lunedì 30 dicembre 2019

End of 2019 listening to Medium Wave - DX log

Ascolti di fine anno del DXer e DXeditor di PlayDX Dario Monferini con Cloud-IQ e antenna loop

590 23+29/12 2150.....0155 VOCM, St. John's, NL. CANADA. ID Christmas songs. USB MODE. SUFF/V. GOOD peaks

680 23+29/12 2158.....2302 WRKO, Boston, MA. USA. ID W-R-K-O THE VOICE OF BOSTON SPORT LIVE 23/12. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

750 23/12 2159.....0202 CBGY, Bonavista Bay, NL. CANADA. ID CBC Radio One SPORT LIVE. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

750 26/12 0130-0140 WSB, Atlanta, GA. USA. ID W-S-B WEATHER. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. MIX with CANADA.

760 26/12 0142-0145 WJR, Detroit, MI. USA. ID W-J-R DETROIT NEWS RADIO 7-60. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1010 26+29+30/12 2200.....0200 WINS, New York City, NY. USA. GLOBAL NEWS REPORT. USB MODE. POOR/GOOD peaks. MIX CFRB Toronto ON. CANADA.

1030 29+30/12 2309-2325 WBZ, Boston, MA. USA. ID W-B-Z 10-30 NEWS RADIO. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash 1035 LYCA DILSE, UK. 2500 Watts.

1035 29+30/12 2309-2325 RADIO LYCA DILSE, London, UK. ID NEWS in Inglese poi YL Dj in Urdu e Bollywood sounds. AM MODE. V.GOOD. DOMINANTE.

1130 26+29+30/12 2215.....0205 WBBR, New York City, NY.USA. ID Bloomberg Radio 11-3-0. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1140 29+30/12 2330.....0120 CBI, Sydney, NS. CANADA. CBC Radio One NEWS Report YL speaker. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash 1134 COPE Spagna + Radio Kuwait !

1250 29/12 2340-2350 WPGP (tent), Pittsburgh, PA. USA. Religious talks in English NO ID. LSB MODE. POOR/WEAK. Splash 1251 UK SMOOTH Radio UK 760 Watts !.

1280 29/12 2352-2359 WCMN, Arecibo, PR. PORTORICO. ID NOTI UNO DEPORTIVO in Spagnolo. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Segnale sparito dopo 2359. Splash 1278 IRIB Radio Kermanshah IRAN in Farsi.

1350 26+30/12 0010.....0245 WEGA, Vega Baja, PR. PORTORICO. Religious talks in Spagnolo, program CANDELITA SIETE con abituale Pastor Josè Crespo, locutor gridando DIOS DIOS DIOS. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. + UNID SPORT LIVE USA ?.

1350 30/12 0018-0025 WHWH, Princeton, NJ. USA. ID Radio LA FAMILIA in Spagnolo + Canti Gospel Navideni. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. MIX groviglio di segnali.

1400 26+30/12 0023.....0255 CBG, Gander, NL. CANADA. Relay CBC RADIO 1, CBC NEWS Report Israel politic situation 30/12. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. 30/12 Splash 1404 Romania Actualitati.

1480 26/12 0300-0310 WSAR, Fall River, Ma. USA. ID ABC NEWS. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. + UNID USA POP MUSIC OLDIES ?

1500 26/12 0311-0315 WFED,Washington, DC.USA. ID FEDERAL NWES RADIO Report White House. LSB MODE. GOOD/V.GOOD peaks.

1520 26/12 0317-0322 WWKB, Buffalo, NY. USA. ID ESPN 15-20 SPORS RADIO. Sports Reports. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash da superpower RSA Arabia Saudita.

1620 26+30/12 0035......0329 Radio Rebelde, CUBA. Ascoltata in // 5025. Ritmi dei Caraibi ID. USB MODE. POOR/WEAK.

1650 26/12 0339-0349 CKZW, Montreal, ON. CANADA. ID Programma LUMIERE DANS LA NUIT, in Francese ! LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1650 26/12 0342-0349 XEARZ ZER Radio, Mexico DF. MESSICO. ID ZER RADIO. Programma di light musica Mexicana. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. UP-DOWN alla Canadese.

1660 26/12 0331-0334 WGIT, Canovanas, PR. PORTORICO. Abituale Pastore esaltato gridando in Spagnolo (Forse è SORDO ?). USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.


1690 26/12 0351-0359 WPTX, Lexington Park, MD. USA. ID W-P-T-X 16-90 AM ! POP Music oldies. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. NO GREEK PIRATEs & Assenza di rumore atmosferico nella X-BAND !

Buoni ascolti e Buon 2020 !

lunedì 23 dicembre 2019

Puerto Rico show in Italy on 680 1190 1280 1350 1390 1660 AM - MW log

Log by Dario Monferini (19-22 December 2019) with SDR receiver Cloud-IQ & loop antenna:

590 21/12 2257-2302 VOCM, St. John's, NL. CANADA. Oldies songs, Christmas songs. Program RADIO FOREVER with DJ ROGER !. USB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks

680 21/12 2206.....2238 WRKO, Boston, MA. USA. ID W-R-K-O BOSTON THE VOICE of BOSTON !. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

680 21/12 2228-2245 WAPA, San Juan, PR. PORTO RICO. ID Entrevistas en Mayaguez. USB MODE. POOR/GOOD peaks.

750 21/12 0350-0352 CBGY, Bonavista Bay, NL. CANADA. ID CBC Radio One NEWS REPORT. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

750 21/12 0352-0354 WSB, Atlanta, GA. USA. ID W-S-B- WEATHER. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. MIX with CANADA.

760 21/12 2305.....0404 WJR, Detroit, MI. USA. ID W-J-R DETROIT NEWS RADIO 7-60. USB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks.

819 22/12 0118-0125 Studio Denakker, Klazienaveen, OLANDA. Polka sounds PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP. V.GOOD. Just 100 Watts !

820 22/12 0112-0118 WBAP, Fort Worth, TX. USA. NEWS RADIO & WEATHER REPORT. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Forte splash 819 !

930 21/12 2248-2259 CJON, St. John's, NL. CANADA. ID Kiiiixxxx Radio. Program mx rock & pop. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

950 21+22/12 2253....0004 CKNB, Campbellton, NB. CANADA. ID C-K-N-B every 5 songs pop mx. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash panino 945 ROMANIA & 954 Onda Cero SPAIN.

1030 22/12 0001-0005 WBZ, Boston, MA. USA. ID W-B-Z- 10-30 NEWS RADIO. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1130 21/12 2347.....0413 WBBR, New York City, NY.USA. ID Bloomberg Radio 11-3-0. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1140 21/12 0406-0410 CBI, Sydney, NS. CANADA. CBC Radio One sport program. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1190 21/12 0320-0339 WBMJ, San Juan, PR. PORTORICO. ID ESTA ES RADIO MUNDIAL ADVENTISTA in Spagnolo, dopo 0330 program gospel songs. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Forte phading.
Notato forte battimento con altra emittente su 1190. Assenza di rumore atmosferico. Nessun segnale da 1188 abitualmente infestata da Radio Iraniana.

