lunedì 21 novembre 2016

Hamburger Lokalradio e altri ascolti

Dear DX-friends, Just a few loggings from Skovlunde this time. Heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS
with 28 metres of longwire. 73, Anker Petersen

4940.00 *2028-2035 Su 20.11 STP VOA, Pinheira English ID's: "This is the Voice of America, Washington DC signing on" and opening melody, 2030 English with African songs 45232 AP-DNK

5050.00 2315-2325 19.11 CHN Beibu Bay R, Nanning Chinese talk 35233 // 9820 (22231 noise QRM) AP-DNK

5060.00 1535-1600 20.11 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumchi Chinese talk with music in the background, Chinese songs 45333 // 3950 (45233) AP-DNK

6190.00 1035-1045 Sa 19.11 D Hamburger Lokalradio, Göhren  German conversation and music 35333 AP-DNK.

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The coming special DSWCI programs can now be seen in Latest News at .