sabato 31 dicembre 2016

Ascolti di fine anno con SDRplay 2 Pro e due software

RNZI 11610 kHz con SDRplay 2 Pro & HDSDR 2.75 beta 3
Qualche ascolto di fine anno fatto provando il nuovo SDRplay 2 Pro con due software: SDRuno e HDSDR ultima versione (scaricabile dal sito SDRplay).
Un Buon 2017 a tutti, ricco di radio, antenne e ascolti
73, Giampiero

4810 30/12 1632 Armenian National Radio, Yerevan, talks, unid language, weak
4920 30/12 1636 PBS Xizang, Tibet, China, English fair //4905 6025 6130 7385

5950 30/12 1641 V. o. Tigray Revolution, Ethiopia, talks, fair
5955 30/12 1500 Radio Romania Int., Italian program, very good
5995 29/12 2320 Radio Mali, Bamako, music, talks, low mod. fair

6025 29/12 2328 CNR11, Lhasa, Tibet, China, talks //6130 fair
6030 30/12 1650 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, talks, songs, fair
6070 30/12 1510 Radio Pushka, Rohrbach, Germany, songs, very good
6080 30/12 1700 VOA, Sao Tome, English, reports, good
6090 3012 1704 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, talks, HoA music, fair, QRM
6115 29/12 2334 WWCR, Nashville, TN, USA, religious, English, fair/good
6150 29/12 2338 VOA, Udon Thani, Thailand, Asian language, reports, fair
6185 30/12 1710 Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, Russian program, fair/good

7120 3012 1718 Radio Hargheisa, Somaliland, Somalia, talks, songs, weak
7175 30/12 1714 V. of Broad Masses, Eritrea, HoA mx, talks, fair not jammed
7355 30/12 1446 RNZI, New Zealand, talks, "New Zealand Music" fair/good
7365 30/12 1449 HCJB, Weenermoor, Germany, religious chorus, good //5920
7590 30/12 1452 North Korea Reform Radio, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, talks Korean, fair

9420 29/12 2347 Voice of Greece, Avlis, talks, fair
9475 29/12 2346 WTWW, Lebanon, TN, USA, conversation, fair
9505 29/12 2342 Brother Stair, Cypress Creek SC, USA, usual talks, good
9526 30/12 1338 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, talks, Indonesian pop, fair
9645 30/12 1343 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, English, interview, fair
9920 30/12 1439 TWR, Gavar, Armenia, talks Hindi, interval signal 1444 S. off, fair

RNZI 11610 kHz con SDRplay 2 Pro & SDRuno
11600 30/12 1150 Denge Mesopotamia, Maiac, Moldavia, talks in Kurdish, good
11610 30/12 1135 RNZI, New Zealand, speech, good
11760 30/12 1210 Radio Habana, Cuba, talks, reports, fair
11860 30/12 1310 Rep. Yemen Radio Sana'a, via Saudi Arabia, talks, mx, news, Arabic, fair
12040 30/12 1315 KTWR Trans World Radio, Guam, Asian language, slow talks, weak/fair
12065 30/12 1320 Radio Australia, Shepparton, English, talks, fair
12120 30/12 1324 FEBC, Bocaue, Philippines, slow songs, Asian language talks, fair

15350 30/12 1035 Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish songs, very good
15410 30/12 1039 All India Radio, Bengaluru, reports in English, fair
15340 30/12 1328 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, music, start bc in Hindi, good
15450 30/12 1045 TWR, Station KSDA, Agat, Guam, talks in Chinese, fair
15590 30/12 1332 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, songs, Tamil bc, good
15610 30/12 1334 WEWN, Birmingham AL, USA, Holy Mass, very good
15760 30/12 1055 Radio Mashaal, Udon Thani, Thailand, Pashto, songs, news at 1100, good

Marittime (in USB) più volte in vari orari:
2680 Cagliari Radio
2719 PortoTorres Radio
2733 SDJ Stockholm Radio

giovedì 29 dicembre 2016

Zanzibar BC e pochi altri ascolti col nuovo SDRplay 2 Pro

Qualche ascolto facendo le prime prove con il nuovo SDRplay 2 Pro (a Milano con il dipolino T2FD). Un ricevitore tuttofare divertente. 73 Giampiero

828 21/12 1505 I AM Radio, Lombardia, songs, id, infomobility, fair/good ONLY THIS DAY then again on 1350

5950 22/12 1814 Voice of Tigray Revolution, Ethiopia, HoA style songs, fair
6130 22/12 1820 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, talks African language, fair/good
7146.6 21/12 1640 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, songs, good

11735 22/12 1833 ZBC, Zanzibar, Tanzania, songs, fair
11764.63 21/12 2106 Super R. Deus é Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, Voz do Brazil, fair
11925.2 21/12 2110 Rádio Bandeirantes, SP, Voz do Brazil, talks, fair
12050 22/12 1838 Dandal Kura, Ascension Island, to Nigeria, talks, fair/good
15345.17 21/12 2100 Radio Argentina al Mundo, reports, German, fair

mercoledì 28 dicembre 2016

X Band: Greek pirates VS Dutch Pirates

Qualche ascolto in onde medie da Lisbona di Carlos Goncalves. Con le radio greche pirata che dominano di fatto su tutto il Mediterraneo e non solo!

207.0 1938-20 16/12 ISL RÚV, Eiðar. Pops, tks. MRC off the air. 25342
279.0 2139-2155 15/12 TKM Turkmen R, Aşgabat. Tks, local tunes. 25342

