lunedì 7 novembre 2016

India in banda tropicale. Log di Anker Petersen

Ascolti danesi di Anker Petersen

Dear DX-friends, we had 24 hours of rain after a night with the first frost, so here are my latest loggings from Skovlunde, heard on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. 73, Anker

4810.00 0025-0035 4.11 IND AIR Bhopal Hindi news 35222 AP-DNK

4835.02 1715-1740 4.11 AUS VL8A, Alice Springs, NT English
talk, 1730 news 25232 AP-DNK

4885.00 1715-1725 4.11 KOR R Echo of Hope, Sagang Korean
talk 25222 AP-DNK

4910.00 1720-1735 4.11 IND AIR Jaipur Indian songs, 1730
English news 24222 QRM Xizang 4905 AP-DNK

4920.00 0035-0040 4.11 IND AIR Chennai English news
32332 QRM Xizang 4920 AP-DNK

5040.00 0040-0045 4.11 IND AIR Jeypore Hindi ann, Indian
songs 32232 QRM R Habana Cuba talking AP-DNK

5130.00 1725-1735 4.11 KGZ SW Relay Sce., Krasnaya Rechka
Farsi (presumed) religious talk 25232 AP-DNK

6165.00 0045-0055 4.11 MMR Thazin R, Pyin U Lwin Kachin ann,
Burmese songs 35233 AP-DNK

7120.00 1810-1830 3.11 SOM R Hargeisa, Hargeisa Somali
speech with shouting, ann, Horn of Africa songs, poor modulation
45232 AP-DNK

7146.58 1750-1755 3.11 ERI Voice of the Broad Masses of
Eritrea-1, Asmara Tigrinya (presumed) talk, no jamming 35343 AP-DNK

7185.00 1755-1810 3.11 ERI Voice of the Broad Masses of
Eritrea-2, Asmara Amharic (presumed) phone-in conversations, Horn of
Africa music in between, 1801 Arabic ann, music interlude, news about
Saudi Arabia, music, talk , no jamming 35343 AP-DNK