1190 21/12 0332-0340 WLIB, New York City, NY. USA. ID Religious talks in English. LSB MODE. Forte phading. POOR/SUFF.  Forte battimento causato da WBMJ fuori frequenza 1190.

1250 21/12 0308-0315 CJEY, Oakville, ON. CANADA. ID Weather Report rain in Toronto area. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF peaks. Splash sandwich 1251 UK & 1242 UK !.

1280 21/12 0100-0110 WCMN, Arecibo, PR. PORTORICO. ID NOTI UNO news in Spagnolo. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1296 19+20+21/12 2300.....0130 COPE Valencia, TX di scorta, dopo 3 giorni di forzato off a causa rottura TX da 50 kw. POOR/SUFF. QRM 10 kW Radio XL Birmingham.

1296 19+20+21/12 2300.....0130 Radio XL, Birmingham, UK. Dominante causa COPE Valencia spenta. ID in EE & Punjabi per comunità locale. GOOD/V.GOOD.
Sounds esotIci da non confondere con Radio VOA, relay Kabul, Afghanistan 1296.

1350 21+22/12 2324.....0023 WEGA, Vega Baja, PR. PORTORICO. ID ESTA es W-E-G-A 13-50 AM VEGA BAJA PUERTO RICO !. Religious talks in Spagnolo. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. + Tentativo Radio Buenos Aires in Spagnolo programma Religioso.

1350 21/12 2310-2313 Super Rede Boa Vontade, Salvador, Bahia. BRASIL. Religious talks & cry ! in Portunol. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1350 21/12 2332-2334 Radio Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. ARGENTINA. Religious talks in Spagnolo. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1350 21/12 2334-2336 WARF, Akron, OH. USA. ID FOX SPORTS RADIO. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1390 21/12 2350-2358 WISA, Isabela, PR. PORTO RICO. Local news in Spagnolo. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1400 21+22/12 2342.....0302 Harbour Light of the Windwards, Carriacou. Winwards Islands. ID Religious program in English. LSB MODE. POOR/GOOD peaks. Splash 1404 Romania.

1430 21/12 0235-0245 WENE, Endicott, NY. USA. ID FOX SPORTS STATION W-E-N-E !. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. QRM 1431 Smooth Radio Essex Southend/Rayleigh UK.

1440 18+19/12 2330-0030 Radio 208, Kopenhagen, DANIMARCA. TESTS IDs & Good old rock music. 60 Watts. POOR/SUFF QRM RSA Saudi Arabia. Ascoltata anche da Roberto Pavanello.
Operated by Dxer Stig Hartvig Nielsen. Reports to P.O.Box 112,DK-8960 Randers SO, Denmark. (for printed QSL-card required 3 IRCs or 5 Euro in cash)

1480 21/12 0215.....0252 WGVU, Kentwood, MI. USA. ID REAL OLDIES 14-80 W-G-V-U. Frank Sinatra song. POOR/SUFF. Forte Phading.

1500 20+21/12 0120.....0253 WFED,Washington, DC.USA. ID News Report President Trump. LSB MODE. GOOD/V.GOOD.

1500 21/12 2234-2237 Radio EULE, MUSEUM MUNCHEN, Monaco. GERMANIA. ID after every Christmas song in German. LSB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks. Power 1 Watt !.

1520 21/12 0129.....0255 WWKB, Buffalo, NY. USA. ID ESPN 15-20 BUFFALO. Sports Reports. LSB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks. Splash da superpower RSA , Duba. Arabia Saudita con ULULATI Koranici.

1540 21/12 0142-0150 KXEL, Waterloo, IA. USA. ID 15-40 K-X-E-L NEWS REPORT. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash 1539 Romania & 1548 Gold UK.

1620 21+22/12 0013.....0208 Radio Rebelde, CUBA. Ascoltata in // 5025. IDs & Slogans politici in Spagnolo. USB MODE. POOR/GOOD peaks. Niente Pirati Greci & Olandesi.

1660 21+22/12 0011.....0200 WGIT, Canovanas, PR. PORTORICO. Abituale Pastore esaltato gridando in Spagnolo Gloria Gloria Alelujah decine di volte. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.
(FINALMENTE una X-Band dopo mesi di tentativi, niente pirati Greci e Olandesi. Assente anche il rumore atmosferico ..... milagro de Deus?)


sabato 21 dicembre 2019

Christmas & Holydays special broadcasts

Special broadcast for the holydays on 6070 & 7440
Alan Roe, Teddington, UK (via BDXC-News mailing list) is collating a list of special broadcasts on Shortwave over the holiday period. Here is a selection of his list, he hopes that you find it useful. Sure!

Channel 292   

Lots of programmes lined-up, including:

Tue 24 Dec 6070kHz
   R Nordzee Top 50: 0600, 0700
   SuperClan R: 0800
   R Ohne Namen: 1000, 1100, 1200, 18002030, 2130, 2230
   Korches R.: 1300, 1400
   Crusader R: 1500
   Radio Rock A.M.: 1600
   Easy Listening: 1700
   From The Isle of Music: 1900
   Uncle Bills Melting Pot: 2000

Wed 25 Dec 6070kHz
   Jammin Oldes: 0600, 0700
   SuperClan R: 0800
   SE-TA 2: 0900, 1000
   R Ohne Namen: 1100, 1200, 1300
   R Texas Shortwave: 1400, 2100 (also on 7440kHz)
   Crusader R: 1900
   Easy Listening: 2000

Thu 26 Dec 6070khz  (*=100kW via Nauen)
   Jammin Oldes: 0600, 0700
   SuperClan R: 0800
   R Klein Paris: 0900*
   SM R Dessau: 1000*
   Goldrausch 6070: 1100*
   R Power Rumpel: 1200*
   Decade AM: 1300*
   R Ohne Namen: 1400*
   Hit AM: 1500*
   Jake FM: 1600*
   Easy Listening: 1700
   Just Right: 1900


VATICAN - Vatican Radio
Holy Mass
Tue 24 Dec - 1600-1650:  6055  7225
HOLY MASS 1600-1650 From the Chapel of the Annunciation of Palazzo Pio,
Chinese Mass on the occasion of Holy Christmas
CH11 International Sound - Asia: kHz 6055 - kHz 7225 SW


Christmas Eve Mass
Tue 24 Dec - 2025-2230: 6010(-French) 7365(-English) 9700(-Portuguese)
5900 & 7410(-Chinese)

Christmas Eve Mass 2025-2230  From St. Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass of the Night presided over by Pope Francis on the Solemnity of the Lord's Christmas.