675.0 2235-2244 19/12 QAT QMC R.Qatar (p), Al-Arish. Ar. songs, anns. 23431
680.0 2231-2241 19/12 NAm UNID, Canadian, US? Tks. Adj. QRM. 12441
702.0 2253-2303 18/12 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Al-Aghwat, Al-Aghwat. A, Ar. songs, Koran propag. at 2300. 45444
711.0 2231-2241 15/12 IRN IRIB-R.Ahwaz, Ahwaz. Tks, songs. 43433
711.0 2135-... 15/12 EGY ERTU-Al Shabab al-Riyadh (p), Tanta. Tks. 12441
774.4 2218-2233 19/12 EGY ? ERTU-M.East ch. (p), Abis Tks, Ar. songs. Meas. 774.366. QRM de E. 43442
846.0 2242-2253 15/12 IRL R.North, Redcastle, 1 kW. E, c&w. 34432
846.0 2245-2257 15/12 I Challenger R (p), Villa Estense (Padova). Songs, tks. QRM de IRL + adj. chs. 22431
864.0 2309-2318 16/12 EGY ERTU-Koran ch. (p), Santah. Prayer. 22441
927.0 2238-2251 19/12 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Timimoun. A, tjks, Ar. songs. Usually much better. 34432
1350.0 2341-2353 23/12 I I AM R, Milano area. Songs. 14431
1476.3 2311-2324 16/12 IRN IRIB-R.Kordestan, Marivan. Songs. 24442
1512.0 2315-2327 16/12 GRC ERT-1, Xaniá. Tks. QRM de ARS. 33441
1521.0 1946-1958 21/12 CHN CRI, Urumqi. Ru, tks, Chinese mx. 43442
1610.0 2155-... 17/12 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. Country 14341
1611.0 2157-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1611.0 2132-... 20/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx, tks. Country via Twente  14341
1611.0 1944.0 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 2204-... 23/12 HOL R.Batavia - pir. Tks, mx. Splatter de E on 1602. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 14341
1615.0 1953-... 18/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1617.0 2151-... 15/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, Slavic songs, tks. 25341
1619.0 1927-... 21/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1619.0 1932-... 23/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1619.9 1925-... 19/12 HOL R.Zwarte Arabier - pir. Pops, songs. 25341
1620.0 2132-... 15/12 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Songs. 15341
1620.0 2226-... 17/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente  15331
1620.0 2146-... 20/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1620.0 2137-... 21/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1620.0 2232-... 21/12 HOL R.Jeneverstoker Dutch folk mx & songs, tks. 25342
1620.0 1941-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35332
1621.0 2201-... 16/12 HOL UNID - pir. Tks. Country ID via Twente 15341
1622.0 2211-... 16/12 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 35332
1624.9 1954-... 18/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1624.9 2209-... 22/12 HOL R.Wadloper - pir. Mx, tks. ID via Twente 15341
1625.0 1941-... 16/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1625.0 2236-... 17/12 HOL R.Alabama - pir. Du, mx, Dutch songs & mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 35342
1628.0 2130-... 20/12 HOL R.Vloedgolf - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 15341
1628.9 2134-... 15/12 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Songs. 15341
1629.0 2215-... 16/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1629.0 1938-... 17/12 HOL R.Turftrekker (t) - pir. Dutch songs. 25331
1629.0 2207-... 17/12 HOL R.Sophie - pir. Du, mx, tks. 25341
1629.0 2229-... 17/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. QRM Dutch pir 24341
1629.0 2023-... 18/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs, tks. 15341
1629.0 2148-... 20/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25341
1629.0 2228-... 21/12 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 15341
1629.0 2251-... 21/12 HOL R.Nordzee - pir. Du, tks, Dutch songs. 25342
1629.0 1951-... 22/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15341
1629.0 2218-... 22/12 HOL R.Nordzee - pir. Dutch songs. ID via Twente 15341
1629.0 2206-... 23/12 HOL R.Nordzee - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press 25342
1630.0 2336-... 16/12 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25341
1630.0 2253-... 19/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1630.0 1928-... 23/12 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25342
1631.1 1948-... 20/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1631.9 2230-... 21/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1633.0 2200-... 21/12 HOL R.Barcelona - pir. Tks, mx. ID via Twente 15341
1635.9 1939-... 17/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1637.1 2249-... 17/12 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Songs, mx. 15341
1637.9 2215-... 22/12 HOL R.Armada - pir. Mx. ID via Twente 15341
1638.0 2138-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx, tks. 15341
1638.0 2226-... 16/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1638.0 2139-... 21/12 HOL R.Meteor - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341
1638.7 2246-... 23/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1639.9 2136-... 15/12 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Songs. 15341
1639.9 2203-... 16/12 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Du, songs in Dutch & German, tks. 35443
1639.9 *2238-... 21/12 HOL R.Professor Sickbock pir. Dutch folk mx, tks 25342
1640.0 2201-... 15/12 HOL R.Professor Sickbock - pir. Mx. ID via Twente 15341
1640.0 2213-... 20/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1640.0 2154-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, mx. 15341
1642.4 2211-... 23/12 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1645.0 1949.0 17/12 HOL R.Nachtserver - pir. Mx, songs. ID via Twente 15341
1645.0 1927-... 19/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1645.2 2155-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1645.6 2201-... 23/12 ? UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 15341
1646.3 2249-... 23/12 HOL R.Driland - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341
1647.0 1956-... 18/12 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Mx. ID via Twente 15341
1647.8 1950-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1648.0 1948-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15341
1649.5 1923-... 19/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1649.9 1946-... 17/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1650.0 2000-... 16/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25341
1650.0 2338-... 16/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1650.0 2205-... 17/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs, tks. 15341
1650.0 2126-... 20/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1650.0 1925-... 21/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 1945-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1650.0 *1958-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo speech 35342
1650.3 2251-... 18/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1650.3 2215-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1655.0 1943-... 17/12 HOL R.Relmus (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1656.0 2158-... 17/12 HOL R.Twentana - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 25341
1656.0 2001-... 23/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Tks, mx. 15341
1660.0 1952-... 17/12 GRC UNID - pir. Pop oldies, Grk songs. 35342
1660.0 1932-... 21/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1660.0 1930-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1663.0 1939-... 16/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1663.0 2215-... 17/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1663.0 2221-... 18/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1663.0 2205-... 19/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25341
1663.0 2128-... 20/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1667.0 2333-... 17/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1670.0 2140-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1670.0 1945-... 16/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 15341
1670.0 2205-... 16/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35443
1670.0 2248-... 18/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1670.0 2151-... 20/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1670.0 1934-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1670.0 2251-... 23/12 HOL R.Digital pir. Songs. ID via Twente WebSDR 15341
1670.8 2156-... 19/12 HOL R.Kachelboer - pir. Tks, mx. ID via Twente 15341
1671.0 2324-... 23/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1677.0 2231-... 17/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1677.6 2225-... 23/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1680.0 2144-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, mx. 34342
1680.0 1941-... 17/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Blckd. by uty. QRM at 1942. 25341
1680.0 1958-... 18/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 23341
1680.0 2156-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 23341
1680.0 2235-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, mx. 25342
1685.3 2215-... 19/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1689.4 2147-... 15/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1690.0 2153-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342
1690.0 1943-... 16/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25331
1690.0 2201-... 17/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2208-... 19/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 1946-... 20/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 1930-... 21/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx & songs. 25342
1690.0 1943-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2244-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1697.6 1942-... 23/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1698.9 1954-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1700.0 2340-... 16/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1700.0 2218-... 17/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1700.0 1923-... 21/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1700.0 2002-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1700.0 1936-... 23/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 35342
1704.0 2343-... 16/12 E Tarifa R, Tarifa. Wx rpt. 35342
1704.0 2221-... 22/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15331
1705.8 2153-... 20/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1709.9 2320-... 23/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1710.0 2144-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1710.0 2221-... 17/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1710.0 2157-... 20/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25331
1710.0 2328-... 23/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1710.3 2224-... 16/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1713.4 *1957-... 22/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1714.6 1938-... 23/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Serb/Croat (t), tks. 15341
1720.0 2146-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1720.0 2318-... 23/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15341
1724.3 2143-... 21/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1728.0 2247-... 21/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1730.0 2145-... 15/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1730.0 1947-... 22/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1740.0 22\17-... 20/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1760.0 1959-... 22/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15341
1760.0 1940-... 23/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341

GC: JRC NRD-545DSP & PERSEUS sdr; Quantum Phaser, homemade amp.(W7IUV version); raised, 4 loop K9AY, 6x19x6 m Ewe 135º, 14 m low noise LF/MF Vertical.  Lisbon

QSL - SM Radio Dessau 6070 kHz

QSL ricevuta da Roberto Pavanello 

SM Radio Dessau 6070 kHz - 
con QSL elettronica allegata in 34 giorni

6075 kHz Xizang PBS, Lhasa: new frequency (& altri ascolti)

Dear DX-friends,
Here are my latest loggiongs from Skovlunde heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS
with 28 metres of longwire. 73 Anker Petersen


677.52 1945-2005 21.12 LBY Sawt ul-Libia al-Hurra,
Benghazi Arabic ann, Arab songs, 2000 ID and news 35333 AP-DNK

729.00 0545-0555 21.12 GRC EDR Proto Programme, Athina
Greek discussion, mentioned Coca Cola 35333 AP-DNK

1440.00 1850-1910 21.12 ARS R Riyadh, Ras al-Khair Arabic
ann, Arab songs, 1900 Arabic talk 34333 AP-DNK

