lunedì 30 aprile 2018

Pirati sulla X Band, il monitoraggio

Dal sito Myradiowaves di Denis IV3PGQ
Appuntamento consueto con il monitoraggio della X Band, con diversi pirati, a cura del DXer Carlos Goncalves.

1610.0 2140-... 24/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1611.0 2139-... 24/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1611.0 2228-... 25/4 ? UNID - pir. Songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1611.0 2102-... 26/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1692. 23341
1611.2 2209-... 21/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1614.1 2100-... 26/4 HOL R.Barones - pir. Mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1615.1 2100-... 20/4 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25331
1616.0 2059-... 26/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15341

1620.0 2143-... 24/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo during speech. 25342
1620.0 2057-... 26/4 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Tks, songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1620.1 2044-... 20/4 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1620.2 2111-... 21/4 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Du, songs, tks. 25341
1620.3 2045-... 20/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1621.1 2105-... 26/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1625.0 2144-... 20/4 HOL UNID - pir. Pops, Dutch songs. 25342
1625.0 2115-... 25/4 HOL UNID - pir. Austrian folk mx & songs. 25341
1628.9 2111-... 23/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1629.0 *2107-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342
1629.0 2102-... 21/4 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1629.0 2121-... 25/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1629.0 2115-... 26/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1629.1 2046-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1629.3 2131-... 24/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341

1631.0 2105-... 20/4 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1635.0 2200-... 21/4 HOL R.Nachtzwerver - pir. Mx, tks. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1636.0 2155-... 24/4 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Silent carrier, Dutch songs & mx, tks, pops. 35332
1636.0 2111-... 26/4 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch songs, folk mx, Du. pops, tks. 35342
1640.0 2051-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1640.0 2121-... 21/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1640.0 2118-... 22/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 15341
1640.0 2116-... 23/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1640.0 2121-... 26/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15341
1643.0 1851-... 22/4 HOL ? ROS AM (p) - pir. Silent carrier. 15341

1650.0 2048-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1650.0 2113-... 21/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1650.0 1849-... 22/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1650.0 2055-... 22/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, greetings, tks. Echo during speech. 35343
1650.0 2137-... 24/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1650.0 2136-... 25/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1650.0 2119-... 26/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx. 15341

1652.0 2101-... 21/4 HOL R.Moby Dick - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25342
1657.2 2107-... 25/4 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1660.0 2135-... 24/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk pops, tks. Echo during speech. 35343
1660.0 2124-... 25/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1660.0 2128-... 26/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1665.0 2207-... 21/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1665.0 2146-... 23/4 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1668.9 2235-... 23/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331

1670.0 2102-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Songs, tks, pops. 25342
1670.0 1859-... 22/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15331
1670.0 2211-... 25/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1671.0 2109-... 21/4 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Songs, tks. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1675.0 2104-... 21/4 HOL Polka R - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25342

1680.0 *2058-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Audio breaks. 35342
1680.0 1857-... 22/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1680.0 2206-... 24/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341

1685.0 2123-... 20/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Tks, Slavic sounding songs. 15331
1685.0 2130-... 21/4 G R.Bogusman - pir. Tks, mx. ID via DX press. 15331
1685.0 2116-... 22/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341

1690.0 2054-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Songs, tks. 35332
1690.0 2127-... 21/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1690.0 2059-... 22/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1690.0 2120-... 22/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx & songs. Echo during speech. 25342
1690.0 2148-... 23/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2133-... 24/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Improved to 35332. 25331
1690.0 2110-... 25/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1690.0 2108-... 26/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342

1700.0 2138-... 21/4 GRC UNID - pir. Light songs, tks, testing, pops. 35342
1700.0 2058-... 22/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342
1700.0 2152-... 23/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1700.0 2148-... 24/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1709.0 2119-... 20/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15341

1720.0 2137-... 20/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1720.0 2118-... 21/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1720.0 2101-... 22/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs, tks. 15341
1720.0 2145-... 24/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Electr. mx. 35342
1720.0 2145-... 26/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331

1740.0 2113-... 23/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1747.1 2119-... 25/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1750.0 2136-... 21/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1750.0 2150-... 24/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1760.0 2155-... 21/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342

domenica 29 aprile 2018

Atlantis FM su 6285 kHz e altri ascolti

Da Shortwave DX Blog
Ascolti del DX Roberto Pavanello in onde medie e corte


1350 21/4 08.00 I AM Radio  - IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione buono
1368 21/4 23.15 Manx R. - Douglas EE MX buono
1395 22/4 09.10 R. Aemme - ??? MX insuf (Happy AM dall'Olanda con 100 w ? NDR)

1602 17/4 22.35 R. Segovia - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1652 21/4 23.50 R. Moby Dick - Dutch MX suff.


3915 21/4 23.00 BBC - Singapore EE NX suff.
4885 16/4 20.15 Voice of Hope - Seoul Coreano MX buono
4885 21/4 23.35 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP MX suff.

5940 21/4 23.40 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP predica buono
6150 22/4 08.50 R. Marabu - Tedesco ID e MX buono
6243 22/4 08.30 R. Waves Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6285 15/4 16.30 Atlantis FM - EE ID e MXsuff.
6305 22/4 08.40 R. Merlin Int. - EE ID e MXbuono

7180 15/4 16.40 VOBME - Asmara Arabo MX suff.
7205 15/4 16.50 Sudan R. - Omdurman Arabo MX suff.
7726 18/4 22.35 Zeppelin R. - EE ID e MXsuff.
9650 16/4 20.10 R. Guinee’ - Conakry FF MX buono
10000 18/4 22.30 WWV - Fort Collins EE ID e pip pip suff.
11735 15/4 17.30 Zanzibar BC - Swahili talk buono

giovedì 26 aprile 2018

Domestic broadcasting dalle bande tropicali ai 15 MHz - Log SW

Dal blog Pagina de QSLs - Fabricio
Ascolti in onde corte by Carlos Gonçalves, soprattutto "Domestic Radio" dalle bande tropicali ai 15 MHz

3310.0 2220-2230 17/4 BOL R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. Quechua, tks, mx. 25331
3320.0 2154-2220 14/4 AFS SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton. Tks, nx, songs. 45343
3910.0 1803-... 14/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. Fairly strg. at 2145. 25331
3910.0 1801-... 15/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25331
3910.0 2117-2127 16/4 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), to KRE, songs, tks. Jammed. 13331
3915.0 2158-2215 17/4 SNG BBC, Kranji relay. IS, WS in E to SEAs, px ann., nx, 35433
3930.0 2116-2126 16/4 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Kor to KRE, songs, tks. Jammed. 23331
3985.0 2031 19/4 KOR Echo Of Hope (cland) Kor to KRE, tks. N.Korean jammer // 5995 23431
3990.0 1742-1751 15/4 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Uighur, tks, local pops. 25342

4450.0 2115-2125 16/4 KOR Voice Of The People (cland) Kor to KRE, songs, tks  jammer. 23331
4750.0 1700-1705* 15/4 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Shavar. Tks. 15341
4774.9 2203-2213 17/4 PRU R.Tarma, Tarma. Cast, tks. QRM de CODAR + B. 23341
4862.0 2113-2123 16/4 B R.Alvorada, Londrina PR. Tks. 15341
4950.0 1734-1739 17/4 IND R.Kashmir, Srinagar. Tks. 35332
4965.0 1816-1826 16/4 ZMB Voice Of Hope, Makeni Ranch. E, rlgs. propag. & songs // 6065 44433
4985.0 2134-2145 13/4 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Mx px Brasil Sertanejo. 2200. 35332
5010.0 1741-1753 15/4 MDG R.TV Madagasikara, Malag, tks, songs, supppressed LSB. 25342
5010.0 1732-1739 17/4 IND AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Muttathura. Tks. 35433
5025.0 0933-0955 18/4 CUB R.Rebelde, Bauta. Tks. F/out. 15431
5040.0 1658-1739 15/4 IND AIR Jeypore, Odisha. Chanting. 25331
5040.0 1733-1739 17/4 IND AIR Jeypore, Odisha. Tks. 25432