Urbi et Orbi Blessing

Wed 25 Dec - 1055-1120: 7420(-vietnamese) 15550(-French) 15570(-English)

From the Central Loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis Christmas Message and "Urbi et Orbi" Blessing.

NDR Germany

"Gruß an Bord" ("Greetings on board")

Tue 24 Dec - 1900-2300

Google translates: NDR Info sends the "Greeting on board" from 20:05 to 22:00 CET. This is followed by the transmission of the Christmas Mass from the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Bochum-Wattenscheid from 22 to 23.15 CET. Then you will hear the second part of "Greetings on Board" until midnight CET.This is how you receive the broadcast

... So that all crew members on board - on the seas or in the harbors - can receive the traditional program, the NDR radio has also rented shortwave

From 19:00 to 21:00 UTC
Frequency target area
6080 kHz Atlantic - North
11650 kHz Atlantic - South
9800 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)
9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West
9570 kHz Indian Ocean - East
6030 kHz Europe

 From 21:00 to 23:00 UTC
Frequency target area
6145 kHz Atlantic - North
9830 kHz Atlantic - South
9590 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)
9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West
9675 kHz Indian Ocean - East
6155 kHz Europe

(Via Harald Kuhl in BDXC-UK iog mail list.)

UK - Radio Tumbril Encore Classical Music

Sat 21 Dec - 2100-2200: 9350-wwcr
Sun 22 Dec - 1500-1600: 6070-roh
Mon 23 Dec - 0100-0200: 7490-wbcq
Fri 27 Dec - 1900-2000: 6070-roh
sat 28 Dec - 1000-1100: 7440-roh (trial broadcast)
his weekend Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril will again broadcast on a new frequency via WWCR in Tennessee.
Saturday 21st December 21:00 UTC 9350 kHz - this is the afternoon in US and Canada and the signal should carry to part of western Europe too.
This replaces the 01:00 Broadcast by WWCR on 6115 kHz.

Encore - Classical Music this weekend is - of course - being broadcast as usual by Channel 292 (Europe) on 6070 kHz at 15:00 UTC Sunday 22nd December. And by WBCQ on 7490 kHz at 01:00 UTC Monday 23rd December.

There is a repeat on 6070 kHz on Friday 27th December at 19:00 UTC. There may also be a trial second repeat on 7440 kHz from Channel 292 at 10:00 UTC on Saturday - try tuning in - it can be a nice clean signal.

Do let us know how well you can pick up Encore at your location by emailing to We try to reply to all emails and will send eQSL cards for full reports.

This week's programme has four movements of the second Branedburg concerto by Bach, more from the excellent contemporary composer - Jim Perkins, some piano music by Gottschalk and Rachmaninov, three Schubert songs and a serenade by Elgar. Tune in if you can.

USA - From The Isle of Music
From The Isle of Music
Sunday 22 Dec - 1500-1600: 9400-sof
Tuesday 24 Dec - 0100-0200: 7490-wbcq
Tuesday 24 Dec - 1900-2000: 6070-roh
Saturday 28 Dec - 1200-1300: 6070-roh
This week our special guest is Cuban jazz saxophonist Michel Herrera, who will discuss his recent album with Orquesta Aragon. AND, a Cuban Christmas surprise at the end.

The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with
100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)

2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0100-0200 UTC (New UTC) on WBCQ, 7490 KHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).

3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
If you don't have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from a listening radio in Europe.

Visit our Facebook page at

Skyline Radio Germany

Wednesday 25 Dec - 1200-1800: 3975-win
Thursday 26 Dec - 0900-1500: 6160


We have a special CHRISTMAS present for you: After 5 years of absence there will be a special SRG-CHRISTMAS PARTY again!

We will rock the airwaves again via the facilities of our buddies of who kindly gave us another possibility to be on air with our CHRISTMAS show via their transmitters in Northern Germany.

If you would like to try to catch our programmes, 6 hours
on December 25th, 2019, Christmas Day, 12.00 - 18.00 UTC on 3975 kHz
and another 6 hours
on December 26th, 2019, Boxing Day, 09.00 - 15.00 UTC on 6160 kHz
would be a good time to give us a listen again.

It might be a good chance for you to grab our one and only CHRISTMAS 2019 eQSL-card! This one is available as eQSL-card only!

We look forward to your reception reports and comments to: SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
or via e-mail to:

(via Manuel Mendez, WOR IO group)

Radio SE-TA 2

"A New German Voice on the Shortwaves"
Wednesday 25 Dec: 0900-1100 6070 kHz

RADIO SE-TA 2 is broadcasting primarily in the German language to German citizens in Europe and the world, who live outside of Germany.
Our programs include information and music from Germany and the world to maintain the connection to their home.

We will be on the air on Christmas Day, December 25th, 2019 on 6070 kHz from 09.00-11.00 UTC (10.00-12.00 CET) via Radio Channel 292, Rohrbach-Waal.
Have a good reception! Your letters with comments, criticisms and reception reports are welcome to:
(via Manuel Mendez in WOR IO group)

Seventies Berlin

Seventies Berlin
Mon 23 Dec 1700-1800: 6070-roh
Mon 23 Dec 1800-1900: 7440-roh

Alan Gale writes;
I noticed that Channel 292 just added a new broadcast today, this is called 'Seventies Berlin', and
is on 6070 kHz on the 23rd of December from 1700 to 1800 UTC, and 1800 to 1900 UTC on 7440 kHz. The
contact info says this about them: Seventies Berlin - The Vinyl Radio
Paper QSL info:
Virtual QSL:
Seventies Berlin - P.O. Box 31 01 09 - 10631 Berlin
Their website says 'Seventies and Jazz'

FRS Holland

FRS-Holland’s Holiday Season broadcast
Sunday 29 Dec: 0852-1405 Repeated 1405-1910
7700 and 5810 (or 5800-5790)

Studio 52

Radio 60 Shortwave Show
Sat 28 Dec - 1200-1400: 11610 100kW via Armenia

Happy new year Shortwave Show
Wed 1 jan - 1000-1400: 5990 125kW via Nauen
Studio 52 Radio Group, a group of Dutch & German pirates,  have some shows via high power relays over the Christmas & New Year period

From their website: "Radio60 Shortwave Show on 28th December 2019 from 12 to 14 UTC on 11610
kHz with 100kW for Europe and surrounding areas via Yerevan/Armenia

Studio52 Happy New Year Shortwave-Show on New Year´s Day 2020 on 1st January 2020 from 10 to 14 UTC on 5990 kHz with 125kW for Western Europe from Nauen/Germany

We wish our listeners a good reception and we await your reception reports." -

Texas Radio Shortwave 

will transmit a preview of its Christmas Day broadcasts at 2200 UTC on Sunday, December 22, 2019.  Frequency will be 6950 kHz or somewhere nearby.

