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Ricevitore Siemens da Gerard's Radio Corner |
3915 *2200-2205 3.12 SNG BBC, via Kranji Chimes, English ID: "BBC World Service", news 55344 // 5960 (55444). New alt. 3960 not heard AP-DNK
3945 2205-2210 3.12 CLA Echo of Unification, via Chongjin, North Korea Korean talk 45333 AP-DNK
3985 1420-1425 5.12 CHN China Business R, Golmud Chinese talk - QRM Echo of Hope 44444 // 6090 (34343) and 7425 (45434) AP-DNK
4750 1455-1457* Su 2.12 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Shavar Bengali talk mentioning Bangladesh. Signed OFF at 1457 instead of scheduled 1715* 35333 AP-DNK
4765 1450-1455 2.12 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik talk with short musical interludes 25232 AP-DNK
4800 1445-1450 2.12 IND AIR, Hyderabad Telegu talk 32332 QRM Voice of China AP-DNK
4810 1440-1445 2.12 IND AIR, Bhopal Urdu ann, local songs 35343 AP-DNK
4810 1550-1555 1.12 ARM Armenian Public R, Noratus Assyrian news from Greece (Athens and Saloniki) and Monaco, short musical interludes 45333 AP-DNK
4850 1505-1510 2.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Kazakh talk, local orchestra music and song 35333 AP-DNK
4870 1510-1515 2.12 CLA R Sedayee Kashmir, via Kingsway, India Dogri ann, Kashmiri songs 35232 AP-DNK
4885 1515-1520 2.12 CLA Echo of Hope, via Seoul, South Korea Korean talk, short musical interludes 35333 AP-DNK
4905 1520-1525 2.12 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan talk, local music 35333 // 4920 (22332 QRM AIR, Chennai) AP-DNK
4940 1525-1530 2.12 CHN Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou Chinese songs 25232 AP-DNK
4980 1530-1535 2.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur ann, pop music 35333 AP-DNK
5009.99 1535-1545 2.12 MDG R Nasionaly Malagasy, Amb
5040 1545-1550 2.12 IND AIR, Jeypore Odia talk 25232 AP-DNK
5060 1550-1555 2.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese ann, pop songs 35333 // 3950 (45434) AP-DNK
5985 1425-1500 5.12 MMR Myanma R, Yegu Bamar talk, short musical interludes, 1435 Bamar songs, talk with a child 35333 AP-DNK
6005 1415-1420 5.12 D Shortwave Service, Kall-Krekel German talk and music 35233 AP-DNK
11745 1040-1045 5.12 ARS Al-Azm, Jeddah Arabic ann, Arab songs 35343 AP-DNK
11770 1035-1040 5.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese talk 25343 // 5960 (25333) and 7260 (35333) AP-DNK
11835 1030-1035 5.12 CHN China Business R, Xianyang Chinese talk 25232 AP-DNK
12055 1025-1030 5.12 CHN CNR 17, Lingshi Kazakh pop songs 25333 // 11630 (35232) AP-DNK
13610 1020-1025 5.12 CHN Voice of China, Nanning Chinese interview 35343 // 11925 (25232) and 12045 (35434) AP-DNK
13670 1015-1020 5.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur discussion 25333 // 7275 (34433), 9560 (35232) and 11885 (35323) AP-DNK
13700 1010-1015 5.12 CHN CNR 13, Lingshi Uighur interview 25333 AP-DNK