5939.7 2136-2146 13/4 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Rlgs. propag. px, songs. 45433
5950.0 1732-1744 13/4 ETH Voice Of The Tigré Revolution, Geja Jawe. Vn, tks. 45433
6010.0 2119-2130 16/4 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Tks, songs. //15190.1 25331
6065.0 1814-1825 16/4 ZMB Voice Of Hope, Makeni Ranch. E, rlgs. & songs // 4965. 55444
6134.8 2205-2215 17/4 BOL R.Santa Cruz, St.ª Cruz de la Sierra. Cast, nx. Poor audio. 25432
6230.0 1803-... 15/4 AUS VMW-Marine Weather stn, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 25342
6375.0 2033-... 19/4 IRL Harmony R - pir. E, oldies. 35443

7205.0 1616-1629 15/4 SDN Sudan RTVC, Al Aitahab. Tks, interviews, songs. Adj. QRM. 24342
7236.4 1520- 15/4 ETH R.Ethiopia, Geja Jawe. Tks, mx. Improving, 25442 at 1625. Drifting. 15341
7425.0 1047-1106 15/4 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, interview, ..., tks. F/out. 25331

8113.0 1805-... 15/4 AUS VMW-Marine Weather stn, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 15341
8176.0 1807-... 15/4 AUS VMC Marine Weather Stn, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 15341

9155.0 1522-1532 15/4 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l (cland.), unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
9515.0 2107-2118 16/4 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. 35443
9550.0 2109-... 16/4 B R.Boa Vontade. Rlgs. propag., choir. Adj. QRM. 24432
9550.1 2140-... 13/4 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Tks. Adj. QRM. 13441
9564.9 0921-1040 14/4 B SRDA, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 25442
9630.6 1103-1150 14/4 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Mass, tks. F/out. 15341
9635.0 1100-... 18/4 MLI R.Mali, Kati. Vn, tks. Audio vy. weak and somewhat distorted. 35443
9635.8 0950-1120 15/4 VTN R.Voice Of Vietnam, Son Tay. Viet, tks, mx. F/out. 25432
9650.0 1050-1135 15/4 GUI R.Guinée. F, road safety px Prudence sur la Route, 45444
9655.0 2111-... 16/4 B R.Voz Missionária. Songs, Bible reading. 45444

9725.4 2142-2153 13/4 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag, advs. Adj. QRM. 33432
9725.4 0951-1045 18/4 B R.Evangelizar. Nx px Evangelizar Informa, fqs ann., rosary,... 25432
9818.6 2215-2225 14/4 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Tks. Adj. QRM. // 1600, rtd. 33442. 33442
9818.6 0955-1005 15/4 B R. 9 de Julho. Folk songs, tks. Adj. QRM de CHN at 1000. 15331
9835.0 1107-1235 14/4 MLA Sarawak FM via RTM, Kajang. Songs, advs., ..., tks, prayer prior to 1200, songs. F/out. 25442

11100.0 1532-1542 15/4 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l (cland.), unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
11735.0 1702-1715 14/4 TZA Zanzibar BC, Dole. Swah, nx, tks. QRM de B. 34443
11735.0 2045-2100* 16/4 B R.Transmundial. Songs. 45444
11815.0 2047-2106 16/4 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Mx px Brasil Sertanejo, Goiás info 35443
11855.8 2049-2105 16/4 B R.Aparecida. Songs in rlgs. propag. px. 45444
11895.1 2037-2049 16/4 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Rlgs. propag. Unusually strg. 35443
11934.9 2040-2051 16/4 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 34443

12190.0 1535-1545 15/4 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l (cland.), unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
12365.0 1808-... 15/4 AUS VMC Marine Weather Stn, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 15441

15190.1 1446-... 15/4 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Tks. 15441

mercoledì 25 aprile 2018

Vozandes Media - HCJB 6050 kHz è altri ascolti SW

Anker Petersen in visita al trasmettitore di HCJB (ora Vozandes Media) in Ecuador nel 1996
Dear DX-friends, aAfter a couple of days with brilliant summerweather here in Denmark, here are my latest loggings on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. Best 73, Anker Petersen

4774.94 0125-0155 17.4 PRU R Tarma, Tarma Spanish talk celebrating the 60 years Jubilee of R Tarma 15131 AP-DNK

4800.01 0055-0100 24.4 IND AIR, Hyderabad Telegu ann, Indian songs 35233 AP-DNK

4840.00 0105-0110 24.4 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk 35333 AP-DNK

4885.03 0155-0200 17.4 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Excited football report in Portuguese by two men 35333 AP-DNK

4920.00 0110-0115 24.4 IND AIR, Chennai English talk 25232 AP-DNK

5025.00 0115-0120 24.4 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish report from an event, ID, - CWQRM from 5022.5 33333 Best in USB AP-DNK

5040.00 0120-0125 24.4 CUB R Habana Cuba, Bauta Creole ann, Cuban song 35233 // 6060 (35433) AP-DNK

5129.87 0125-0130 24.4 USA WBCQ, Monticello, Maine English ann, hymns 25232 AP-DNK

5939.74 0135-0140 24.4 B Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC Portuguese animated talk 25333 AP-DNK

6050.00 0140-0145 24.4 EQA Vozandes Media - HCJB, Pichincha Quechua religious talk, Andean music 25232 AP-DNK

6134.83 0150-0155 24.4 BOL R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Spanish talk 25333 AP-DNK

7205.00 0440-0445 17.4 SDN R Omdurman, Al-Aitahab Arabic ann and songs 35232 AP-DNK
The airport in Quito with the active volcano Pichincha in the background, where the present Vozandes Media (HCJB) transmitter is located

Log Onde Medie & Lunghe. Dall'Islanda al Brasile

Log Onde Lunghe e Onde Medie del DXer portoghese Carlos Gonçalves, con diversi DX TA


153.0 1105-... 18/4 ROU Antena Satelor, Bod Colonie. Rumanian songs, tks, listeners' calls. 25342
189.0 2231-2247 16/4 ISL RÚV, Gufuskálar. Mx. Adj. QRM de D on 183. 33442
189.0 1118-... 18/4 ISL RÚV. Pops. Adj. QRM de D on 183. 14341
207.0 2230-2245 16/4 ISL RÚV, Eiðar. Mx. 35343
207.0 1115-... 18/4 ISL RÚV. Pops. 15341
225.0 2227-... 16/4 POL Polskie R, Solec Kujawski. Interview. 45444
225.0 1110-... 18/4 POL Polskie R. Tks. 15341
252.0 1302-... 14/4 IRL RTÉ R. 1, Summerhill. E, sport. QRM de ALG. 33442
279.0 2228-2237 16/4 TKM ? Turkmen R (p), Aşgabat. Tks. Almost no audio. 25342


590.0 2209-2219 17/4 CAN VOCM, St. John's NL. E, mx, tks. Adj. QRM. 23441
700.0 2210-2220 17/4 B UNID. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. Adj. QRM. 32441
711.0 1409-... 15/4 MRC SNRT-Reg., El Aaiún. Ar. pops. Weak audio. 35353
740.0 2213-2223 17/4 B UNID. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. Adj. QRM. 33442
756.0 2100-2107 13/4 G BBC R.4, Redruth, 2 kW. Nx. QRM de POR + other. 43432
760.0 2105-2115 13/4 B R.Uirapuru, Fortaleza CE. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 24341
783.0 2103-2114 13/4 MTN R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. A, chanting. QRM de E. 44444

828.0 2229-2245 15/4 AZR Antena 1 Açores, M. das Cruzes, Flores, 1 kW. Local px, songs. 45444
828.0 1019-1150 16/4 AZR Antena 1 Açores. Local px, songs, tks. Adj. QRM de E. F/out. 23341
828.0 2204-... 19/4 AZR Antena 1 Açores. Relay Antena 1 for nx. 25342
846.0 2235-... 16/4 IRL R.North, Redcastle, 3 kW. E, ballads. Adj. QRM. 32441
864.0 2201-2210 18/4 EGY ? ERTU-Koran ch. (p), Santah. Chanting. QRM de E. 23441