TRSW will send a special limited-edition eQSL for detailed, correct reports to

The Christmas Day broadcasts will be at 1400 and 2100 UTC over Channel292 on 6070 and 7440 kHz.  A different limited-edition eQSL will be offered for detailed, correct reports to the same email address.

Pictures of the eQSLs and information about TRSW can be found at

USA - VORW Radio International

Holiday/Christmas day Special

Wed 25 Dec - 1500-1600:  7490  13845
Wed 25 Dec - 2200-2300:  9350
Thu 26 Dec - 0100-0200:  4840
Hello readers! I am pleased to announce that there will be special broadcasts of VORW Radio International on Christmas Day!  This special program will feature an enjoyable mix of Christmas Music and
Miscellaneous Discussion. There might be a few other songs added to the playlist as well – in short, I hope for this to be a fun show for listeners on Christmas Day.  This broadcast will be sent from radio station WWCR and a QSL will be given to any and all listeners who submit
reception reports.

The show will be on 4 frequencies:

Wednesday 1500 UTC (10 AM Eastern / 9 AM Central) – 7490 kHz – WWCR 100 kW – North America

Wednesday 1500 UTC (10 AM Eastern / 9 AM Central) – 13845 kHz – WWCR 100 kW – North America and Europe

Wednesday 2200 UTC ( 5 PM Eastern / 4 PM Central) – 9350 kHz – WWCR 100 kW – North America and Africa

Thursday 0100 UTC (8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central Wednesday) – 4840 kHz – WWCR 100 kW – North America

Reception reports and feedback are most appreciated at

venerdì 20 dicembre 2019

Fun on MW: Radio 208 The Rock of Copenhagen & DOT Radio in Bocca di Magra

Here is a Medium Wave log made in Bocca di Magra. Nice music on 1440 AM with Radio 208 The Rock of Copenhagen  and a nice surprise on 1602 AM with DOT Radio from Spello, never heard here before.
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

594 11/12 1858 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, ids talks, Vn, fair good
675 15/12 0308 Radio Calypso, Oostwold, Nederland 100 watt, songs non stop, fair //streaming
702 8/12 1600 Radio Laghouat, Algeria, great id, news AA, good
765 8/12 2300 BBC Essex East England, UK, 500 watt, local id, talks EE fair

828 11/12 1800 Radiogazeta slovo, S.Petersburg, great id, RR, fair
891 14/12 2000 EBC Ethiopia National Radio, HoA style songs, Vn, fair
891 13/12 2258 Hot Radio Hits, Nederland, songs, Dutch, fair
945 11/12 1900 Radio Nacional, Sao Tome, talks PP, over Smooth Radio, fair

1278 19/12 0600 Pulse 2, Bradford, UK, 430 watt, news EE, weak
1368 14/12 2325 Radio Caroline, via Manx Radio, Isle of Man, songs, EE, fair QRM Greek pir
1368 1/12 0600 Manx Radio, Isle of Man, UK, news EE fair good
1395 19/12 0559 Radio Seabreeze, Grou, Nederland, 100 watt, news in Dutch, fair

1431 19/12 0600 Smooth Radio Essex, UK 350 watt, commercials, news, EE, fair over RAI Foggia
1440 20/12 0600 Radio 208, Denmark, songs, "The rock of Copenhagen", fair good - NEW
1476 20/12 0530 Carillon Wellbeing Radio, UK, oldies, EE fair
1485 20/12 0620 Radio Alcoy, Spain, local px, SS fair

1494 20/12 0600 Radio Moldova, 2 tx, news, fair Romanian
1539 20/12 0620 Radio Elche SER, Hoy por hoy Comunidad Valenciana, SS, QRM Manresa
1557 14/12 2358 Gold Radio, Northampton, UK, songs talks EE, fair
1557 20/12 0600 Smooth Radio, Southampton, UK, news EE, fair over Gold

1566 20/12 0550 Vahon Hindustani, Nederland, Asian songs non stop, good
1584 14/12 1702 Regional Radio, Italy, hour, news, IT fair
1584 20/12 0600 RDE Trieste, Buongiorno Italia, IT, fair
1602 14/12 1803 Radio Milano, Italy, songs, fair
1602 20/12 0600 DOT Radio, Spello, Umbria, Italy 150 watt, id news IT, weak, QRM first time!

giovedì 19 dicembre 2019

SW: primi ascolti con il ricevitore SDRplay RSPdx

Primi ascolti "easy listening" in onde corte a Milano città con il ricevitore SDRplay RSPdx

Nel complesso un buon rx "multiuso", dalle onde lunghe alle UHF, dal prezzo abbordabile. Soprattutto in basso è stato migliorato rispetto ai precedenti ricevitori della SDRplay
Le prime prove sono state effettuate con il software della casa, SDRuno, che non è proprio facile da usare... nel senso che occorre studiare il manuale, peraltro aggiornato e ben fatto.

Un aspetto che non mi piace è che il guadagno RF va regolato manualmente. E quindi quando si salta dalle medie alle corte, alle VHF occorre tenerlo sotto controllo e dargli un'aggiustatina al fine di ottenere il migliore rapporto segnale/rumore ovvero la migliore sensibilità

Ancora in attesa di miglioramento (ma SDRplay ha già fatto sapere che il programma sarà implementato) la sezione registrazione. In particolare manca un scheduler serio. Al momento è possibile programmare una sola registrazione. - Altre informazioni CLICCA QUI 
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

3915 16/12 2200 BBC Singapore, Kranji, EE, reports, weak
3975 16/12 2150 Shortwave Radio, Winsen, Germany, songs, ids EE, fair
5905 18/12 2000 DWD Pinneberg Germany, start bc, German, meteo info, good
5950 16/12 1730 V, of Tigray Revolution, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, talks Tigr. fair
5965 16/12 2135 AWR, Station KSDA, Agat, Korean talks, fair
5995 16/12 2140 Radio Mali, Kati, nice songs, Vn, fair good

6010 18/12 2000 Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, Vaticano, start bc in EE, weak
6030 18/12 1831 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, Oromo, talks, weak
6050 18/12 2100 PBS Xizang, Tibet, China, id, Chinese, songs, fair
6070 16/12 1127 Brother Stair, Rohrbach, Germany, EE usual talks, fair
6090 18/12 2000 KBS World Radio, Dhabbaya, UAE, start bc in Arabic, news, very good

6110 18/12 2000 AWR, Moosbrunn, Austria, start bc, id in EE than unid language, very good
6115 16/12 1445 Radio New Zealand, reports, talks EE, weak, fair
6130 18/12 1828 TWR Manzini, Swaziland, African lang. talks, fair
6140 18/12 1830 AIR, Bengaluru, India, Urdu sce. id, good
6195 18/12 2000 VOA, Mopeng Hills, Botswana, news, EE, good
6205 16/12 2145 Laser Hot Hits, pirate, EE, nice oldies

