martedì 22 novembre 2016
QSL ricevute da Norbert Reiner
QSL ricevute da Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany, nel periodo 27 giugno - 21 novembre 2016
BELGIUM (unofficial Radio)
Radio Paradise 1440 e-cd 3 ds addr:, v/s Manuel sent a very nice e-QSL. I heard Radio Paradise in the early morning hours of New Years Day after the sign-off of RTL with old Radio Luxemburg programmes.
HRT Radio Pula 101.30 e,lt,ppc,bag 2/4 ws addr.: Dalmatinova 4, 52100 Pula; v/s Vesna Ivetic ( ); hrd at Postojna, Slovenia
HRT Radio Rijeka 104.70 ppc,st,pen 3 ws addr.: Korzo 24, 51000 Rijeka; v/s illegible, hrd north of Poreč
Radio Revolten, Halle 1575 e 1 d addr.: //; v/s and QSL manager is Bernd Kukielka; received them with a morse identification during their test transmission.
Atlantis Radio (now SeaBreeze AM) 1395 e, cd 1 d/3 ms
RR sent via the web site ; v/s Marcel Joustra (PH1MRF) wrote: “Thanks for your report. It is definitely our station! We didn’t expect all this enthusiasm from many DX listeners. Therefore we will design a QSL card within a few weeks! As soon as it is ready, I will sent you one!”… And as promised -after the change of the name into SeaBreezeAM- the QSL arrived. Thanks a lot, Marcel.
Falcon Radio, Maastricht 94.30 lt,ppc,info, st 8 ws
addr.: Stationsplein 8-k, 6221 BT Maastricht // ; v/s Roger-Yves Franssen (Alg. Directeur) sent a big envelope with many nice goodies
Lokale Omroep Stein 96.20 ppc 6 ms
addr.: De Halstraat 42. 6171 HK Stein; v/s H.H.J. Lardinois, he sent me an invitation for my next visit to the Netherlands
Radio SLAM! 220.352 / ch 11 C ppc 8 ws
addr.: Bergweg 70, 1217 SC Hilversum; v/s Joost (DJ)
Studio 040, Eindhoven 106.60 lt,st,playlist 10 ws
addr.: Ruysdaelbaan 106, 5613 DL Eindhoven; v/s Michiel Bosgra, Director, confirmed with a f/d letter
all FM / DAB+ stations heard in the Netherlands (s’Hertogenbosch, Eindhoven, Maastricht)
Radio Triglav 96.00 ppc 2 ws addr: Trg Toneta Čufarja 4, 4270 Jesenice, heard near Bled, Slovenia
Country Radio Switzerland** 202.928 / ch 9 A folder, ppc, stickers 1 w
addr.: Zweierhof 9, 8824 Schönenberg; v/s David and Beatrice Bolli sent a folder with a very kind remark as well as folders
Fréquence Banane* 199.360 / ch 8 C ppc 2 ms
addr.: EPFL, CE 0 335, Station 1, 1015 Lausanne. Fréquence Banane is a radio station of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. V/s Ainnaa wrote very nice and kind greetings on the ppc.
GDS.FM. Zuerich** 202.928 / ch 9 A lt, ppc, stickers 3 ws
addr.: Verein GDS.FM, c/o Christian Gamp, Wiedingstrasse 28, 8055 Zuerich. GDS.FM is a non-commercial station („Radio gegen den Strom“). For a while they had been a web-radio, since some weeks they transmit on DAB+. For further details go on their website
Radio Melody** 204.640 / ch 9 B ppc 2 ws
addr.: c/o Radio Ostschweiz AG, Bahnhostrasse 14, 9471 Buchs (rr was directed to their address at St. Gallen published on the web-site , ppc was completed and returned from Buchs), Lausanne* 199.360 / ch 8 C lt, ppc, st, info 6 ws
addr.: c/o Haute Ecole Pédagogique VD, Unité Finances, Av. de Cour 33, 1014 Lausanne; v/s Denis BADAN (professeur formateur) sent a very kind personel card, stickers and a map with the coordinates of the transmitter (Digris – ilôt Lausanne, located in the village of Reyvroz in Haute Savoye / France). (“La Radio des Ecoles”) is operated by the Pedagogic University Lausanne.
Radio Phare FM Romandie* 199.360 / ch 8 C lt, ppc, info, flyer, disc 3 ws
addr.: c/o Radio Réveil, Chapons-des-Prés 4, CH-2022 Bevaix (NE); v/s Emmanuel Ziehli (Direction Radio Réveil)
*all stations of the Lausanne DAB+ ensemble on 199.360 MHz / channel 8 C hrd on the summit of Mount Hochkopf (1265 m, southern Black Forest, 30 kms north of Bale).
**hrd at Donaueschingen / Hubertshofen in the southern Black Forest (alt 850 m)
Radio Europa FM 98.70 E 1 d
addr.:, f/up (a letter to TF-42, 38470 Los Silos wasn’t answered); v/s Carlos Sana Gonzales (Dep. Tec.) wrote they had no „QRSL“-cards but they were happy that I liked to listen to their programmes… (hrd on Tenerife Island)
Madagascar World Voice 9570 cd 3 ws
addr.:; cd came from the Anchor Point address
--- AMATEURS ---
JUAN DE NOVA (Îles Éparses / Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF))
FT4JA 21300 cd 7 ms - FT4JA was the callsign for a DXpedition in spring 2016; they confirmed my SWL-report with a nice folder and a great envelope with printed in TAAF-stamps (one of them was a special stamp on the DXpedition) posted in Juan de Nova! Thanks folks!