917.0 2050-... 13/4 NIG R.Gotel Yola, Jabura. Vn, Afr. pops, tks. Off ch. Adj. QRM E 918. 33442
945.0 2036-2056 13/4 STP R.Nacional de São Tomé e Príncipe, Ponta Praião. Songs. 44343
945.0 2038-... 13/4 G Smooth R, Bexhill-on-Sea, 700 W. Songs. 45433

1035.0 2208-2218 19/4 IRN IRIB-R.Yazd, Yazd. Chanting. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. *** Wrongly listed as R.Kerman, Kerman, on 01/3 *** 23431
1050.0 2218-2228 17/4 B UNID. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. Adj. QRM. 33442
1050.0 2230-2236 17/4 ARG UNID. Interview. Adj. QRM. 23441
1060.0 2221-2230 15/4 B R.Grande BH (p), Belo Horizonte MG. rlgs. px from IPDA. 34443
1062.0 2210-2220 19/4 IRN IRIB-R.Kerman, Kerman. Tks, mx. QRM de I towards 2220. 24432
1089.0 2217-2227 15/4 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Adrar. Tks. QRM de G. 43442

1220.0 2215-2225 17/4 B R.Globo, Rio de Jan.º RJ. Chatter, mx. Adj. QRM. 33442
1240.0 2211-2220 15/4 B UNID. Rlgs. propag. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 34342
1250.0 2207-2216 15/4 B UNID. Songs. Adj. QRM. 23441
1280.0 2204-2215 15/4 B R.Tupi (p), Rio de Jan.º RJ. F/ball. 34342

1330.0 2113-2123 13/4 B R.Eldorado, Natal RN. IPDA rlgs propag. Adj. QRM. 33442
1332.0 1811-1821 14/4 IRN IRIB-R.Iran, Tehran. Tks. Adj. QRM. 34443
1380.0 2140-2148 15/4 B R.Itaí (p), Iuna ES. Rlgs. propag., presum. from IPDA. QRM de B. 24342

1400.0 2110-2120 13/4 B R.Espinharas, Patos PB. Tks, advs., songs. QRM de B. Poor mod 34443
1400.0 2232-2242 14/4 CAN CBG, Gander NL. E, celebrating Canadian comedy. 33442
1430.0 2137-2147 15/4 B UNID. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 33342
1431.0 2130-2139 15/4 G Smooth R, Southend, 350 W. Pops. QRM de DJI. 23431
1440.0 2108-2118 13/4 B R.Independência, St.º Amaro da Purificação BA. IPDA rlgs 34443
1458.0 1101-... 18/4 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, BBC world nx, local nx, pops, 35353
1460.0 2201-2210 15/4 B UNID. Advs., songs. Adj. QRM. 23441
1470.0 2144-2154 15/4 B UNID. Obituary in rlgs. propag. QRM de B + ARG. 24342

1530.0 1211-... 18/4 MDR PEF. Songs, advs. 35352
1550.0 1109-1301* 14/4 ALG POLISARIO Front (cland.), Rabouni. A, prayer, ..., prayer again at 1200, tks, interviews, anthem. 25342
1550.0 *1700-... 14/4 ALG POLISARIO Front (cland.). Anthem, A, prayer... tks 35443
1557.0 2125-... 15/4 G Smooth R, 2 sites 500 & 760 W. Songs. 45433
1566.0 2123-2135 15/4 BEN TWR, Parakou. Vn, tks, Afr. mx. 44444
1600.0 2223-2231 14/4 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Interview. Adj. QRM. // 9818.6. 33442

martedì 24 aprile 2018

Pirati, Broadcasting & Marittime - Monitoraggio X Band

Nuovo monitoraggio del DXer Carlos Gonçalves della X Band

1611.0 2201-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 24341
1611.0 1826-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 34342
1611.0 2048-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1611.3 2202-... 13/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 14341
1617.0 2109-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1618.2 1834-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then Grk songs. 25331
1618.3 1910-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Drifting. 25342
1619.0 2206-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1619.0 2151-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 24341
1619.0 1835-... 15/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. Adj. QRM. 14341
1619.0 2157-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1619.2 2108-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Adj. QRM. 34432

1620.0 1825-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1620.0 1824-... 15/4 HOL R.Sapporo (t) - pir. Dutch songs. T-ID via DX press. 25331

1620.0 2121-2132 15/4 ARG AM 1620, Mar del Plata. Tks, songs. Vy. strg. on 17/4, 2145. 24332

1620.0 1838-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1620.0 2131-... 16/4 GRC R.Karama - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35343
1620.0 2121-... 18/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1620.0 2049-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tradit. songs. 35342
1621.0 2150-... 14/4 HOL R.Turftrekker (t) - pir. Mx. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1624.3 2155-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. Adj. QRM. 23341
1624.7 2110-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1625.0 1828-... 14/4 HOL R.Pandora - pir. Du/Ê, pops, tks. 25342
1625.0 1816-... 15/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25342
1625.0 2132-... 16/4 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 35343
1625.0 1849-... 17/4 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Du, songs, tks. Improving, rtd. 25342 at 1900. 15341
1625.0 2133-... 17/4 HOL R.Napoleon - pir. Du, tks, testing, Dutch songs. 35342
1625.0 2046-... 19/4 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1625.7 1818-... 15/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1625.8 2048-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25331
1625.9 2058-... 17/4 GRC UNID pir. Tks, Grk mx. 24442
1626.1 1841-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25341
1628.0 2126-... 17/4 HOL R.Drukstromjager - pir. Du, pops, tks, then off, but back again later, w/ mx, ref. to R.Noordzee, R.Montecarlo. 35343
1628.7 1827-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1629.0 1829-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 24341
1629.0 2107-... 17/4 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Du, tks, Dutch songs. 35342
1629.0 2117-... 18/4 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Songs. 25341
1629.0 2059-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1629.5 2133-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 45343

1629.8 2158-22 13/4 ARG R.América (p), San José Tks. 15341

1630.0 1838-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1630.4 1845-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1634.0 1853-... 16/4 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Tks, pop mx. 15341
1634.9 1912-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, mx. 25331
1635.0 2218-... 14/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1635.0 1814-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1635.0 1836-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1636.0 1902-... 14/4 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. Fairly strg. at 2130. 25342
1636.0 2120-... 18/4 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch mx & songs, tks, pop oldies. 35343
1636.9 1912-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 35342
1637.0 2107-... 19/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331

1640.0 2122-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 35332
1640.0 1903-... 14/4 HOL R.Relmus - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 15341
1640.0 2107-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1640.0 2134-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pop mx, oldies. Improving. Rtd. 35343 at 2200. 25341
1640.0 2118-... 17/4 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, tks & ref. to R.Marianne, R.Noordzee, Dutch mx. 35343
1640.0 2121-... 19/4 HOL R.Caiman - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1642.0 1834-... 17/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pop mx. 15341
1643.0 2110-... 14/4 HOL ? ROS AM (p) - pir. Songs. 35342
1644.0 2117-... 15/4 CNR Arrecife R, Los Hoyos. Navig. warnings in both Cast & E. 35443
1645.0 1841-... 13/4 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25341
1645.0 1830-... 14/4 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25342
1645.0 2112-... 14/4 B MLZ ndb, Merluza oil rig off São Paulo state coast. CW IDs 15341
1645.0 1916-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1645.0 2056-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 15341
1645.2 1832-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. Drifting. 25341
1646.0 1839-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25341
1648.0 2146-... 14/4 HOL R.Moby Dick (p) - pir. Dutch songs. 25342
1649.0 1908-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35332