7345 16/12 2034 China Radio Int, Kashi, Italian program, reports, good
7365 16/12 1120 HCJB, Weenermoor, Germany, talks, fair
7475 16/12 2030 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, English to Europe, fair good, fading

9250 16/12 1425 FEBC, Bocaue, Philippinese, Chinese talks, fair-good
9300 16/12 1430 TWR, Gavar, Armenia, Hindi bc, talks, fair
9330 16/12 1850 WBCQ The Planet, Monticello, USA, German talks, mx, good
9350 14/12 2100 Encore, Classical music on Radio Tumbril, via WWCR USA, Classical mx, EE, fair

9395 18/12 2046 WRMI Radio Miami Int. Okeechobee FL USA, EE talks, weak fair
9420 18/12 2200 Voice of Greece, Avlis, Greek songs, good
9425 16/12 1844 Voice of Korea, Kujang, PRK, usual songs, German sce. fair
9445 16/12 1840 All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru, EE service, fair good

9450 16/12 1435 AWR, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, Chinese, talks, weak
9515 16/12 1900 VOA Sao Tome, French, reports, fair
9515 16/12 2015 AWR, Talata Volonondry, Madagascar, FF program, fair good
9525 16/12 1905 Denge Welat, via France, Kurdish talks, QRM Turkish songs jammer, fair
9565 18/12 2040 Radio Martì, Greenville, USA, politics economics, SS, fair

9630.37 16/12 2020 Radio Aparecida, songs, talks, PP weak
9635 1612 1740 Radio Mali, Kati, Vn, Afro songs, fair good
9635 16/12 1835 Radio Ndarason Int., Kanuri & FF news at 1845, via UK, good
9640 16/12 1115 AWR, Guam, Russian bc, fair
9650 16/12 1910 Radio Guinée, Conakry, FF, talks songs, fair
9670 16/12 1915 Radio Japan, Yamata, JJ conversation, fair

9700 16/12 *1059 Radio New Zealand, start bc News EE, weak fair
9730 16/12 2010 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, German px, talks fair
9765 16/12 1054-1058* Radio New Zealand, talks EE, weak
9845 16/12 1925 MWV New Life Station, Madagascar, Russian px, good

11750 16/12 1406 FEBC Manila, Philippines, Asian language, talks, fair
11860 16/12 1410 Rep. Yemen Radio Sana'a, via Saudi Arabia, AA talks, weak
11865 16/12 1105 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Asian lang, talks mx, fair
11925 16/12 1415 Radio Japan NHK, Dhabbaya, UAE, EE talks, songs fair
11930 16/12 1420 Radio Martì, Greenville USA, talks SS, fair
12095 16/12 1110 FEBC, Manila, Philippines, Asian lang. talks, fair

13740 16/12 1345 Radio Habana Cuba, SS talks, weak
13845 16/12 1350 WWCR Nashville USA, talks EE, good

15580 16/12 1403 VOA, Moepeng Hill, Botswana, EE, news songs, good
15770 16/12 1355 WRMI, Okeechobee FL USA, religious EE, good
15825 16/12 1400 WWCR, Nashville USA, talks EE, fair

40 & 41 metri con i due radar russi tanto graditi ai radioamatori

sabato 14 dicembre 2019

DXing pirates on the X Band sea - Log made in Portugal

Carlos Gonçalves DXing pirates on the MW X Band from Portugal

1611.0 1750-... 08/12 HOL R.Veluwse Ster - pir. Mx. Splatter de E on 1602.  14341
1615.0 2201-... 05/12 HOL R.Elektron - pir. Mx. T-ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1615.0 1949-... 11/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1615.1 2006-... 09/12 HOL R.Daniel - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, 15341
1617.0 1933-... 10/12 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Empty carrier, then brassband mx, 25341

1620.0 1841-... 08/12 HOL R.Weduwe (t) - pir. Du, pop oldies, Dutch folk mx, songs, tks. 25341
1625.0 2008-... 09/12 HOL R.Vonkenboer - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1625.0 2153-... 09/12 HOL R.Pandora (t) - pir. Du, songs, tks, folk mx. ID 25341
1629.0 2156-... 11/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331

1633.0 1944-... 05/12 HOL R.Dolfijn - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, 15331
1633.0 2225-... 11/12 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Du, songs, tks, ref. to R.Prof. Sickbock, R.Vonkenboer. 1633.1 1947-... 10/12 HOL R.Turftrekker. Mx. ID via DX press. 15341
1636.2 1742-... 08/12 HOL R.Santana- pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 15341
1638.0 2002-... 09/12 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Polkas, songs. 35342

1640.0 1807-... 08/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Empty carrier, tx on & off. 15341
1640.0 2212-... 10/12 HOL R.Prof. Sickbock - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1640.0 *2222-... 11/12 HOL R.Prof. Sickbock - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1641.0 2235-... 05/12 ? UNID. Songs. 15331
1645.0 1901-... 08/12 HOL R.Sluwe Vos - pir. Pops. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, 15331
1646.8 2201-... 07/12 HOL R.Keizer en Keizerin - pir. Mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1647.0 2204-... 05/12 HOL R.Prof. Sickbock - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1647.0 2208-... 06/12 HOL R.Kachelboer - pir. Mx, songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx 15331
1647.8 2004-... 09/12 HOL R.Oldtimer (t) - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, 15341

1650.0 1940-... 05/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 25341
1650.0 1918-... 06/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1650.0 2206-... 07/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1650.0 *1747-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tradit. songs, tks, greetings. Echo during speech. 25342
1650.0 2136-... 10/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1652.0 2203-... 08/12 HOL R.Prof. Sickbock - pir. Mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1655.0 1951-... 06/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1657.0 1811-... 08/12 HOL R.Digitaal - pir. Empty carrier, then Dutch folk mx, songs.  25341

1660.0 1744-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. greetings, Grk mx. Ecjho during speech. 15341
1660.0 1854-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1660.0 2010-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1660.0 1952-... 10/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1660.0 1931-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341

1670.0 1939-... 05/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1670.0 1752-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1670.0 2200-... 11/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1675.0 2208-... 07/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15331
1675.0 1950-... 10/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15331

1680.0 1930-... 05/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 24341
1680.0 1953-... 06/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 24341
1680.0 2213-... 07/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. Uty. QRM. 23341
1680.0 1846-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Songs, tks. 15341
1680.0 2009-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1680.0 1945-... 10/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1680.0 *1938-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1682.0 1931-... 10/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15331
1685.0 2224-... 07/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25342

1690.0 1942-... 05/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1690.0 1948-... 06/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1690.0 1801-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 15341
1690.0 2202-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1690.0 1939-... 10/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1690.0 2227-... 11/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1690.2 1805-... 08/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1692.0 2236-... 08/12 NOR Rogaland R, Vigre. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? 15331
1695.0 2204-... 07/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15331