1512.00 2150-2205 22.12 IRN IRIB R Ardabil, Ardabil Farsi
talk, song 34343 // 1278 (44344) AP-DNK

1521.00 1910-1920 21.12 CHN CRI, via Xinjiang , Urumqi Russian comments about Ukraine, ID: "CRI" 44444 // 6100 (45444) AP-DNK

1574.99 1920-1935 21.12 IRN IRIB R Iran, Abadan Farsi songs,
1930 time signal, talk, 1935 songs 44443 // 783 (25222) - jamming R
Farda // 5860 (45444) AP-DNK


3255.00 1900-1910 22.12 AFS BBC, Meyerton English news
and comments 25242 AP-DNK

3915.00 2320-2330 20.12 SNG BBC, Kranji English
interview 35232 AP-DNK

3950.00 2330-2340 20.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese
talk (S=9+20 dB) 55444 // 5060 (45233) AP-DNK

3990.00 2340-2345 20.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur talk
and music 54444 QRM Gannan AP-DNK

4835.00 2050-2100 22.12 AUS VL8A, Alice Springs, NT
English discussion 25232 AP-DNK

4940.00 2045-2050 22.12 STP VOA, Pinheira Hausa talk
25332 AP-DNK

5950.00 0450-0455 23.12 ETH Voice of the Tigray Revolution,
Addis Ababa Tigrinya talk, drums 35333 AP-DNK

6030.02 0445-0450 23.12 ETH R Oromiya, Adama, via Geja
Jewe Oromo talk, children crying, music 35333 AP-DNK

6075.00 2240-2255 21.12 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet NEW FREQUENCY ! Ch. talk 45344 // 4820 (45333) and 6050 (45333) AP-DNK

6090.02 0440-0445 23.12 ETH Voice of Amhara State, Geja
Jewe Amharic ann, Horn of Africa music 35233 AP-DNK

6130.00 2255-2305 21.12 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan talk and local songs 35333 // 4905 (35233) and 4920 (35233) AP-DNK

6135.21 2305-2325 21.12 B R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP
Portuguese religious talk, hymn by choir 35333 AP-DNK

6180.03 0430-0440 23.12 B R Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia,
DF Portuguese ann "Madrugada", Brazilian songs 35233 AP-DNK

martedì 27 dicembre 2016

Radio Alcoy 1485 AM - Log

Ecco qualche ascolto di Roberto Pavanello. Magari non si ha molto tempo da dedicare alla radio... ma è sempre meglio accenderla

1269 19/12 22.55 COPE - Zamora SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1485 19/12 17.57 R. Alcoy - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono

6070 18/12 14.00 R. Klein Paris Int. - Tedesco ID
MX buono
6100 19/12 16.10 R. Afghanistan - Kabul Urdu MX buono
6305 24/12 16.05 R. Marabu - Tedesco ID e MX buono
9610 25/12 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo

Bandscan FM: cosa si ascolta a Prato

FM - Su 87.3 MHz Radio Studio DX

Bandscan FM di Prato
, aggiornamento dicembre 2016

By Roberto Sadun87,30 Radio Studio X Monte Femminamorta (PT)
87,50 Radio Zeta Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
87,70 Radio Kiss Kiss Vaiano/La Fratta (PO)
87,75 Radio Margherita Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
87,80 Rai Radiouno Firenze/Monte Morello (RAI) (FI)
88,00 Radio Toscana Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
88,05 Rai GR Parlamento Fiesole/Via S. Francesco, 1/Convento S Francesco (FI)
88,10 Rai Radiouno Gaiole in Chianti/Monte Luco (RAI) (SI)
88,30 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Fiesole/Convento di San Francesco (FI)
88,50 Rai Radiouno Calci/Monte Serra (RAI) (PI)
88,70 Radio Kiss Kiss Castelfranco di Sopra/Fr. Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
88,80 Radio Maria Fiesole/Via San Francesco, 1/Convento di San Francesco (FI)
88,95 Radio Subasio Più Castelfranco di Sopra/Poggio Montrago (AR)
89,10 Virgin Radio Quarrata/Monte Fiore (PT)
89,30 Radio Maria Prato/Monti della Calvana-Poggio Castiglione (PO)
89,40 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono San Marcello Pistoiese/Monte Ghilardi (PT)
89,40 RMC RadioMontecarlo Limite (FI)
89,60 Radio Maria Prato/San Leonardo (PO)
89,80 Radio Maria Reggello/Barfoli (FI)
89,90 RDF 102.7 Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
89,90 Radio Radicale Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M.Morello (FI)
90,00 Radio Radicale Pistoia (PT)
90,00 RTL Reggello/Monte Secchieta (FI)
90,20 RadioFreccia Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale L. da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
90,20 M2o Pistoia-Sarripoli (PT)
90,20 Radio DeeJay Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
90,30 RDF 102.7 Castelfranco di Sopra/Fr. Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
90,40 Radio Rosa Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
90,50 Rai Radiodue Calci/Monte Serra (RAI) (PI)
90,60 Radio Bruno (Toscana) Prato/Monti della Calvana-Poggio
90,80 Radio Bruno (Toscana) Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale L. da Vinci/M. Morello (FI)
90,80 RDF 102.7 Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
90,90 RTL L'Italiana Castelfranco di Sopra/Fr. Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago AR
91,00 Radio Maria Siena/Frazione Montalbuccio (SI)
91,10 Rai Radiodue Firenze/Monte Morello (RAI) (FI)
91,20 Antenna Radio Esse Siena/Via Cecco Angiolieri, 12 - Hotel Toscana (SI)
91,30 RMC RadioMontecarlo Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
91.40 Radio Zeta - L'Italiana Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
91,60 Punto Radio (Pisa) Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
91,70 Radio Blu Fiesole/Via San Francesco, 1/Convento di San Francesco (FI)
91,90 Radio Blu Prato/Poggio Castiglione (PO)
92,00 Radio Blu Vicchio/Frazione Barbiana/Monte Giovi (FI)
92,10 Radio DeeJay Fiesole/Via San Francesco, 1/Convento San Francesco (FI)
92,10 Radiodiffusione Pistoia Pistoia Pistoia (PT)
92,40 RVS Radio Voce della Speranza Sesto Fiorentino/P. da Vinci/M Morello (FI)
92,50 Rai Radiodue Gaiole in Chianti/Monte Luco (RAI) (SI)
92,60 Radio Stop Carmignano/Poggio Ciliegio (PO)
92,70 Radio Star Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
92,80 Radio Kiss Kiss Bagno a Ripoli/Poggio Incontro (FI)
92,90 Rai Radiotre Calci/Monte Serra (RAI) (PI)
93,10 Rete Toscana Classica Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
93,10 Radio Kiss Kiss Prato/Poggio Castiglione (PO)
93,20 Antenna Radio Esse Monte Amiata (Castel del Piano) (GR)
93,30 Rete Toscana Classica Reggello/Località La Stanza (FI)
93,40 Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana Capannori/M. Serra (LU)
93,60 Controradio Firenze Popolare Network Sesto Fiorentino/M Morello FI
93,70 Rai Radiouno Vaiano/La Fratta (RAI) (PO)
93,90 Radio Mater Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/MMorello (FI)
94,10 Radio Subasio Santa Flora (AR)
94,20 Radio Sportiva Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M Morello (FI)
94,30 R101 Firenzuola/Monte Oggioli (FI)
94,50 Radio Subasio Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/MMorello (FI)
94,70 Radio Kiss Kiss Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
94,70 Radio Alleluia Castellina in Chianti (SI)
94,70 Radio Fiesole 100 Greve in Chianti/Monte San Michele (FI)
94,90 R101 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
94.90 Lady Radio Vaiano/San Leonardo (PO)
95,00 Radio Diffusione Pistoia Pistoia (PT)
95,00 R101 Reggello/Località La Stanza (FI)
95,10 R101 Prato/Monti della Calvana-Poggio Castiglione (PO)
95,30 R101 Serravalle Pistoiese/Frazione Roncone/Croce di Belvedere bassa (PT)
95,30 R24 unid tx
95,30 Rai Radiouno San Cerbone (RAI) (FI)
95,40 Radio Firenze Fiesole/Via San Francesco, 1/Convento di S Francesco (FI)
95.50 Radio Zeta - L'Italiana Uzzano/Località Pianacci (PT)
95,50 Radio Maria Castellina in Chianti (SI)
95,60 R101 San Marcello Pistoiese/Monte Ghilardi (PT)
95,60 Radio 24 Castelfranco di Sopra/Frazione Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
95,60 RTR 957 Vicchio/Frazione Barbiana/Monte Giovi (FI)
95,60 Rai Radiodue Vaiano/La Fratta (RAI) (PO)
95,70 RTR 957 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
95,70 Rai Radiouno Camporgiano/Cermaggiore=Piazza al Serchio (RAI) (LU)
95,80 Radio Subasio Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
95,80 Radio Kiss Kiss vari tx
96,00 Radio Studio 54 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M Morello (FI)
96,00 Radio Kiss Kiss Lucca/Pieve di Brancoli (LU) la più prob
96,10 Radio Suby Giano dell’Umbria/Monte Martano (PG)
96,20 Rai Radiotre Gaiole in Chianti/Monte Luco (RAI) (SI)
96,30 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Calci/Monte Serra (PI)
96,40 Radio Sportiva Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
96,40 Rai Radiodue Marradi/Via Piano Rosso-Località Vangiolino (RAI) (FI)
96,50 R101 Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
96,50 Radio Studio 54 Castelfranco di Sopra/Fr Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
96,70 Radio Margherita Reggello/Località La Stanza (FI)
96,80 Radio Capital Serravalle Pistoiese/Fr Roncone/Croce Belvedere bassa (PT)
97,00 Radio Radicale Rignano sull’Arno/Poggio di Firenze (FI)
97,10 Radio Kiss Kiss Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
97,10 Radio Maria Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
97,20 Radio Subasio San Gimignano (SI)
97,30 RMC RadioMontecarlo Sesto Fiorentino/P. da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
97,30 Rai Radiodue San Cerbone (RAI) (FI)
97,40 Radio Nostalgia Pistoia-Sarripoli (PT)
97,50 Rai Radiotre Vaiano/La Fratta (RAI) (PO)
97,60 Radio Capital Bagno a Ripoli (FI)
97,80 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Sesto Fiorentino/P. da Vinci/M. Morello (FI)
98,00 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Sesto Fiorentino/P. da Vinci/M Morello (FI)
98,15 Radio Toscana Pistoia-Sarripoli (PT)
98,20 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Reggello/Barfoli (FI)
98,30 Radio Sportiva Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
98,40 Rai Radiotre Firenze/Monte Morello (RAI) (FI)
98,65 Radio Radicale Prato/Poggio Castiglione (PO)
98,80 Radio Italia 5 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M Morello (FI)
99,00 Radio 105 Network Rignano sull’Arno/Poggio di Firenze (FI)
99,10 RDF 102.7 Prato/Monti della Calvana-Poggio Castiglione (PO)
99,10 Antenna Radio Esse Castellina in Chianti (SI)
99,20 Radio Cuore Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
99,20 RDF 102.7 ?
99,20 Radio Bruno Montalbano unid
99,30 Rai Radiotre San Cerbone (RAI) (FI)
99,30 Radio Zeta L'Italiana Prato/Monti della Calvana-Poggio Castiglione (PO)
99,40 Radio Zeta Italiana Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
99,40 Radio WE Fiesole/Via San Francesco, 1/Convento di San Francesco (FI
99,50 Radio Stop Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
99,70 Radio DeeJay Prato/Monte Calvana (PO)
100,00 Radio Fiesole 100 Buti/Monte Serra (PI) il più prob
100,00 Radio Subasio
100,20 Radio Cuore Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
100,30 Radio Cuore Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M. Morello (FI)
100,30 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono ex Radio Cuore Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
100,40 Radio Emme Castelfranco di Sopra/Frazione Pulicciano/P Montrago (AR)
100,40 Radio Cuore Serravalle Pistoiese/Fr Roncone/Croce Belvedere bassa (PT)
100,50 Radio DeeJay Castellina in Chianti (SI)
100,60 Radio DeeJay Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
100,90 RTL 102.5 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
101,20 RTL 102.5 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
101,50 Novaradio Città Futura Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale da Vinci/M Morello (FI)
101,50 Radio Subasio Castelfranco di Sopra/Fr. Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
101,50 Radio Fantastica Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
101,50 Virgin Radio Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
101,65 Radio Subasio San Marcello Pistoiese/Monte Ghilardi (PT)
101,80 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Sesto Fiorentino/P. da Vinci/M.Morello (FI)
101,90 Radio Rosa San Gimignano (SI)
102,00 Radio Insieme Vaiano/La Fratta (PO)
102,10 Lady Radio Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M Morello (FI) _
102,40 RTL 102.5 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
102.50 RTL 102.5 Calci/Monte Serra (PI)
102,70 RDF 102.7 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
102,80 Radio Bruno (Toscana) Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
102.80 RAI GR Parlamento Firenzuola/Monte Oggioli (FI)
103,00 Radio Bruno (Toscana) Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
103,20 Radio Maria Vaiano/La Fratta (PO)
103,30 Rai Isoradio vari tx
103,60 Radio 24 Prato/Poggio Castiglione (PO)
103,60 Radio Maria Capraia e Limite/Casenuove (FI)
103,70 Radio 24 Castelfranco di Sopra/Frazione Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
103,80 Radio 24 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
104,10 Radio Subasio Bagno a Ripoli/Poggio Incontro (FI)
104.30 Radio Zeta - L'Italiana Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
104.40 R101 Greve in Chianti/Monte San Michele (FI)
104,50 R101 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
104,70 Radio Toscana Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/M. Morello (FI)
104,90 Radio Radicale Calci/Monte Serra (PI)
105,00 Radio 105 Network Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
105,10 Radio Radicale Monte Amiata (Seggiano) (GR)
105,20 Radio 105 Network Capannori/Monte Serra (LU)
105,30 Radio 105 Network Sesto Fiorentino/P da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
105,40 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Abbadia San Salvatore/Monte Amiata (SI)
105,50 R101 Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
105,70 Radio 105 Network Abbadia San Salvatore/Monte Amiata (SI)
105,80 M2o Carmignano/Poggio Ciliegio (PO)
106,05 Rai Radiouno Carmignano/Poggio Ciliegio (PO
106,20 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Castelfranco di Sopra/P Montrago (AR)
106,30 Radio DeeJay Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
106,60 RMC RadioMontecarlo Sesto Fiorentino/P. da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
106,70 RMC RadioMontecarlo Serravalle Pistoiese/Croce di Belvedere (PT)
106,80 Radio Mater Greve in Chianti/Monte San Michele (FI)
106,90 Radio Subasio Carmignano/Poggio Ciliegio (PO)
107,00 RDS Radio Dimensione Suono Greve in Chianti/Monte San Michele (FI)
107,20 Virgin Radio Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
107,20 Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana Serravalle P./Croce Belvedere bassa (PT)
107,40 Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana Carmignano/Poggio Ciliegio (PO)
107,40 Radio Maria Castelfranco di Sopra/Fr Pulicciano/Poggio Montrago (AR)
107,60 Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana Sesto Fiorentino/Pda Vinci/M Morello (FI)
107.75 Radio Incontro Buti/Monte Serra (PI)
107,90 Radio Cuore Sesto Fiorentino/Piazzale da Vinci/Monte Morello (FI)
107,90 Virgin Radio Greve in Chianti/Monte San Michele (FI)