1650.0 1829-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1650.0 2115-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks, ref. to R.Kaiser 44343
1650.0 2114-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1650.0 1820-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 35342
1650.0 1832-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342
1650.0 2204-... 16/4 F CROSS Corsen, Pointe de Corsen. Wx rpt. QRM de Greek pir. stn. 34342
1650.0 1818-... 17/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 2130-... 18/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1650.0 2050-... 19/4 HOL R.Kristal - pir. Mx, Dutch songs, tks. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1650.5 2134-... 17/4 GRC R.Kaiser (t) - pir. Tks, Grk songs, greetings. 35332
1650.8 1828-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1651.4 2114-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1652.2 1837-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1654.0 2219-... 14/4 ? SAKO (?) ndb, site? Continuous telegraphy IDs. DF=SWest. 24341
1655.0 1831-... 14/4 HOL R.Golfbreker - pir. Pops, Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1655.0 2118-... 15/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. Audio breaks. 25343
1655.3 1840-... 17/4 HOL UNID - pir. Mx, Dutch songs. Improving, rtd. 25342 at 1900.. 15341
1656.0 1812-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 25342
1656.0 1852-... 15/4 HOL UNID - pir. Du, tks, Dutch folk mx. 35342
1656.8 2120-... 14/4 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 35342
1657.0 2215-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 15341
1659.0 1822-... 17/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Slavic sounding mx. 15341
1659.5 1851-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341

1660.0 2214-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 15341
1660.0 2123-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 25342
1660.0 1833-... 16/4 HOL UNID - pir. Tks, Dutch songs. 25341
1660.0 1843-... 17/4 SRB ? R.Kaliber - pir. Serb (p)/E, tks, rpt. to another stn. 35343
1660.0 2051-... 19/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 15341
1662.0 1838-... 14/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1662.0 2218-... 16/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15331
1662.0 1845-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 35342
1663.0 1820-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx & songs. 25342
1664.0 1847-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. Drifted to 1665. 35343
1665.0 2157-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then songs. 15331
1665.0 2126-... 14/4 HOL R.Polkaman (t) - pir. Dutch folk mx. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1665.0 2047-... 15/4 HOL R.Polkaman - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 15341
1667.8 2139-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Drifting. 35343

1670.0 1831-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 25342
1670.0 1840-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1670.0 2142-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech, not strg. audio for mx. 35343
1670.0 1822-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks, testing. 35342
1670.0 1831-... 16/4 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Pops. 25341
1670.0 2135-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1670.0 1824-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1670.0 2125-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 35343
1670.0 2129-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, greetings, ref. to R.Samurai. Echo during speech. 45444
1670.0 2122-... 18/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25342
1670.0 2052-... 19/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15341
1671.0 2112-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 35343
1673.0 1918-... 15/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1673.1 1855-... 16/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx & songs. 25342
1674.2 1836-... 16/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Mx. Drifting. 15341
1675.0 2055-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 35342
1675.9 2053-... 19/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1676.7 1916-... 15/4 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Drifting. 15341
1679.2 1851-... 15/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Silent carrier. 15341

1680.0 2208-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, electr. mx. 25342
1680.0 2128-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 45444
1680.0 1829-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1680.0 1905-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1680.0 2135-... 18/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1680.0 2055-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1680.0 2103-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, mx, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 35342
1680.2 1832-... 14/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25341
1680.8 1838-... 15/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier, drifting. 25342
1684.0 1811-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo during speech. Drifted to 1684.404. 35342
1684.4 2143-... 18/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15341
1685.0 2046-... 15/4 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? pir. Tks, in E as if some old px was being aired. 15341
1685.0 2115-... 19/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1688.5 1833-... 13/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. Drifting. 25342
1689.0 2115-... 15/4 CNR Las Palmas R, Pico del Inglés. warnings in both Cast & E. 35443
1690.0 1847-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops 35332
1690.0 1835-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2130-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1690.0 1830-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks abt. the signal. 35342
1690.0 1828-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1690.0 2137-... 16/4 GRC R.Galáxia pir. songs, greetings, ref. to other Greek stns as Zodiac 45444
1690.0 1826-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1690.0 2125-... 18/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1694.5 2159-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1696.0 2200-... 16/4 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. 35343
1699.5 1843-... 14/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx, tks. Unstable carrier. 15341

1700.0 1835-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1700.0 1857-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 35343
1700.0 1854-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1700.0 1855-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. QRM de another Greek pir. stn. 45343
1700.0 1840-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then tks. Weak audio. 35343
1700.0 1834-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks 25342
1700.0 2141-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1700.0 1828-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35343
1700.0 2133-... 18/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1700.0 2111-... 19/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1704.0 2138-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. QSY 1705, then 1708. 25331
1707.9 1900-... 14/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25342

1710.0 1855-... 13/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 25342
1710.0 1859-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1710.0 1858-... 17/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, pop mx. 15341
1712.0 2139-... 14/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1718.0 2146-... 16/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25342
1720.0 1849-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Testing. 35343
1720.0 1914-... 16/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25341
1720.0 2138-... 18/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15341
1720.0 2119-... 19/4 ? UNID - pir. Electr. mx 15341
1723.5 2130-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25331
1725.0 1851-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 35342
1725.0 2132-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1725.0 2138-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx, then suddenly changed to Grk songs. 35342
1726.8 1849-... 15/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25342
1727.1 1847-... 15/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1729.0 2210-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342

1730.0 1853-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 35342
1730.0 1845-... 14/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1730.0 1856-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1730.0 2132-... 14/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Electr. mx. 25342
1730.0 1845-... 15/4 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 25331
1730.0 2144-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx. 35343
1734.0 2148-... 16/4 DNK Lyngby R, Blåvand. Wx (p) px. 35342
1738.6 1856-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 15341

1740.0 1900-... 13/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25342
1740.0 2134-... 14/4 GRC UNID - pir. Pop mx, tks. 35342
1740.0 1920-... 15/4 GRC UNID - pir. Testing, tks, electr. mx. 35343
1740.0 1848-... 16/4 GRC UNID - pir. Pop mx, tks. If the same, much better at 2145. 25341
1740.0 1903-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1740.0 2120-... 17/4 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx, pops. 35343
1746.0 1845-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25341
1746.9 1859-... 13/4 ? UNID - pir. Testing. 15341

1750.0 1843-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1752.0 1855-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1754.8 2123-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1755.0 2128-... 13/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35332
1755.0 1844-... 16/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25341
1755.8 2122-... 17/4 ? UNID - pir. Tks. Poor modulation. 25342
1757.0 2213-... 16/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. Distorted. 35342
1758.0 2136-... 14/4 DNK Lyngby R, Frederikshavn. E, navig. warnings. 25342
1759.3 1858-... 14/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25341

1761.8 2140-... 18/4 ? UNID - pir. Tks in a Slavic lang. 15331
1766.2 1853-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. Drifting 35342
1770.2 2143-... 17/4 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. Faulty modulation. 35343
1772.2 1843-... 15/4 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. Drifting. 25331
1784.0 1846-... 16/4 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25341
1794.9 2138-... 19/4 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341

2598.0 2150-... 16/4 CAN UNID coastal stn, 8 listed. Wx rpt. 35342
2719.0 2154-... 17/4 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Navig. warnings. 35343

lunedì 23 aprile 2018

Ecuador, Perù, Panama, Guatemala... Log in onde medie

Arequipa, Perù
Ecco un bel log di ascolti DX transatlantici in onde medie di Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno), Italy - RX: Perseus SDR & Jaguar software ANT: DKaz + FLG100LN

600 R Rebelde, San Germán-SS mx, ID "Rebelde, La Habana ..." //1620 222 0431 05/04
670 R Rebelde, various locations-SS tlk, anns, ID //1620 232 0453 05/04
710 CMBA R Rebelde, various locations-SS ann, ID /"1620 131 0258 20/03