1700.0 1931-... 05/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1700.0 1809-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1700.0 2014-... 09/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 15341
1700.0 2218-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15331
1705.0 2233-... 07/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1716.0 1947-... 05/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15331
1717.9 2243-... 07/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1725.0 1856-... 08/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1725.0 2016-... 09/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1725.0 1935-... 10/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331

1730.0 2213-... 05/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1730.0 2210-... 07/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pop mx & songs. 25341
1730.0 1738-... 08/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15341
1730.0 2226-... 09/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1730.0 1944-... 10/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1745.0 2223-... 09/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15331
1750.0 2227-... 07/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331

venerdì 13 dicembre 2019

MW - New Radio 774 in Milan plus BBC Cambridgeshire & Spain in the morning now in Milan area on 774 kHz ex Radio Città del Capo
 Here few tips made in Milan & Bocca di Magra on Medium Waves. With a new entry: Radio on  774 kHz in Milan area.
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

774 Now in Milan is on air Radio, no more Radio Città del Capo. They both belong to NetLit Media Literacy Group:
They seem to be on air 24 hours with good signal in South East Milano. Good reception also with car radio on 12 Dec at 2310.

810 9/10 0700 BBC Radio Scotland, news, EE good
891 8/12 1900 Polderpop Radio, Veldhoven, Netherlands, 100 watt, songs, Dutch, weak fair
1026 6/12 0700 BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, Cambridge, UK local id news EE fair 500 watt
1350 8/12 2358 Radio Alkul, via Gavar Armenia pres, AA end of bc, fair
1395 9/12 2250 Radio Seabreeze, Grou, Nederland, 100 watt, songs, news at 2300 Dutch, good!

Spain in the morning:

At 0620 5 & 6 December

873 SER Zaragoza, Hoy por Hoy Zaragoza, fair good
990 SER Radio Bilbao, Hoy por Hoy Viscaya, fair
1008 SER Alicante, Hoy por Hoy Alicante, fair
1044 SER San Sebastian, Hoy por Hoy Guipozcoa, good SS
1080 SER Huesca, Hoy por Hoy Huesca, fair

1179 SER Valencia, Hoy por Hoy comunidad Valenciana, fair
1179 SER La Rioja, Hoy por Hoy La Rioja, dominating at 0622
1260 SER Murcia, Hoy por Hoy Region de Murcia, fair good
1341 Radio Almeria (Onda Cero), Almeria news SS, fair
1485 SER Alcoy, Hoy por Hoy Comunidad Valenciana, fair

At 0645 5 & 6 December

585 RNE Madrid, capital area news, weak fair
603 RNE Sevilla, Andalucia news, fair
621 RNE Palma, Baleares news in Mallorquin, good

729 RNE Oviedo, Asturias news, fair
747 RNE R5 Cadiz, news Andalucia, fair
855 RNE Murcia, news Region de Murcia, fair good
864 RNE Socuellamos, news Castilla La Mancha, fair

972 RNE Melilla, Melilla news, fair
1503 RNE R5 Cadiz, news Andalucia, fair good

giovedì 12 dicembre 2019

VOCM 590 and other Transatlantic DX. Fun on Medium Wave

Medium Wave log by Dario Monferini with Cloud-IQ receiver and antenna loop

590 09+10/12 2327.....0012 VOCM, St.John's, NL. CANADA. ID V-O-C-M program pop music & traffic report at 6-30 PM + Sport report 11/12 USB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks. No splash from 585 RNE R.1 Spain. My first in 40 years!

660 11/12 0117-0120 WFAN, New York City, NY. USA. SPORTNEWS report USB/LSB MODE. POOR/WEAK. Splash sandwich 657+666 Spagna+Catalunya.

670 09+10+11/12 2337.....0002 WSCR, Chicago, IL. USA. ID THIS IS SPORTSRADIO 6-70, THE SCORE! USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash from 666 SER Barcelona.

710 10/12 0014-0022 WOR, New York City, NY. USA. ID W-O-R NEWSRADIO 7-10. LSB MODE.POOR/SUFF. 711 Splash Romania & SER Reus Catalunya.

750 09+10/12 2318.....0116 CBGY, Bonavista Bay, NL. CANADA. ID CBC NEWS with weather forecast for Newfoundland tonight. // 1400 CBG. LSB MODE. SUFF/GOOD peaks.

760 07+09+10+11/12 2300.....0205 WJR, Detroit, MI. USA. ID W-J-R DETROIT NEWS RADIO 7-60. USB MODE. POOR/V.GOOD peaks.

760 07/12 0205-0212 RCN Barranquilla, Colombia. Subentrata a WJR ! ID R-C-N COLOMBIA en el Deporte ! Sport news. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

840 09/12 2350-2359 Tentativo WHS, Louisville, KY. USA. ABC NEWS. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Terribile splash da 837 COPE Spagna.

870 10/12 0035-0045 WWL, New Orleans, LA, USA. ID W-W-L SPORTS NEWSRADIO 87. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash 873 SER Spagna + Romania.

890 09/12 0001-0010 WLS, Chicago, IL. USA. ID W-L-S CHICAGO for 95 years ! jingle. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Splash 882 BBC Scotland.

920 09/12 0015-0023 WOKY, Milwaukee, WI. USA. ID BIG 9-20 MILWAUKEE FOX SPORTS. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

930 11/12 0030-0045 WBEN, Buffalo, NY. USA. ID Local NWS WEATHER REPORT & Sport news. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF. + UNID pop music may be CJON dal Canada ?

1010 09/12 0030.....0135 CFRB, Toronto, ON. CANADA. ID Weather report Toronto metro area. USB MODE. SUFF/V.GOOD peaks. WINS NY molto debole questa notte.

1020 09+11/12 0043.....0145 KDKA, Pittsburg, PA. USA. ID NEWSRADIO 10-20 K-D-K-A. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF. Meglio alle 0048. 11/12 Horrible splash 1017 RNE R.5 Spagna.

1030 09/12 0050-0055 WBZ, Boston, MA.USA. ID W-B-Z BOSTON NEWSRADIO 10-30. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1060 09/12 0059-0105 Tentativo WQOM, Natick, ME, USA. Religious program in EE. LSB MODE. V.POOR/SUFF. QRM 1062 RAI Cagliari open carrier all nights. A che serve ?

09+10/12 0108.....0253 WBBR,New York City, NY.USA. ID Bloomberg 11-3-0. USB MODE. POOR/GOOD.

10/12 0115-0119 CBI, Sydney, NS. CANADA. CBC light music program // 750 CBGY . USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1280 11/12 0150-0158 WWTC,Minneapolis, MN. USA. ID THE PATRIOT NEWS RADIO 12-80 SPORTS RADIO. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1370 07/12 0059-0101 WDEA, Ellsworth, ME. USA. ID WEB news President Trump. USB MODE. POOR/SUFF Wiped out by 1368 Manx Radio off the air just for two minutes !.

