio, Russia
20200131 2100 2187.5 002734487 Taganrog Radio, Russia

20200201 0120 2187.5 002050480 Ostende Radio, Belgium
20200201 0203 2187.5 002070810 Varna Radio, Bulgaria
20200201 0328 2187.5 002091000 Cyprus Radio, Cyprus
20200201 0128 2187.5 002111240 Bremen Radio, Germany

20200201 0021 2187.5 002191000 Lyngby Radio, Denmark
20200201 0035 2187.5 002241022 Coruna Radio, Spain
20200201 0009 2187.5 002241024 Valencia Radio, Spain

20200201 0032 2187.5 002241026 Las Palmas Radio, Spain
20200201 0703 2187.5 002275000 CROSS Etel, France
20200201 0037 2187.5 002275100 CROSS Gris Nez, France
20200201 0705 2187.5 002275400 CROSS La Garde, France
20200201 0725 2187.5 002275420 Aspretto, France

20200201 0205 2187.5 002320001 Shetland Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0124 2187.5 002320004 Aberdeen Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0208 2187.5 002320007 Humber Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0014 2187.5 002320010 Dover Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0207 2187.5 002320014 Falmouth Coastguard, United Kingdom

20200201 0459 2187.5 002320017 Milford Haven Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0126 2187.5 002320018 Holyhead Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0531 2187.5 002320021 Belfast Coastguard, United Kingdom
20200201 0015 2187.5 002371000 Olympia Radio, Greece
20200201 0004 2187.5 002442000 Netherlands CG Radio, Netherlands

20200201 0037 2187.5 002470002 Palermo Radio, Italy
20200201 0113 2187.5 002470120 Augusta Radio, Italy
20200201 0544 2187.5 002470121 Bari Radio, Italy
20200201 0045 2187.5 002470124 Crotone Radio, Italy
20200201 0131 2187.5 002470128 Mazara del Vallo Radio, Italy

20200201 0157 2187.5 002500200 Valentia Radio, Ireland
20200201 0015 2187.5 002570000 Public Correspondence, Norway
20200201 0026 2187.5 002570100 Tjome Radio, Norway
20200201 0018 2187.5 002570300 Rogaland Radio, Norway
20200201 0130 2187.5 002570500 Floroe Radio, Norway
20200201 0147 2187.5 002570700 Bodoe Radio, Norway
20200201 0523 2187.5 002570800 Vardo Radio, Norway

20200201 0105 2187.5 002652000 Stockholm Radio, Sweden
20200201 0049 2187.5 002711000 Istanbul Radio, Turkey
20200201 0439 2187.5 002715000 Izmir Radio, Turkey
20200201 0021 2187.5 002734411 Novorossiysk Radio, Russia

20200201 0210 2187.5 002734414 Arkhangelsk Radio, Russia
20200201 0004 2187.5 002734487 Taganrog Radio, Russia
20200201 0418 2187.5 002760100 Tallinn Radio, Estonia
20200201 0419 2187.5 002761000 Tallinn MRCC, Estonia
20200201 0130 2187.5 002770330 Klaipeda Rescue Centre, Lithuania