1070 HJAH Emisoras Atlántico, Barranquilla-SS mx, ID "Emisoras Atlántico" 222 0459 24/03
1140 HJCL R Panamericana, Girardot-SS tlk, ID "Radio Panamericana" 333 0435 03/04
1140 OCY4C R Programas del Perú, Pilcomayo-SS tlk, ann (1140.249) 232 0459 02/04
1140 CMBA R Rebelde, various locations-SS ID "Rebelde, la Habana, emisora de la revolución" //1620 232 0459 20/03

1170 HJNW Caracol R, Cartagena-SS ID "Caracol Radio" 311 0359 10/04
1180 CMBA R Rebelde, various locations-SS ID "Rebelde, la Habana, emisora de la revolución" //1620 322 0459 20/03
1190 HJCT La Voz de la Costa, Barranquilla-SS px mx, ID "La Voz de la Costa" 222 0403 10/04
1190 HJCV R Cordillera, Bogotá-SS px mx, ID "Radio Cordillera" 232 0437 08/04
1190 HCDE2 UCSG R-TV, Guayaquil-SS ID "Universitad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil" 322 0454 29/03

1200 YVOZ R Tiempo, Caracas-SS ID "Radio Tiempo" 222 0303 10/04
1240 OAU6D R Lider, Arequipa-SS ID "Lider ... Arequipa" 211 0103 20/04
1240 LRI218 R.Univ. Nacional del Sur, Bahi-SS "Bahía Blanca... correo:" 322 0002 15/04
1270 LS11 R Provincia de Buenos Aires, La -SS news, anns, ID "Informa Provincia, donde están las noticias” 322 0102 07/04
1280 YVOF R Trujillo, Trujillo-SS mx, anns, ID "Radio Trujillo" (1280.03) 222 0349 10/04
1280 WCMN NotiUno, Arecibo-SS mx, slogan, ID "NotiUno ... Puerto Rico" 322 0329 10/04
1320 YVWP R Apolo, Turmero-SS mx, anns, ID "Radio Apolo" 311 0331 10/04
1340 CMFL R Ciudad del Mar, Palmira-SS ann, National anthem //1350 211 0401 18/04

1350 OCU6D Radio Municipal de Ichuña, Ichuña-SS mx, "Radio Municipal de Ichuña" 1349.97 322 0034 20/04
1350 CMFL R Ciudad del Mar, Aguada de Pasajeros-SS ann, ID, National anthem 222 0402 18/04
1350 WEGA R LasVegas, Vega Baja-SS mx, ID "13-50 AM Vega Puertorico" 222 0321 10/04
1350 HOZ38 BBN Panama, Rio Abajo-SS rlg, ID "BBN Panamá" 333 0359 10/04
1350 HJDS R Ondas de la Montana, Medellin-SS Laboratorio Soluna, ID "Ondas de la Montana" 443 0451 05/04
1350 HOZ38 BBN Panama, Rio Abajo-SS rlg, mx, ID "BBN" 222 0456 30/03
1350 LS6 R Buenos Aires, Burzaco-SS mx, ID "Radio Buenos Aires" 232 0025 21/03

1360 HJUO Sistema Cardenal, Cartagena-SS px mx, ID "Sistema Cardenal" 433 0344 10/04
1380 OCY4U R Nuevo Tiempo, Lima-SS mx, ann, ID "Nuovo Tiempo" 322 0031 20/04
1380 OAX2W R Campesina, Cajamarca-SS px mx, ann, ID "Campesina" 322 0313 15/04
1380 YVNG Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello-SS mx, ID "Ondas del Mar" 544 0259 10/04
1380 HJMM Vida, Valledupar-SS mx, nx, ann, ID "Cadena Radial Vida" 433 0400 10/04
1380 XECO Romantica 1380, México DF-SS px mx, ID "Romantica 1380" 322 0437 04/04

1440 OAX6R R Santa Monica, Cayma-SS px mx, ID "Radio Santa Monica" 343 0100 20/04
1440 HJGM Antena 2, Sogamoso-SS ann, ID "Antena dos" 222 0414 10/04
1440 HJNZ Colmundo R, Medellín-SS ann, ID "Colmundo" 212 0459 23/03
1440 ZYH466 R Independência, Santo Amaro-PP rlg, mx, ID 333 0328 21/03

1450 YVKJ R María, Caracas-SS mx, ID "Radio María" 222 0301 10/04
1470 OAU6E R Victoria, Arequipa-SS px mx, ID "Victoria" 232 0056 20/04
1470 R La Primerísima, Panamá-SS px mx, slogan, ID "La Primerísima" 333 0405 10/04
1470 HJNT R Huellas, Cali-SS rlg, ID "Radio Huellas" 222 0455 04/04
1470 OAU4B R Capital, Lima-SS mx, ID "Radio Capital" 322 0458 02/04
1480 HJOD El Rodadero-SS ann, ID "Santa Marta ... Radio Rodadero" 222 0259 10/04
1490 HJAY R Vida Nueva, Barranquilla-SS ann, ID "Radio Vida Nueva" 333 0500 30/03
1500 OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima-SS rlg, ID "Santa Rosa" 333 0132 17/04
1500 YVRZ R 2000 AM, Cumaná-SS ann, mx, ID "Radio Dos Mil" 222 0330 10/04

1510 OCX6Q R Alegria, Arequipa-SS ann, slogan, ID "Radio Alegria" 444 0055 20/04
1510 OCX4J R Tarma, Tarma-SS px mx, slogan, ID "Radio Tarma" 333 0402 17/04
1550 CMBA R Rebelde, various locations -SS ID "Rebelde, la Habana, emisora de la revolución" //1620 222 0459 20/03
1560 HJXZ Santa María de la Paz R, Medellin-SS rlg, ID "Santa María de la Paz" 322 0129 17/04
1560 R Adventista de Panamá, Llano Bonito-SS rlg, ID Radio Adventista, La Voz de la Esperanza" 433 0405 10/04
1560 XECHZ R Lagarto, Chiapa de Corzo-SS ann, National anthem, ID "Radio Lagarto" 322 0500 04/04
1570 TGVE Voz Evangelica de America (R VEA-SS rlg, "Radio Voz Evangelica de America" 433 0455 04/04
1570 OCU4J R Bethel, Lima-SS ann, ID "Bethel" 322 0501 02/04

1580 HJRM Sistema Cardenal, Sincelejo-SS mx, ID "Sistema Cardenal" 433 0436 08/04
1590 HJIP BBN, Envigado-SS rlg, ID "BBN" 333 0456 05/04
1590 XEVOZ Arroba 15-90, México-SS mx, ann, ID "Arroba 15-90 AM" 222 0459 04/04

1620 LU9 AM 16-20, Mar del Plata-SS px mx, ID "Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina, Transmité AM 1620, AM Nuevo" 333 0001 15/04
1620 CMNL R Bayamo, Bayamo-SS ann, ID "Radio Bayamo" 322 0501 23/03
1620 CMBA R Rebelde, various - SS ID "Rebelde... emisora de la revolución" 444 0459 20/03
1640 R Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo-rlg, gregorian chant, ID 232 0344 18/03
1650 XEARZ ZER R 1650, Mexico DF-SS SS px mx, ID "Zer Radio 16-30" 333 0435 08/04
1660 WGIT Faro de Santidad, Canóvanas-SS rlg, ID "Faro de Santitad" 433 0440 05/04

sabato 21 aprile 2018

Log onde corte: dal Guatemala a Palau

Bene su 11530 kHz
Log onde corte del DXer Mauro Giroletti

4055 19.04.18 0410 GTM R.Verdad, Chiquimula, EE: Rlgs TK & songs F.

4810 11.04.18 1700 ARM Armenian National R., Yerevan/Gavar, Farsi NX G. 

4885 19.04.18 0420 B R.Clube do Parà, Belem, PP: MX. F.

4949.7 16.04.18 1910 AGL R.Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, PP: TK. F

5950 11.04.18 1750 ETH VO Tigray Revolution, A.Ababa/Gedja, VV: HoA songs TK G.

7120 11.04.18 1740 SOM R.Hargeisa, Somali: MX. G. MGi (Mauro Giroletti)

9965 15.04.18 1355 PLW T8WH, Palau Medorn, EE: Rlgs TK. G.