Ottima ricezione di SAQ 17.2 kHz in Italia

SAQ ricevuto da I2PHD
Alberto I2PHD scrive sulla mailing list soft_radio:
Excellent reception of the annual commemorative transmission of the historical station SAQ in Grimeton, Sweden, done using the Alexanderson alternator at 17.2 kHz (il 24 dicembre scorso ndr)

Per altre informazioni e ascoltare l'audio clicca QUI

Alberto ricorda anche il link alla The Alexander association: clicca QUI

Inoltre ecco il link a The Weaksignals pages of Alberto I2PHD - clicca QUI

venerdì 23 dicembre 2016

Onde medie d'oltre oceano: Molti ascolti americani

Una radio messicana ricevuta da Saverio Del Cian

Ecco un bel log transoceanico in onde medie dell'amico Saverio De Cian, con alcuni ascolti davvero interessanti

790 0330- 17/12/2016 ARG LR6 R Mitre AM, Buenos Aires-Hurlingh-SS news sport, ann, ID 23322
1030 0241- 17/12/2016 ARG LS10 R del Plata, Buenos Aires-San Ma-SS news, ann, ID 22322
1100 0231- 17/12/2016 B ZYK694 Radio Globo Sao Paulo, Sao Pau-PP mx, news, ID "Globo" 32322
1190 0640- 04/12/2016 EQA HCDE2 UCSG R-TV, Guayaquil-SS ID "Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil" 22322
1190 0236- 17/12/2016 ARG LR9 R America, Buenos Aires-SS px mx, ID "Radio America" 23322
1200 0320- 21/12/2016 VEN YVOZ R Tiempo, Caracas-SS rlg px, mx, ID 32322
1270 0633- 04/12/2016 EQA HCUM2 R Universal, Guayaquil ID Radio Universal 1270 AM 22322
1270 0128- 05/12/2016 ARG LS11 R Provincia de Buenos Aires, La -SS ann, ID 23322
1280 0317- 21/12/2016 VEN YVQS R Zaraza, Zaraza-SS mx, ann, ID "Radio Zaraza 1280 AM, La Poderosa de la Cuenca del Unare" 32322
1290 0548- 02/12/2016 VEN YVLF R Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello-SS mx, ID 22322
1320 0302- 21/12/2016 VEN YVWP R Apolo, Turmero-SS ann, tlk, ID "Apolo" 33333
1350 0630- 04/12/2016 EQA HCVR2 Teleradio 13-50, Guayaquil ID "Teleradio 13-50 AM" 23322
1350 0559- 11/12/2016 CLM HJDS R Ondas de la Montaña, Medellin-SS mx, ann, ID 32322
1350 0529- 03/12/2016 PNR HOZ38 BBN Panama, Rio AbajoSS Christmas music, ID 23322
1350 0155- 05/12/2016 ARG LS6 R Buenos Aires RBA, Burzaco-SS tlk, ann, mx, ID "Radio Buenos Aires AM 1350" 32322
1350 0634- 13/12/2016 MEX XECAH-AM La Popular, Cacahoatan-SS mx, ID "La Popular" 22322
1380 0504- 12/12/2016 CLM HJJD NSE Radio Nuestra Señora del Enc-SS rlg, px, ID "Radio Nuestra Señora del Encuentro con Dios" 23322
1380 0700- 06/12/2016 USA KRCM, Shenandoah, TX-SS px rlg.ID "KRCM ... Radio Vida" 32322
1380 0455- 04/12/2016 PRU OCY4U R Nuevo Tiempo, Lima-SS px rlg, "Nuevo Tiempo" 43333
1380 0701- 20/12/2016 MEX XECO-AM Romantica 1380, Mexico D.F-Ba-SS mx, ann, ID 33333
1380 0538- 02/12/2016 VEN YVNG Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello-SSmx, "Ondas del mar" 23322
1400 0507- 04/12/2016 EQA HCFL2 R Z-Uno, Guayaquil-SS px mx, ID "Zeta Uno" 22322
1440 0424- 04/12/2016 CLM HJGM Antena 2, Sogamoso-SS mx, ID "Antena 2 de RCN..." 32322
1440 0236- 17/12/2016 B ZYH466 Radio Independencia, Santo Ama-PP rlg px, ann, mx, ID 32322
1450 0448- 12/12/2016 CLM HJNL La Carinosa, Manizales-SS ID "La Cariñosa, Manizales" 23322
1450 0322- 21/12/2016 VEN YVKJ R Maria, Caracas-SS rlg px, mx, ID " En el estudio de Radio María" 33322
1470 0221- 17/12/2016 URG CX147 R Cristal del Uruguay, La Paz-SS mx, ann, ID 32322
1470 0635- 04/12/2016 EQA HCLD2 R Ecos de Naranjito, Naranjito-SS tlk, mx, ID 23322
1470 0600- 09/12/2016 USA WLAM, Lewiston, ME-EE ann, mx, ID 33333
1470 0400- 09/12/2016 USA WWNN, Pompano Beach, FL-EE ann, ID 22322
1470 0601- 07/12/2016 MEX XEAI-AM R Formula 3, Mexico D.F National anthem, ID 22322
1470 0657- 07/12/2016 VEN YVSY R Vibracion, Carupano-SS px mx, ID "Vibracion" 32322
1490 0501- 04/12/2016 EQA HCSM5 R Santa María, Azogues-SS px rlg, mx, ID 32322
1490 0431- 10/12/2016 CLM HJAY R Vida Nueva, Barranquilla-SS rlg, ID 22322
1490 0318- 21/12/2016 VEN YVXD La Dinamica, Caracas-SS px mx, ID "La Dinamica" 32322
1500 0000- 12/12/2016 PRU OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima-San Miguel-SS rlg px, ID 43333
1500 0300- 21/12/2016 VEN YVRZ R 2000 AM, Cumana-SS px mx, ID "Radio Dos Mil" 32332
1560 0702- 20/12/2016 MEX XECHZ-AM Radio Lagarto, Chiapa de Cor-SS mx, ann, "Radio Lagarto, Voz Viva de Chiapas" 32322
1570 0655- 14/12/2016 MEX XERF-AM La Poderosa, Ciudad Acuna ID "La Poderosa" 32322
1600 0356- 07/12/2016 USA WUNR, Brookline, MA-SS mx. advertisement, ID "WUNR" 33333
1620 0242- 17/12/2016 ARG AM 1620, Mar del Plata-SS mx, ann, ID 24332
1620 0603- 15/12/2016 CUB CMBA R Rebelde, multiple locations; -SS ann, mx, ID 34333
1650 0700- 20/12/2016 MEX XEAZR-AM ZER R 1650, Mexico D.F.-mx, ID "Zer Radio " 24332

Saverio De Cian, Sedico, Belluno. RX: PERSEUS SDR. ANT: DKaz + FLG100LN

giovedì 22 dicembre 2016

Gli auguri di Atlantic 2000 International

Dear friends,
From all at Atlantic 2000, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families.
Keep listening on shortwave and on the Internet in 2017

QSL Radio Klein Paris International

QSL ricevuta da Roberto Pavanello:

Radio Klein Paris International 6070 KHz con QSL elettronica allegata in 6 ore.

mercoledì 21 dicembre 2016

I AM Radio su 828 kHz invece di 1350 kHz il 21/12

I AM Radio su 828 kHz 21 dicembre 2016 15.10 UTC
Sto provando il nuovo SDRplay2 Pro che mi è appena arrivato. E ho notato che I AM Radio sta trasmettendo su 828 kHz al posto di Z-100 invece che sui soliti 1350 kHz. Comunque continua ad annunciare 1350 kHz. Cambio frequenza o relay da parte di Z-100?

