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Dal blog Pagina de QSLs - Fabricio |
3310.0 2220-2230 17/4 BOL R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. Quechua, tks, mx. 25331
3320.0 2154-2220 14/4 AFS SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton. Tks, nx, songs. 45343
3910.0 1803-... 14/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. Fairly strg. at 2145. 25331
3910.0 1801-... 15/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25331
3910.0 2117-2127 16/4 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), to KRE, songs, tks. Jammed. 13331
3915.0 2158-2215 17/4 SNG BBC, Kranji relay. IS, WS in E to SEAs, px ann., nx, 35433
3930.0 2116-2126 16/4 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Kor to KRE, songs, tks. Jammed. 23331
3985.0 2031 19/4 KOR Echo Of Hope (cland) Kor to KRE, tks. N.Korean jammer // 5995 23431
3990.0 1742-1751 15/4 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi. Uighur, tks, local pops. 25342
4450.0 2115-2125 16/4 KOR Voice Of The People (cland) Kor to KRE, songs, tks jammer. 23331
4750.0 1700-1705* 15/4 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Shavar. Tks. 15341
4774.9 2203-2213 17/4 PRU R.Tarma, Tarma. Cast, tks. QRM de CODAR + B. 23341
4862.0 2113-2123 16/4 B R.Alvorada, Londrina PR. Tks. 15341
4950.0 1734-1739 17/4 IND R.Kashmir, Srinagar. Tks. 35332
4965.0 1816-1826 16/4 ZMB Voice Of Hope, Makeni Ranch. E, rlgs. propag. & songs // 6065 44433
4985.0 2134-2145 13/4 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Mx px Brasil Sertanejo. 2200. 35332

5010.0 1741-1753 15/4 MDG R.TV Madagasikara, Malag, tks, songs, supppressed LSB. 25342
5010.0 1732-1739 17/4 IND AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Muttathura. Tks. 35433
5025.0 0933-0955 18/4 CUB R.Rebelde, Bauta. Tks. F/out. 15431
5040.0 1658-1739 15/4 IND AIR Jeypore, Odisha. Chanting. 25331
5040.0 1733-1739 17/4 IND AIR Jeypore, Odisha. Tks. 25432
5939.7 2136-2146 13/4 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Rlgs. propag. px, songs. 45433
5950.0 1732-1744 13/4 ETH Voice Of The Tigré Revolution, Geja Jawe. Vn, tks. 45433
6010.0 2119-2130 16/4 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Tks, songs. //15190.1 25331
6065.0 1814-1825 16/4 ZMB Voice Of Hope, Makeni Ranch. E, rlgs. & songs // 4965. 55444
6134.8 2205-2215 17/4 BOL R.Santa Cruz, St.ª Cruz de la Sierra. Cast, nx. Poor audio. 25432
6230.0 1803-... 15/4 AUS VMW-Marine Weather stn, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 25342
6375.0 2033-... 19/4 IRL Harmony R - pir. E, oldies. 35443
7205.0 1616-1629 15/4 SDN Sudan RTVC, Al Aitahab. Tks, interviews, songs. Adj. QRM. 24342
7236.4 1520- 15/4 ETH R.Ethiopia, Geja Jawe. Tks, mx. Improving, 25442 at 1625. Drifting. 15341
7425.0 1047-1106 15/4 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, interview, ..., tks. F/out. 25331
8113.0 1805-... 15/4 AUS VMW-Marine Weather stn, Wiluna WA. Wx warnings. 15341
8176.0 1807-... 15/4 AUS VMC Marine Weather Stn, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 15341
9155.0 1522-1532 15/4 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l (cland.), unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
9515.0 2107-2118 16/4 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. 35443
9550.0 2109-... 16/4 B R.Boa Vontade. Rlgs. propag., choir. Adj. QRM. 24432
9550.1 2140-... 13/4 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Tks. Adj. QRM. 13441
9564.9 0921-1040 14/4 B SRDA, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 25442
9630.6 1103-1150 14/4 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Mass, tks. F/out. 15341
9635.0 1100-... 18/4 MLI R.Mali, Kati. Vn, tks. Audio vy. weak and somewhat distorted. 35443
9635.8 0950-1120 15/4 VTN R.Voice Of Vietnam, Son Tay. Viet, tks, mx. F/out. 25432
9650.0 1050-1135 15/4 GUI R.Guinée. F, road safety px Prudence sur la Route, 45444
9655.0 2111-... 16/4 B R.Voz Missionária. Songs, Bible reading. 45444
9725.4 2142-2153 13/4 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag, advs. Adj. QRM. 33432
9725.4 0951-1045 18/4 B R.Evangelizar. Nx px Evangelizar Informa, fqs ann., rosary,... 25432
9818.6 2215-2225 14/4 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Tks. Adj. QRM. // 1600, rtd. 33442. 33442
9818.6 0955-1005 15/4 B R. 9 de Julho. Folk songs, tks. Adj. QRM de CHN at 1000. 15331
9835.0 1107-1235 14/4 MLA Sarawak FM via RTM, Kajang. Songs, advs., ..., tks, prayer prior to 1200, songs. F/out. 25442
11100.0 1532-1542 15/4 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l (cland.), unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
11735.0 1702-1715 14/4 TZA Zanzibar BC, Dole. Swah, nx, tks. QRM de B. 34443
11735.0 2045-2100* 16/4 B R.Transmundial. Songs. 45444
11815.0 2047-2106 16/4 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Mx px Brasil Sertanejo, Goiás info 35443
11855.8 2049-2105 16/4 B R.Aparecida. Songs in rlgs. propag. px. 45444
11895.1 2037-2049 16/4 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Rlgs. propag. Unusually strg. 35443
11934.9 2040-2051 16/4 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 34443
12190.0 1535-1545 15/4 TWN Sound of Hope R Int'l (cland.), unk. site. Mand to CHN, tks. 15341
12365.0 1808-... 15/4 AUS VMC Marine Weather Stn, Charleville QLD. Wx warnings. 15441
15190.1 1446-... 15/4 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Tks. 15441