11530 15.04.18 1340 MDA Voice of Welt (Radyo Denge Welat) CLA Kichinev,Kurdish music G.


IK2GFT- SWLI2-1510

-JRC 525 NRD-LOWE HF 150-Elad FDM S2 - Antenna LOOP ALA100M- MiniWHIP
-Filter PAR Electronics LPF - HPF - Lat. 45.25’.00’’ Long. 9.7’.00” -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

venerdì 20 aprile 2018

Z100 Milan 828 kHz e altri ascolti MW & SW

Ascolti in onde medie e corte di Roberto Pavanello


828 8/4 09.58 Z100 - IT ID e NX buono
936 8/4 10.20 RAI R.1 - Venezia IT NX reg. Veneto suff.
1035 9/4 22.00 R. Eli - Tartu Russo talk suff.
1035 10/4 22.30 R. Jordan - Amman Arabo MX suff.
1206 9/4 22.05 Amica R. Veneta - Vigonza IT MX buono
1341 9/4 21.57 Onda Cero R. - Ciudad Real SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1512 12/4 11.30 Mini R. - IT ID e MX suff. HRD a Bernate Ticino ( MI )
1575 8/4 10.15 RAI R.1 - Genova IT NX reg. Liguria buono


3330 14/4 03.40 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
4765 14/4 03.45 R. Progreso - Habana SS NX buono
4775 14/4 23.20 R. Tarma - SS MX buono
4875 14/4 23.25 R. Roraima - Boa Vista PP MX buono
4885 14/4 23.30 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP calcio buono
4950 14/4 23.15 R. Nacional - Luanda PP MX suff.


5940 14/4 23.35 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP MX suff.
5950 13/4 16.50 Voice of Tigray Revolution - Mekele Tigrino talk suff.
6085 15/4 09.30 R. Mi Amigo - EE ID e MX buono
6205 14/4 23.50 Laser Hot Hits - EE ID e MX buono
7250 13/4 16.55 Bangladesh Betar - Dhaka Bengalese MX suff.

10000 9/4 20.10 Observatorio Nacional - Rio de Janeiro PP ID e ora suff.
11955 15/4 09.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo Dx by Roberto Scaglione buono

giovedì 19 aprile 2018

QSL: Zeppelin Radio & Radio Melkbus

ricevute dal DXer Roberto Pavanello

Zeppelin Radio 7726 KHz con QSL elettronica allegata in 15 ore

Radio Melkbus 3905 KHz con QSL elettronica allegata in 44 giorni

USA, Canada... DXing in onde medie

Qualche ascolto DX in onde medie da Bocca di Magra col solito Winradio Excalibur Pro e il loop Wellbrook ALA1530LNPro. Ciao Giampiero

1300 17/4 0425 WJDA Quincy MA, USA, Latin songs, SS talks, fair
1330 17/4 0427 WRCA Watertown MA USA, economics, fair

1350 7/4 0155 Boa Vontade, Salvador, Brazil, usual religious, PP, fair
1350 5/4 0448 Ondas de la Montana, Medellin, Colombia, sons, ids, talks about Amazonia, SS weak/fair

1380 16/4 0410 CKPC Brantford ON Canada, country songs "Your hometown country station CKPC" fair
1390 17/4 0400 WEGP Presque Isle ME, USA, talks EE, fair
1400 17/4 0430 CBG Gander NL, Canada, EE, talks, fair
1440 17/4 0415 WVEI Worcester MA, USA, EE, "Sports Radio" fair dominant over WRED "Fox Sports"
1440 6/4 0445 Adamawa BC, Yola, Nigeria, african songs, Vn, fair

1470 6/4 0505 WLAM, Lewiston ME USA, id, EE, fair, dominant for only one minute
1470 6/4 0435 Radio Capital, Lima, Peru, talks, commercials, id, fair for few minutes
1500 15/4 0420 WFED, Washington DC, USA, reports EE, good
1560 6/4 0500 WFME Family Radio, NY USA, usual songs & talks EE, fair
1600 17/4 0429 WUNR Brookline MA, USA, SS, commercials, fair

1620 5/4 0430 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, songs, "Desde la Habana Rebelde", reports, SS good
1660 5/4 0450 WGIT, Puerto Rico, religious talks SS, "Farodesantidad punto com" fair
1660 5/4 0500 WQLR Kalamazoo MI USA, id, sport news, EE, fair dominant for few minutes
1690 17/4 0420 WPTX, Lexington Park, MD, light songs & mx, EE, LSB to avoid Gr pir, fair
1700 5/4 0455 WJCC Miami Springs, FL USA, talks in Creole, songs, fair

mercoledì 18 aprile 2018

Dal Brasile alla Nuova Zelanda in onde corte

E anche in onde corte...
Log onde corte del DXer Carlos Gonçalves:

3900.0 2044-... 07/4 HOL R.Python - pir. E, pops, tks. 35332
3920.1 2141-... 08/4 ? Rock R Network - pir. E, pops, tks. Deteriorating. 35433
3975.0 2050-... 07/4 D Short Wave R - pir. Pops. 35332

4774.8 2137-2147 12/4 B R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG. Mass. 35332
4875.3 2139-2149 12/4 B R.Roraima Chatter, listeners' calls, mx & songs, sponsored by Casa Reis, advs. for groceries. 35333
4885.0 2101-2112 06/4 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland, Nowon-gu. Kor to KRE, tks. 35332
4885.0 2141-2150 12/4 B R.Dif.ª Acreana, Rio Branco AC. Tks, songs. QRM de B. 33331
4949.7 2143-2155 12/4 AGL RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos. Interviews in px Fórum, pops. 35332
5035.0 2145-2156 12/4 B R.Educação Rural, Coari AM. Songs, tks, rosary. 25331

5820.0 1820-... 06/4 ? R.Mi Amigo (D?) via relay - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 25331
5980.0 1631-1644 07/4 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, tks, mx. Adj. QRM. 23431
5995.0 2215-... 10/4 MLI R.Mali, Kati. No audio, but almost surely MLI. 45333
6003.0 1828-1838 06/4 KOR R.Echo Of Hope (cland.), Hwaseong. Kor to KRE, tks. Jammed. 22441
6040.7 2201-2210 12/4 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil 34442
6059.8 2203-2212 12/4 B SRDA, Curitiba PR. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. Adj. QRM. 24342
6080.0 2205-2215 12/4 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 33442
6090.0 2041-2054 09/4 ETH Voice Of Amhara State, Geja Jawe. Vn, tks, HoA songs. 45433

6205.0 1820-... 05/4 G Laser Hot Hits - pir. E, pops, chatter. 35433
6210.0 2045-... 07/4 I R.Barraquda - pir. Pops. USB tx. ID via DX press. 25342
6235.0 1748-... 07/4 F R.Waves Int'l (t)- pir. Ital, pops, tks, nr. ann. Drifted to 6235.1. T-ID via DX press. 35332
6285.0 1814-... 06/4 IRL ? Coast FM (Canary Is. stn) via UNID, Irish? pir. E, advs. (for Tenerife, Canaries), pops. 45444
6320.0 1822-... 08/4 HOL R.Joey - pir. Du, pops, tks. 35443
6325.2 1633-... 07/4 G R.The Ghoul - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 35332
6390.0 1635-... 07/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25331
6507.0 1836-... 05/4 AUS VMC Marine Weather Stn, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings //8176 25342

7120.0 1807-1821 07/4 SOM R.Hargeisa, Hargeisa, Somaliland. A, tks, phone-ins, HoA mx. 43432
7425.0 0825-1115 08/4 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, songs, tks, nx at 1000 55444
7720.0 1804-... 07/4 I R.Marconi Int'l pir. Ital/E, tks, pops, ref. to the NZL DX League. USB 25442

8176.0 1835-... 05/4 AUS VMC Marine Weather Stn, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings //6507. 15341