PS: il giorno dopo tutto come prima. A qualcuno piace giocare...

Onde medie, tanti DX e una montagna di pirati

153.0 2339-... 06/12 ROU Antena Satelor, Bod Colonie. Rumanian songs. 35453
189.0 2335-2351 06/12 ISL RÚV, Gufuskálar. Pop mx mx, interviews. 34453
207.0 2325-2338 11/12 ISL RÚV, Eiðar. Songs, tks. Fair //189 23441
225.0 2248-2259 08/12 POL Polskie R, Solec Kujawski. Songs. 35353
270.0 2143-2207 13/12 CZE ČR, Topolná, UH. Tks, pop oldies,  anns., nx at 2200, traffic info. 35343

590.0 2231-2244 13/12 CAN VOCM, St. John's NL. E, reg.nx, satellite weather, infos. 33442
595.0 2311-... 06/12 MRC SNRT-Al Watania, IDs, Ar. mx. Off channel. 55444
600.0 2228-2240 13/12 CAN CBNA, NL. CBC-R. 1 px at 2230. 33442
660.0 2248-2254 14/12 USA WFAN (p), New York E, tks. 22441
677.5 2320-... 06/12 LBY Sawt ul Libya al-Hurra (p), Benghazi. Tks, phone-ins. Adj. QRM. 33441
710.0 2222-2230 13/12 USA WOR, New York NY. E, interview. 33442
740.0 2310-2321 12/12 CAN CHCM, NL. VOCM relay, E, tks, anns. 32441
756.0 2318-2328 11/12 G BBC R.4, Redruth, 2 kW. Interview. 23441
760.0 2216-2233 13/12 B R.Uirapuru (p), Fortaleza CE. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 35443
765.0 2316-2326 11/12 G BBC Essex, Chelmsford, 500 W. Songs. 24442
770.0 2306-2312 12/12 USA WABC (p), New York NY. E, tks. 32441
774.0 2214-2227 13/12 EGY ? ERTU-M.East ch. (p), Abis Ar. songs.  32441
783.0 2314-... 09/12 SYR ORTAS, Tartus. Prayer. QRM de E. 34432
783.0 2209-2220 13/12 MTN R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. Chanting.  22441
819.0 2249-2258 09/12 EGY ERTU, Batra. Tks, Ar. songs. 2330. 44444
828.0 2314-2327 07/12 RUS Radiogazeta Slovo, Sankt Peterburg, Tks. 13341
880.0 2253-2304 12/12 USA WCBS, New York E, tks, advs., wx forecast, nx at 2300 33442
917.0 2219-2228 14/12 NIG R.Gotel Yola, Jabura. Vn, tks, tribal songs. 33442
918.0 2314-... 11/12 EGY ? ERTU-Al Barnameg al-Aam (p), Al Bawiti. 12441
945.0 2317-2328 06/12 G Smooth R, Bexhill-on-Sea, 700 W. Soft songs. 35433
945.0 2309-2316 07/12 IRN IRIB-R.Kordestan, Dehgolan. Chanting. 24332
999.0 2323-2330 10/12 ARS ? BSKSA-Koran ch. (p), Duba. Prayer. 12441
1035.0 2250-2300 08/12 IRN IRIB-R.Yazd, Yazd. Light songs. 33432
1071.0 2323-2329 06/12 IRN IRIB-R.Ma'aref, Qom. Tks, chanting. 33432
1071.0 2230-2239 07/12 ARS BSKSA-R.Riyadh, Bisha. Tks, phone-ins. 25342
1089.0 2233-2245 07/12 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Adrar. A, Ar. songs. 44433
1161.0 2230-2234 14/12 IRN ? IRIB-VoIRI (p), Qasr-e Shirin. Ar. songs. 12441
1161.0 2234-2243 14/12 G BBC Sussex, Bexhill-on-Sea, 1 kW. Tk, songs 34432
1188.0 2315-2325 06/12 IRN IRIB-R.Payam, Tehran. Songs. 35443
1197.0 2313-2324 06/12 G Absolute R, 9 sites 0.2~2 kW. Tks, pops, advs. 34433
1233.0 2332-2342 06/12 G Absolute R, 4 sites 100~500 W. Advs., pops. 24431
1242.0 2241-2249 07/12 G Absolute R, 4 sites 0.5~2 kW. Pops. 14431
1242.0 2243-2252 07/12 OMA Sultanate Of Oman R, As Seeb. Tks. 35332
1278.0 2307-2319 09/12 IRN IRIB-R.Kermanshah, Tks, mx. 25342
1296.0 2237-2247 07/12 G R.XL1296AM, Birmingham. Tks, Indian pops 23431
1323.0 2257-2312 11/12 G Smooth R, Brighton, 500 W. Advs., songs 24341
1332.0 2330-2340 06/12 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Galaţi. Pops. 24432
1332.0 2310-2323 11/12 G Smooth R, Peterborough, 600 W. Songs. 24432
1359.0 2238-2351 11/12 G Free R 80s, Coventry, 270 W. Songs, advs. 24432
1368.0 2236-2245 08/12 G Manx R, Foxdale, IoM. Advs., pops. 34433
1386.0 2246-2256 07/12 LTU R.Liberty via R.Baltic Waves Int'l, Sitkūnai. Ru, tks on Bielorussia, anns. Better on 14/12, 2245. 35332
1404.0 2240-2254 08/12 GRC ERT, Komotini. Grk songs. 35443
1413.0 2246-2257 08/12 MDA Vesti FM, Grigoriopol. Ru, tks. 23431
1431.0 2251-2259 09/12 IRN IRIB-R.Fars, Lamerd. Tks, mx. 34332
1431.0 2302-2312 09/12 DJI R.Sawa, Doralé. A, pops, Ar. better 0/12, 24331
1431.0 2236-2246 11/12 G Smooth R, Southend, 350 W. Pops, advs. 23431
1458.0 2234-2244 08/12 G R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, pops. QRM de G. 44433
1458.0 1340-1352 09/12 G Lyca R. 1458, Brookmans Park. Tks, mx. 15331
1467.0 2302-2312 07/12 ARS BSKSA-R.Riyadh, Hafar al-Batin. Tks. 24342
1467.4 2305-2315 07/12 IRN IRIB-R.Qom, Qom. Tks. 24342
1530.0 2242-2251 08/12 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Rădăuţi. oldies. 24432
1530.0 2245-... 09/12 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW 34332
1566.0 1924-1933 12/12 G Premier Christian R, Guildford, 800 W. 34332
1566.0 1940-1948 12/12 KOR FEBC via HLAZ, Jeju. Jap, tks. 24431