1380 07/12 0050-0055 CKPC, Brantford, ON. CANADA. Country songs & Religious programme in EE + UNID News Report in EE ? QRM CKPC ! USB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1400 10+11/12 0135.....0220 CBG, Gander, NS. CANADA. ID CBC REPORT. LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

1500 10+11/12 0120.....0216 WFED,Washington, DC.USA. ID News ABC Report President impichment . LSB MODE. POOR/SUFF.

11/12 0200-0213 KXEL, Waterloo, IO. USA. ID NEWSTALK RADIO 15-40. USB MODE. SUFF/POOR.

mercoledì 11 dicembre 2019

Ontario in Bocca di Magra. MW DXing with Perseus

Just some radio from Ontario, Canada, in Bocca di Magra, with Perseus & Wellbrook loop:
1010 9/12 0200 CFRB Toronto, Canada, news, EE, fair
1320 9/12 2350 CJMR, Oakville ON, id EE "Family Radio...", songs, fair
1380 09/12 0700 CKPC, Brantford ON Canada, songs, fair
1430 9/12 0700 CHKT Toronto ON, Canada, Chinese talks, "Fairchild radio", slow songs, fair
1580 9/12 0702 CKDO, Oshawa ON, Canada, id, talks EE about Christmas, songs, fair
1610 9/12 0705 CHHA, Toronto, Canada, Latin slow songs, fair

Here other MW tips while DXing in Bocca di Magra too
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

740 8/12 0200 Radio Sociedade da Bahia, Brazil, religious PP, weak
750 3/12 0258 Radio America, Belo Horizonte, talks, great id, BB, fair good
760 3/12 0257 Radio Uirapuru, Brazil, long religious talk, PP, fair
870 9/12 0103 LRA1 Radio Nacional, BA Argentina, sport SS fair

920 3/12 0100 Radio Novo Tempo, Salvador, Brazil, talks PP, weak fair
930 8/12 0059 La Voz de Bogotà, Colombia, reports SS, weak fair
940 2/12 2300 Boa Vontade, Rio de Janeiro, PP, talks, weak fair

945 7/12 0258 RNA Mulenvos, Angola, talks reports PP, weak fair
950 7/12 0258 Dimtsi Hafash 1, Eritrea, HoA music, weak fair

950 3/12 0100 Radio CNN, Buenos Aires, news SS, weak fair
1010 3/12 2258 Radio Voz Bahia, Brazil, ids, talks PP, fair
1010 5/12 0100 WINS, NY USA, news, EE, weak
1050 3/12 0158 Radio Capixaba, Brazil, px Voz de Libertacao, songs talks, weak fair

1190 7/10 0630 Radio Cordillera, Bogotà, Colombia, talks SS, songs, weak fair
1130 6/12 0100 WBBR, NY, USA, usual Bloomberg, weak fair

1350 8/12 2359 WEGA, Vega Baja Puerto Rico songs id SS fair
1370 8/12 0654 RCN Radio Popayán, (pres) Colombia, song, talks SS, weak
1380 6/12 0655 NSE Medellin, Colombia, slow songs, SS talks, fair
1390 3/12 0200 A Voz da Libertação, Maringà, Brazil, PP talks rel, jingle id, weak

1400 7/12 0555 WOND, Pleasantville NJ USA, talks EE, weak fair
1440 3/12 0000 Harbour Light of the Windwards, Grenada, music, talks, EE, weak fair
1470 6/12 0700 Radio Felicidad, Lima, Peru, ids, SS talk, song, fair
1490 8/12 0650 Radio Vida Nueva, Barranquilla, Colombia, songs, SS fair

1499.76 3/12 0655 Radio Santa Rosa, Peru, talks, SS, fair
1510 3/12 0650 Radio Naval, Equador, SS, with time pips, weak
1510 6/10 0655 WLAC, Nashville, USA, talks, EE, fair
1560 3/12 0130 Radio Grande Rio p, Itaguai, Brazil, sport PP, fair
1560 3/12 0650 WFME NY USA, religious slow mx, EE talks, weak

1620 8/12 0659 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, talks SS, fair

sabato 7 dicembre 2019

DXpedition in Sheigra (Scotland) - The big log

Panorama di Sheigra. Pochi disturbi elettrici urbani!
Per chi è interessato al DX in onde medie, ma non solo, è stato pubblicato il (lungo) log degli ascolti effettuati a Sheigra, nel nord della Scozia, durante la DXpedition numero 58.

Per scaricarlo CLICCATE QUI - To download CLICK HERE

This was the 58th DXpedition to Sheigra in Sutherland on the far north western tip of the Scottish mainland, just south of Cape Wrath. DXers made the first long drive up here in 1979, so this we guess, was the 40th anniversary? And the DXers who first made the trip to Sheigra in 1979 to listen to MW would probably notice little change here today: the single-track road ending in the same cluster of cottages, the cemetery besides the track towards the sea and, beyond that, the machair in front of Sheigra’s sandy bay. And surrounding Sheigra, the wild windswept hillsides, lochans and rocky cliffs pounded by the Atlantic.

You can read reports on our 18 most recent Sheigra DXpeditions on the BDXC website here:

Just few tips as sample - Giusto un assaggio:

Alan Pennington AOR AR 7030 Plus and Palstar pre-amp
Dave Kenny AOR AR 7030 Plus and tuneable pre-amp

Aerials (long-wire Beverages use 7-strand 0.2mm wire supported on 4-5ft bamboo canes)
No 2 - 300 degrees 500m Beverage - terminated North America
No 3 - 50 degrees 500m Beverage - terminated Far East & SE Asia
No 4 - 260 degrees 500m Beverage - terminated Caribbean, Central & South America
No 1 – 160 deg EWE UK, Africa & general SW DX


567 1536 16/10 AIR Dibrugarh, India AIR news in English // 5040, 918 etc
567 1629 17/10 Lao National R, Vientiane (pres) YL reading out list in Lao, off at 1630.
576 1530 20/10 Myanma R, Yangon, Myanma English, ID, news, ‘Music at your request’ //5985
585 1634 13/10 R Pakistan, Islamabad ID, special report on the Kashmir issue. EE
594 1543 20/10 R Myanmar, Naypyidaw EE mx // 5985, 576
594 1638 13/10 AIR Chinsurah, India Akashvani ID, nx in pres Bengali

603 1650 13/10 CRI, Dofang, China CRI Vietnamese // 7315. CC/Viet language lesson
612 1630 13/10 TWR, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan TWR ID, into pres Uzbek (new Silk Road tx)
621 1625 15/10 AIR, Patna, India play, cast, ID “Yeh Akashvani Patna hai”
675 1534 20/10 V of Vietnam, My Hao YL nx in Vietnamese