9515.0 2045-2055 09/4 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Songs, tks. 25331
9630.6 1812-1824 12/4 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Rlgs. propag., songs. 35332
9650.0 1819-... 12/4 GUI R.Guinée. Vn, Afr. pops. 45444
9650.0 1823-1840 11/4 GUI R.Guinée, Sonfonia. Vn, tks, Afr. songs. Adj. QRM. 44433
11815.0 2223-... 11/4 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Tks. 15341
13730.0 2058-2108 09/4 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, wx, nx at 2100. 25331

martedì 17 aprile 2018

Log SW alla vecchia maniera con Geloso G4/220

Il Geloso G4/220 in azione. Ascolto alla vecchia maniera
Ascolti vecchio stile a Milano con il Geloso G4/220 e antenna T2FD di 15 metri. 73, Giampiero

5945 15/4 1942 Voice of IR of Iran, Italian bc, very good
7340 16/4 1835-1857* China Radio Int. Italian BC, very good

9355 15/4 1910 Firedrake, China, Chinese music jammer, good
9390 15/4 1912 Radio Thailand, EE bc, frequencies FM too, news, very good
9410 15/4 1915 BBC, Dhabbaya, UAE, reports in EE, fair
9420 16/4 1903 Voice of Greece, Avlis, nice jazz, Greek, very good
9445 15/4 1918 All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru, EE talks, Indian song, very good
9460 15/4 1923 Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, radio drama, very good
9635 15/4 1927 Voice of Turkey, Emirler, ids in FF, start bc in FF, good
9730 15/4 1932 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, FF news, good S but QRM CRI
9810 15/4 1935 Voice of IR of Iran, Sirjan, English, reports, fair
9940 15/4 1938 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, FF religious, good

11253 12/4 1130 RAF Volmet, UK, EE, airports info, fair
11530 12/4 1125 Dengê Welat, Maiac, Moldova, Kurdish, talks, good
11720 15/4 1815 VOA, Udon Thani, Thailand, Amharic, reports, politics, fair
11735 15/4 1825 Zanzibar BC, Tanzania, talks Swahili, songs, good
11790 15/4 1906 AWR, Nauen, Germany, religious talks Wolof mentioning Senegal, very good
11810 15/4 1830 BBC, Ascension, EE International fair
11830 15/4 1837 Radio Ndarason Int. Issoudun, France, in Kanuri to Nigeria, talks, fair
11850 15/4 1833 Follow the Bible Ministries, Woofferton, UK, religious, AA, fair/good
11860 15/4 1841 Rep. Yemen Radio Sana'a, via Saudi Arabia, AA, talks, weak/fair
11955 15/4 1845 AWR, Moosbrunn, Austria, AA, songs, talks, good
11975 15/4 1848 Radio Romania Int, Galbeni, Romanian, good

12030 15/4 1903 Follow The Bible Ministries, Ascension, EE, religious, very good
12050 15/4 1851 Dandal Kura, Ascension, to Nigeria, Kanuri, interviews (one in FF), good
12060 15/4 1859 Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, France, in FF (not AA as reported), reports, good
12130 15/4 1855 VOA, Udon Thani, Thailand, Amharic, ending BC, fair/good

15130 12/4 1100 Radio Romania Int. Start EE bc, good //15320
15360 12/4 1105 Radio Mashaal, Udon Thani, Pashtu, talks, fair/good
15435 12/4 1110 Station KSDA, Agat, Guam, Chinese talks, slow music, weak/fair
15490 12/4 1115 BSKSA 1, Riyad, Arabic talks and news later, good

16100 12/4 1119 CNR1 China, Chinese talks, weak, jamming Taiwan

17490 12/4 1020 China Radio Int. Kashi, English BC, reports, good
17570 12/4 1025 China Radio Int. Kashi, Hungarian bc, talks, good
17615 12/4 1029 BSKSA, Riyad, Saudi Arabia, Holy Quran, AA, very good
17665 12/4 1032 AWR, Station KSDA, Agat, Guam, talks Chinese, fair fading
17710 12/4 1036 Deutsche Welle, Meyerton, South Africa, Swahili, talks, fair
17730 12/4 1040 Station KSDA, Agat, Guam, Tagalog, talks, weak
17850 12/4 1044 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, Thai, songs, very good
17880 12/4 1047 Radio Azadi - Free Afghanistan, Udon Thani, Thailand, talks in Dari, good

21670 12/ 1052 BSKSA Riyad, Saudi Arabia, Indonesian, talks, reports, weak

Log onde medie made in Portugal

Ecco un po' di ascolti in onde medie del DXer portoghese Carlos Gonçalves:

252.0 2142-2152 09/4 IRL RTÉ-R. 1, Summerhill. E, tks, interview. QRM de ALG. 32442

693.0 2217-2227 07/3 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Reggane. A, chanting. QRM de E. 32441
711.0 2220-2229 07/3 IRN IRIB-R.Ahwaz, Ahwaz. Tradit. songs. QRM de E + MRC. 32441
711.0 2224-2234 07/3 MRC SNRT-Reg., El Aaiún. Tradit. songs. QRM de E. 34443
765.0 2146-2156 09/4 G BBC Essex, Chelmsford, 500 W. E, tks, songs. 33432
774.2 2230-2240 07/3 EGY ERTU-M.East Commercial ch. (p), Abis. Ar. songs, tks. 774. 43442
783.0 2235-2245 07/3 SYR ORTAS, Tartus. Ar. mx & songs, tks. QRM de E. 54433

917.0 2203-2214 08/3 NIG R.Gotel Yola, Jabura. Vn, listeners' calls, phone nr. ann. in E, local pops. Off ch. Adj. QRM de E on 918. 34342
927.0 2210-2220 08/3 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Timimoun. A, tks. Adj. QRM. 34342
945.0 2207-2216 08/3 NIG ? R.Kebbi (p), Birnin Kebbi. Vn, tks, mx. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 23341

1035.0 2217-2226 08/3 EST ? R.Eli (p), Tartu. Tks, seemingly in Ru. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 23341
1071.0 2223-2235 08/3 ARS BSKSA-R.Riyadh, Bisha. Interview, tks, chanting. Adj. QRM. 24342
1161.0 1841-1852 11/4 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Tamanrasset, In Salah. A, tks, anns., Ar. songs. 34443
1170.0 2157-2209 09/4 SVN R.Capodistria, Beli Križ. Ital, songs, ID, more mx. 34432

1206.0 2217-22 06/3 ISR Kol Israel - Bet ch., Haifa. Phoned interview, tks. 34343
1233.0 2216-2225 06/3 CZE R.Dechovka, 5 sites 0.5~5 kW. Folk mx. QRM de G + adj. chs. 24331
1242.0 2047-2057 11/4 OMA R.Sultanate Oman, As Seeb. Tks. QRM de G. 23431
1278.0 2210-2220 06/3 IRN IRIB-R.Kermanshah, Kermanshah. Tradit. mx. 35433
1296.0 2208-2218 06/3 G R.XL1296AM, Birmingham. Indian pops, advs. QRM de E. 33432

1332.0 1845-1855 06/3 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Galaţi. Match rpt. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 24331
1350.0 2225-2235 12/4 B Super R. Cristal (p), Salvador BA. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil 24342
1359.0 1846-1858 06/3 ETH Voice Of The Tigré Revolution, Mekele. Vn, tks, HoA mx. 25342
1359.0 2205-2214 06/3 G Free R 80s (p), Coventry, 270 W. Pops, QRM de Smooth R, G. 23331
1359.0 2200-2204 11/4 G BBC R.Solent, Bournemouth, 850 W. Nx. QRM de G + adj. chs. 24342
1368.0 2202-2215 06/3 G Manx R, Foxdale, IoM. Nx, wx, tide rpt., advs., Late Show px. 35443
1368.0 2203-22 09/4 IRN ? IRIB-R.Golestan (p), Gonbad-e Qabus. Tk, Persian songs. 12431
1377.0 2155-2205 05/4 ? UNID. Pops, anns., TS 2200, tks. Adj. QRM. 14331
1386.0 2151-2204 05/4 LTU R.Liberty via R.Baltic Waves Int'l, Viešintos. Ru, tks, nx at 2200. 45433
1390.0 2218-2228 12/4 B R.Farol (p), Touros RN. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 34443
1390.0 2222-2232 12/4 USA WEGP (p), Presqu'Île ME. E, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 23431