1608.8 2223-... 11/12 ? UNID - pir. Tks. Drifting. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1610.0 2219-2230 08/12 AIA The Caribbean Beacon, The Valley. E, rlgs 35342
1611.0 1958-... 07/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1611.0 2230-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1611.0 2222-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 14341
1615.0 2242-... 13/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1615.6 2341-... 09/12 HOL R.Odynn - pir. Du, tks, pops. ID via Twente 25341
1616.3 2322-... 09/12 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 15341
1618.9 1921-... 13/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country D via Twente 15331
1620.0 1936-... 07/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1620.0 2207-... 08/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1620.0 2227-2232 08/12 CUB R.Rebelde, 3 sites. Tks. 15341
1620.0 2243-... 09/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1620.0 1942-... 11/12 HOL R.Del Pjero (t) - pir. songs. T-ID via Twente 25341
1620.0 1922-... 12/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1620.0 1933-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx, phone nr. ann., Grk songs, phone-ins. 35342
1622.0 2202-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1625.0 2217-... 12/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1625.0 1925-... 14/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx, songs. 25342
1625.1 2214-... 11/12 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 25341
1628.9 1939-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx. 15341
1629.0 2006-... 08/12 HOL ? R.Armada (t) - pir. Songs. T-ID 15441
1629.0 2215-... 10/12 HOL R.Barones - pir. Dutch songs. 15341
1629.0 2308-... 11/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1629.0 2208-... 12/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1629.0 1926-... 13/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1630.0 2244-... 12/12 HOL R.Montecarlo pir. Dutch mx, ID via Twente 15341
1630.0 *1942-... 13/12 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. Rtd. 25342 2145 15341
1630.0 2245-... 13/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Mx, tks. ID via Twente 15341
1630.9 2324-... 09/12 HOL R.Barcelona (t) - pir. Du, tks, Dutch folk 25341
1631.5 2202-... 08/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1633.0 2154-... 09/12 HOL R.Twentana - pir. Du, mx, ID via Twente 15341
1633.0 2331-... 09/12 HOL R.Barcelona - pir. Du, pops. ID via Twente  25341
1634.9 2158-... 12/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1635.0 2231-... 12/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Songs, tks. ID Twente  25341
1635.9 2220-... 10/12 HOL R.Keizer en Keizerin - pir. Mx. ID Twente 15341
1636.0 1933-... 13/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1638.0 2240-... 13/12 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, songs in Germ., 25341
1638.0 *2257-... 14/12 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Dutch mx, tks. 25342
1638.7 1927-... 14/12 Balk.? UNID - pir. Mx. Drifting. 15341
1639.0 2248-... 13/12 HOL R.Nordzee (p) - pir. Tks, mx.T-ID via Twente 15341
1639.9 2300-... 10/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1639.9 2152-... 14/12 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch mx, oldies, pops. 25341
1640.0 2021-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15431
1640.0 2015-... 09/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx, tks. 15341
1640.0 2332-... 09/12 HOL R.Casablanca - pir. Du, tks, pops. 25341
1642.0 2220-... 07/12 HOL R.Nordzee - pir. Songs. ID via Twente 15341
1642.0 2228-... 11/12 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1644.8 2231-... 09/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1645.0 2211-... 08/12 HOL R.Nordzee (p) - pir. songs, P-ID Twente 15341
1645.0 2216-... 11/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente 15341
1645.5 2239-... 09/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs, tks. 15341
1646.0 2210-... 14/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1647.9 2222-... 10/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1648.0 2335-... 10/12 HOL UNID - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25331
1649.3 1951-... 14/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1649.8 2215-... 08/12 HOL UNID - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. 15341
1649.8 2204-... 09/12 HOL R.Zwarte Panter - pir. Songs.  15341
1649.8 2149-2155* 12/12 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker (t) - pir. Du/E, Dutch songs, s/off anns. 25342
1650.0 2225-... 07/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15331
1650.0 2255-... 10/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1650.0 2155-... 12/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 1944-... 13/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 1934-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1654.3 2248-... 10/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1655.0 2023-... 08/12 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 15441
1656.0 2308-2315* 10/12 E Chipiona R, Chipiona Wx rpt. 45444
1657.0 2251-... 10/12 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1659.1 2232-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1659.9 2154-... 14/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1660.0 2008-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25442
1660.0 2151-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 25342
1660.0 2220-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx, greetings. Echo 35443
1660.0 2307-... 10/12 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente 15341
1660.0 2340-... 10/12 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Tks, mx. ID via Twente 15341
1660.0 1946-... 11/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1660.0 2223-... 12/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1660.0 2141-2155 13/12 PTR WGIT Faro de Santidad, Canóvanas. tk 15341
1661.8 1944-... 11/12 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1663.0 1955-... 07/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1663.0 2200-... 12/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25341
1663.0 1936-... 13/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs, tks. 15341
1663.0 1936-... 14/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1665.0 2010-... 08/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, Slavic songs, tks. 25431
1670.0 2216-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 15341
1670.0 2319-... 10/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1670.0 2230-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1670.0 2219-... 12/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1670.0 1929-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1675.0 2011-... 08/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25442
1675.0 2205-... 12/12 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1677.0 2309-2315* 10/12 E Cabo de Peñas R, Cabo de Peñas. Wx rpt. 35443
1679.9 2158-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 23331
1680.0 1938-... 07/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1680.0 2203-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 33432
1680.0 2206-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 15341
1680.0 2212-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1680.0 1928-... 13/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 23441
1685.0 2234-... 12/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25331
1689.0 2232-2235* 09/12 CNR Las Palmas R, Maspalomas. Wx rpt. 25342
1690.0 2012-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15431
1690.0 2224-... 10/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 25342
1690.0 2157-... 12/12 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1690.0 1932-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1692.0 2318-... 09/12 NOR Rogaland R, Vigre. Wx rpt (p). 25341
1694.0 2305-... 11/12 RC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Testing. Drifting. 25341
1696.0 2200-2203* 07/12 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. 35343
1698.0 2310-2315* 10/12 E A Coruña R, A Coruña. Wx rpt. 45444
1699.9 2237-... 09/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1700.0 1952-... 07/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 25341
1700.0 2153-... 08/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25331
1700.0 1931-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1700.0 1947-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1705.2 2257-... 10/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1707.0 2311-2315* 10/12 E Matxitxako R, Cabo Matxitxako. Wx rpt. 45444
1710.0 2247-... 12/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1710.0 2253-... 13/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1716.0 2013-... 08/12 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15431
1716.0 2212-... 14/12 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1730.0 2228-... 07/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1730.0 2214-... 09/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1730.0 2217-... 11/12 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 25342
1730.0 1944-... 14/12 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1755.0 2336-2339* 09/12 E Palma R, Palma. Wx rpt. 35343
1767.0 2337-2339* 09/12 E Cabo de Gata R, Cabo de Gata. Wx rpt. 35343
2677.0 *2203-... 07/12 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. 25342

GC: JRC NRD-545DSP & PERSEUS sdr; Quantum Phaser, homemade amp.(W7IUV version); raised, 4 loop K9AY, 6x19x6 m Ewe 135º, 14 m low noise LF/MF Vertical.  Lisbon

martedì 20 dicembre 2016

DSWCI special broadcast from Armenia & altri ascolti

Dear DX-friends, here are the latest loggings from Skovlunde made on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire
Best 73, Anker Petersen

4750.01 1530-1550 17.12 BGD Bangladesh Betar English news and talk 25232 AP-DNK

4810.00 1505-1530 17.12 IND AIR Bhopal Hindi ann, Indian songs, talk 35232 AP-DNK

4810.00 *1530-1540 17.12 ARM Armenian Public R, Noratus, Gavar Anthem, Assyrian ann, song 44233 QRM from AIR Bhopal AP-DNK