702 1530 22/10 VIRI, Kiashahr, Iran Nx in pres Azeri (ext service)
711 1506 13/10 V of Kuanghuo, Hsinfeng, Taiwan News, CC //981 kHz
711 1600 20/10 R Pakistan, Dera Ismail Khan Nx EE // 585
738 1505 13/10 Xinjiang PBS, Hutubi, China CC talks // 5960, 7260
738 1535 14/10 Yuyeh (Fisheries) BS, Taiwan EE nx // 1143 (underneath Xinjiang PBS)
747 1355 15/10 NHK 2, Sapporo, Japan (JOIB) NHK World in Portuguese, EE lesson at 1400
747 1540 13/10 AIR, Lucknow, India YL nx in EE // 918 etc
756 1512 22/10 CNR1, multi-sites, China interview CC //4800 kHz SW
774 1450 15/10 NHK 2, Akita, Japan (JOUB) Int signal chimes, off at 1445.
783 1630 22/10 Hebei PBS, China //1278
783 2115 12/10 R Damascus, Tartus, Syria AA mx, ID
Continua qui: Per scaricarlo CLICCATE QUI - To download CLICK HERE

venerdì 6 dicembre 2019

Few Asian & African tips on MW - unid TWR on 1359

A QSL from AIR Jammu on 990 kHz (Jacob's page on QSL net)
Few Asian & African tips on Medium Wave in Bocca di Magra (Italy) with Perseus & 1530LNP Wellbrook loop. Unid TWR on 1359, could be a test?
Ciao, Giampiero Bernardini

837 11/11 1602 Radio Isfahan, Iran, talks Farsi, over Spain, fair
846 9/11 1730 AIR Ahmedabad, India, news in English, weak
846 15/11 1730 AIR Ahmedabad, India, news in English, fair
891 16/11 1720 EBC, Dese, Ethiopia, HoA style songs, fair
891 18/11 1705 Radio Dena, Iran, serious talks in Farsi, fair

917 12/11 2140 Radio Gotel, Nigeria, nice Afro mx, weak fair, fading
936 9/11 1520 Radio Markaze Azerbaijaneh Gharb, Iran, talks Farsi, music, fair
972 9/11 1531 HLCA KBS, Dangjin, S. Korea, talks Ko, fair over Spain
972 10/11 2155 Ethiopia National Radio, Robe, HoA songs, fair
990 15/11 1732 AIR North Jammu, India, news in English, //846 weak

1026 20/11 1530 Radio Tabriz Iran great id news Farsi good
1197 11/11 2310 Radio Ardabil, Iran, talks in Farsi, songs, fair //1512
1242 18/11 1800 Sultanate Oman Radio, AA, talks phone interview, fair good //1278
1278 20/11 1630 Radio Kermanshah, Iran, great id, fair good

1350 27/11 2300 Kunming RGD Sunlight Channel (p), China, time id, tk CH, weak fair
1359 27/11 1750 Dimtsi Woyane Tigray, Mekalle, Ethiopia, talks, Tigray lang, good
1359 27/11 1800 TWR, unid country, Asia p, Interval signal start bc in unid lang. fair good test?
1359 21/11 0000 CNR1 China several tx, id talks Chinese, weak fair //1377

1377 12/11 2205 CNR1 Xingyang, China, Chinese talks, fair //4800
1377 12/11 2210 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet, Chinese, songs //6050, under CNR1
1476 12/11 1630 Radio Asia, UAE, Asian usual songs, fair
1476 20/11 2010 TWR Africa, Benin, religious talks in African language, fair

1494 27/11 2300 Xinjiang Qi Ba San Zonghe Guangbo, China, many tx, id, news, weak fair
1512 9/11 1720 Radio Ardabil, Iran, talks Farsi, music, fair good
1521 9/11 1700 China Radio Int. Urumqui, id in CH and Russian, fair
1566 20/11 1658 FEBC via HLAZ, Korea, ending Russian px, fair

giovedì 5 dicembre 2019

DXing DSC coastal radio on 2 MHz, maritime fun

Aberdeen Coast Guard DSC QSL from SWL DX Blog
DSC log on 2187,5 kHz by Mauro Giroletti in Buccinasco (Milan, Italy) with Elad FDM-2 & loop wide band

Date - time - frequency - station - country - distance

20191203 1747  2187.5 002371000 Olympia Radio, GRC, 1471 Km
20191203 1802  2187.5 002275400 CROSS La Garde, FRA, 358 Km
20191203 1800  2187.5 002570000 Public Correspondence, NOR, -- Km
20191203 1804  2187.5 002442000 Netherlands CG Radio, HOL, 824 Km
20191203 1808  2187.5 002711000 Istanbul Radio, TUR, 1668 Km

20191203 1809  2187.5 002241022 Coruna Radio, ESP, 1360 Km
20191203 1813  2187.5 002191000 Lyngby Radio, DNK, 1129 Km
20191203 1817  2187.5 002320007 Humber Coastguard, ENG, 1308 Km
20191203 1849  2187.5 002320021 Belfast Coastguard, NIR, 1657 Km
20191203 1911  2187.5 002241026 Las Palmas Radio, CNR, 2849 Km

20191203 1945  2187.5 002241024 Valencia Radio, ESP, 1121 Km
20191203 2031  2187.5 002734411 Novorossiysk Radio, RUS, 2244 Km
20191203 2040  2187.5 002320004 Aberdeen Coastguard, SCT, 1513 Km
20191203 2205  2187.5 006221113 Port Said Radio, EGY, 2552 Km
20191203 2217  2187.5 002734487 Taganrog Radio, RUS, 2240 Km

20191203 2237  2187.5 002320001 Shetland Coastguard, SHE, 1818 Km
20191203 2303  2187.5 002640570 Constanta Radio, ROU, 1545 Km
20191203 2311  2187.5 002320014 Falmouth Coastguard, ENG, 1257 Km
20191204 0015  2187.5 002570700 Bodoe Radio, NOR, 2451 Km
20191204 0025  2187.5 002320024 Stornoway Coastguard, SCT, 1785 Km

20191204 0026  2187.5 002470002 Palermo Radio, SCY, 871 Km
20191204 0041  2187.5 002653000 Goteborg Radio, SWE, 1355 Km
20191204 0100  2187.5 002275100 CROSS Gris Nez, FRA, 824 Km
20191204 0104  2187.5 002275200 CROSS Jobourg, FRA, 952 Km
20191204 0120  2187.5 002734414 Arkhangelsk Radio, RUS, 2860 Km

20191204 0133  2187.5 002610210 Witowo Radio, POL, 1136 Km
20191204 0204  2187.5 002510100 Reykjavik Radio, ISL, 2821 Km
20191204 0503  2187.5 002734446 Taman Radio, RUS, 2186 Km