1404.0 2201-2212 06/3 GRC ERT, Komotini. Nx. Adj. QRM. 34342
1413.0 2202-2209 05/4 MDA Vesti FM, Grigoriopol. Ru, nx. QRM de E. 22441
1431.0 2149-2159 05/4 DJI R.Sawa, Doralé. A, tks, Ar. pops. 45433
1458.0 2207-1117 09/4 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, pops. QRM de G. 43432
1476.0 2146-2156 06/3 EGY ? ERTU-Koran ch. (p), 2 sites 10 kW. Koranic chanting. 15341
1476.3 2145-2155 06/3 IRN IRIB-R.Kordestan, Marivan. Tks, tradit. mx, chanting. 25342
1503.0 2143-2153 06/3 EGY ? ERTU-No. Sinai ch. (p), Al-Arish. Chanting. QRM de E. 23431

1530.0 2208-2218 11/4 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Portug. songs. 24331
1530.0 2210-2220 11/4 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Rădăuţi. Tks, mx. 24331
1557.0 2144-2154 05/4 G Smooth R, 2 sites 500 & 760 W. Advs., songs. 35332
1566.0 1845-1855 05/4 HOL Vahon Hindustani R, Leidschenveen, 1 kW. Indian songs. 23331
1566.0 1846-1858 05/4 KOR FEBC via HLAZ, Jeju. Kor, tks, mx. QRM de HOL+G. 34332
1593.0 2206-2216 11/4 ROU R.Vocea Speranţei, 4 sites 1 kW. Tks. No trace of F. 34332

Dall'Angola alle Solomon Islands. Log onde corte made in Spain

Ascolti in onde corte by Manuel Méndez a Friol (Spagna)
RX: Tecsun S-8800, Cable antenna, 8 meters

ANGOLA, 4949.75, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 1840-1950, 12-04, Portuguese, songs, id. “Radio Nacional de Angola, servicio público”, “Radio Nacional de Angola, emitindo desde Luanda para todo o país en onda corta, banda de 25 metros, 11955 kHz, ..., banda de 60 metros, 4950 kHz, onda media...”, at 1900 time signals, “20 horas no país, transmite Radio Nacional de Angola”, news. 35333. (Méndez)

BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0022-0035, 13-04, Quechua, comments, Bolivian songs. Clear signal. 25432. (Méndez)

6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0027-0038, 13-04, Spanish, comments. Very weak, best on LSB. 13321. (Méndez)

4875.2, Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0027-0034, 13-04, Portuguese, comments. 25322. 
Also 0350-0358*, 13-04, Brazilian songs, id. At 0353: “23 horas 53 minutos, Radio Roraima”, at 0358: “Boa noite, para todo o Brasil e o mundo, Radio Roraima, AM 590 kHz, onda tropical, 4875 kHz”, closing. 25322. (Méndez)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0450-0605, 13-04, Brazilian songs, “Clube da Madrugada”, “Radio Clube do Pará... Rede Amazonia de Comunicaçao”. 25432. (Méndez)

4985, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0350-0410, 13-04, Brazilian songs. Interference from teletype stations. 13321. (Méndez)

9564.9, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0740-0752, 13-04, Portuguese, religious comments. 14321. (Méndez)

9630.5, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2018-2023, 12-04, Portuguese, religious comments. // 11855.7. 24322. (Méndez)

9725.3, Radio Evangelizar, Curitiba, 0733-0745, 13-04, Portuguese, religious comments. 25322. (Méndez)

9818.9, Radio 8 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2010-2018, 12-04, Portuguese, religious comments. 13321. (Méndez)

11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 1751-1830, 12-4, Portuguese, religious comments and songs, id. “Você esta ouvindo a Radio Transmundial”. Zanzibar out of air. 24332. (Méndez)

11855.7, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2005-2014, 12-04, religious songs and comments, id. “Aparecida”. 34433. (Méndez)

11895, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2003-2012, 12-04, Portuguese, religious comments and songs. 13321. (Méndez)

11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1745-1758, 12-04, Portuguese, comments. Very weak, barely audible. At this time Arabia out of air, but at 1758 on air again and Radio Gaucha completely eclipsed. 14321.
Also 2001-2045, 12-04, Portuguese, comments, female and male, id. “Gaucha”. Interference from Arabia, but at this time BSKSA weak and with strong fading and the Brazilian station was audible above BSKSA. 13321. (Méndez) 

11934.9, Radio Evangelizar, Curitiba, 1948-1958, 12-04, Portuguese, religious comments and songs, id. “Radio Evangelizar”. 22322. (Méndez)

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0402-0455, 13-04, English, news, female and male, till 0449 no interference, but at 0429 open transmission Chanel 292, Rohrbach and CFRX it was strongly strong interfered for the German station. 15322 and 12321. (Méndez)

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0346-0400*, 13-04, Cuban songs, at 0354 news: “Radio Progreso”, “Noticias RP”, “Radio Progreso, Cadena Nacioal, les ha ofrecido la programación del día de hoy”. Anthem and closing. 35433. (Méndez)

DENMARK, 5840, World Music Radio, , 1825-1840, 12-04, pop songs in English and Spanish, id. “World Music Radio”. 34433.. (Méndez)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, *0520-0536, 13-04, opening transmission with Spaish and African songs, at 0536 signal became inaudible. 15321. Due to dawn every day earlier here, it is more difficult to heard this station. (Méndez)

5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa, 1645-1656, 12-04, Vernacular comments, East African songs. 24322. (Méndez)

6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1650-1705, 12-04, East African songs. 34433. 
Also 0420-0425, 13-04, East African songs. 35443. (Méndez)

3975, Short Wave Radio De, 1810-1823, 12-04, English, comments, pop songs. 24231. (Méndez)

5920, HCJB Germany, Weenermor, 0645-0655, 13-04, German, comments. 15321. (Méndez)

6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, 1621-1650, 12-04, pop songs in English, id. “Radio Mi Amigo”, “Hello, this is Radio Mi Amigo”. 24322. (Méndez)

6150, Radio Marabu, Datlen, 1635-1712, 12-04, pop songs in English, German, comments, id. “Radio Marabu”. 24322. (Méndez)

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0424-0510, 13-04, religious songs and comments, Spanish, English. Very weak, best on LSB. 15321. (Méndez)

GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0700-0805, 13-04, French, id. “Radio Guinée”, news, comments, African songs. 44444. (Méndez)

4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1721-1725, 12-04, Hindi music. 15321. (Méndez)

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1700-1734, 12-04, Vernacular comments and songs, at 1730 id. “This is All India Radio”, news in English. 15321. (Méndez)

5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1717-1724, 12-04, Hindi music. 15321. (Méndez)

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0639-0648, 13-04, religious comments, English. 14321. (Méndez)

MALI, 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0800-0815, 13-04, tuning music, French, comments. Strong carrier and extremely weak audio, barely audible. 14321. (Méndez)

NIGERIA, 7255, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 1808-1822, 12-04, English, news, comments, id. “Voice of Nigeria”. 34433. (Méndez)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 0024-0036, 13-04, talks, Peruvian songs. Extremely weak, barely audible. 15321. (Méndez)

6173.9, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, 0028-0037, 13-04, Peruvian songs, comments. Extremely weak, barely audible and only on LSB.. 14321. (Méndez)

SOLOMON ISLANDS, 5020, SIBC, Honiara, 0633-0640, 13-04, only carrier detected. (Méndez)

TANZANIA, 6015, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 0420-0450, 13-04, Swahili, comments, mentioned “Tanzania”. 34433. (Méndez)