4810.00 1705-1750 Sa 17.12 ARM Armenian Public R, Noratus, Gavar Turkish news, 1712 local song, ann: "Burasi..." twice, orchestra music and songs, 1730 IS, Anthem, Azeri news, 1745 IS, Anthem, Farsi ann "Inja...", news 44233 Turkish and Azeri has a different schedule on weekdays! AP-DNK

4835.00 1550-1710 17.12 AUS VL8A Alice Springs, NT English interview 24232 CWQRM AP-DNK

4930.00 1930-2000 17.12 BOT VOA, Moepeng Hill English talk 35343 AP-DNK

5025.00 2220-2235 16.12 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish talk, ID: "Radio Rebelde de la Habana", Cuban songs 33343 CWQRM in LSB AP-DNK

5985.00 *0000-0020 17.12 MMR Myanma R, Yegu Bamar talk mentioning Myanmar, indigenous song, conversation between two women with much laughter, s/on ex 2300! 44434 sideband QRM AP-DNK

6025.00 2335-2345 16.12 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan talk with Tibetan song in the background 35343 // 4905 (35232)

6045.00 0928-1000* 18.12 D European Music R, via Nauen English celebrating 40 years Anniversary, playing hits from 1976 incl. Abba, greetings to many listeners 55555 AP-DNK

6145.00 *2000-2100* 17.12 ARM DSWCI special broadcast via Noratus, Gavar Robert Kipp's report from DSWCI last AGM 55544 AP-DNK

Onde Lunghe: la Francia chiude i 162 kHz ma...

Il trasmettitore di Allouis: 2 torri alte 350 metri

La Francia termina le trasmissioni in AM sulle onde lunghe. L'antenna però non sarà smantellata, ma servirà per la sincronizzazione degli orologi transalpini. Un post di Bernard Malet

France decided to stop its emissions in long wave 162 kHz in AM
to December 31, 2016 to 23H59

By Bernard Malet
The disappearance of amplitude modulation, scheduled for the end of 2016, should enable Radio France to 13 million euros in savings.

She signs the end of an era.

However, the transmitter should be saved. Indeed, there is an atomic clock, giving hundreds of thousands of receiver’s French legal time.

Allouis, will retain a vocation scientific and legal.

Since 1977 the Allouis transmitter is also used for the transmission of signals from an atomic clock installed in the main building. It takes less than one second error in a million years.

Time signals are issued in phase modulation. Their transmission format is similar to that of the DCF77. Time signals allow access to French legal time and synchronize clocks. Reception modules are marketed for this purpose.

The financing and maintenance of the system are provided since 2004 by the French Chamber of watchmaking and Microtechnology (MFHC). These signals are widely used in key sectors of industry requiring synchronization reliability: production and distribution of electricity, air transport, rail and road as well as for the management of public lighting, the synchronization of traffic lights crossroads, etc.

Transmitter Allouis

Latitude 47.168798, longitude 2.204326
2 towers of 350 meters (each tower weighs 600 tons)
Power output 2000 KW during the day and reduced to 1000 KW at night

lunedì 19 dicembre 2016

Da Radio Afghanistan ai 40 anni di European Music Radio

La sede di Radio Afghanistana Kabul
Finalmente Radio Afghanistan su 6100 kHz con segnale discreto. Programma in Urdu e poi start di quello in arabo.
Molto gradevole la trasmissione speciale di European Music Radio per festeggiare il 40° compleanno dell'emittente.
73, Giampiero

2182 16/12 1938 Livorno Radio, call for maritime info on 1925 kHz, good
4750 16/12 1655 Bangladesh Betar, talks, fair
4810 16/12 1700 Armenian National Radio, Yerevan, Turkish, news, fair/good
4835 16/12 1703 ABC Alice Springs, Australia, reports, weak/fair
4910 16/12 1708 AIR Jaipur. India, music, talks, weak

6045 11/12 0907 KBC, Nauen, Germany, nice songs, excellent
6045 18/12 0905 European Music Radio, Nauen, Germany, songs, good
6070 11/12 0930 Goldrausch, Rohrbach, Germany, hit parade, good
6070 18/12 1030 DARC, Rohrbach, Germany, German HAM program, good
6070 9/12 1000 Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany, songs, good
6085 9/12 1015 Radio Mi Amigo, Kall-Krekel, Germany, good

6100 18/12 1602 Radio Afghanistan, Kabul, reports Urdu, slow songs, fair
6100 18/12 1630 Radio Afghanistan, Kabul, start Arabic program, nx, fair

6150 18/12 0925 Europe 24, Datteln,Germany, songs, news in German, fair
7310 11/12 1031 Radio Atlantic 2000, Kall-Krekel, Germany, songs, ids, v. good
7365 17/12 1201 Hamburger Lokal Radio, Göhren, Germany 1 kw, talks, fair
8812 10/12 1003 Istanbul Radio,Turkish then in English, Meteo Info, USB, good

9475 18/12 0818 European Music Radio, Nauen, special program for 40th birthday, excellent    >>> Visita il sito della radio

18/12 1000 AWR, Nauen, Germany, Italian prg, Obiettivo DX by R. Scaglione, excellent
9765 9/12 0928 RNZI, New Zealand, economic talks, weak/fair

Radio Pontevedra 1116 kHz e altri ascolti

Gli ascolti di Roberto Pavanello

711 13/12 17.55 COPE - Murcia SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
873 16/12 17.57 R. Zaragoza - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1008 14/12 17.57 R. Alicante - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1116 15/12 17.57 R. Pontevedra - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1359 12/12 18.00 R. Time - Pistoia IT ID e MX buono
1368 12/12 21.10 R. Challanger - Villa Estense IT predica buono
1521 12/12 18.05 Saudi BC - Duba Arabo NX buono
1521 12/12 18.40 R. Castellon - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1530 17/12 18.30 VoA - Sao Tome' FF NX suff.
1640 12/12 21.00 R. Verona MX suff.

6070 11/12 11.00 BCL News R. Studio DX by Scaglione buono
6220 18/12 09.50 R. Python - EE ID e MX buono
6235 18/12 10.20 R. Casanova - EE MX buono
6239 11/12 10.30 Base R. - ??? EE ID e MX buono
6285 18/12 00.10 Red Light District R. - Amsterdam EE ID e MX buono
6289 18/12 09.40 R. Tower - EE ID e MX buono
6305 18/12 10.05 R. Merlin Int MX buono
6390 18/12 10.10 R. Quadzilla - Dutch ID e MX buono
6875 18/12 09.30 R. Europe - IT ID e MX buono
7120 16/12 17.15 R. Hargeisa - Somalo NX buono
9485 18/12 09.45 European Music R. - EE ID e MX

sabato 17 dicembre 2016

La cara vecchia BBC su 3915 kHz

BBC Kranji

Dear DX-friends, after the last publications from the DSWCI (SWN and DX-Window) are out,
here are my latest personal loggings from Skovlunde on the tropical bands made on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. Best 73, Anker Petersen
3320.00 2225-2235 15.12 KRE Pyongyang Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang Korean talk by man and woman 44333 CWQRM . Faint signal  also heard on 3250. AP-DNK

3915.00 2235-2245 15.12 SNG BBC, Kranji English interview about Donald Trump's proposed Minister of Foreign Affairs 45333 AP-DNK

Here an history of the BBC Far Eastern Relay Station on Shortwave Central CLICCA QUI

3925.01 2245-2255 15.12 J R Nikkei, Nagara Japanese talk 25242 AP-DNK

3990.00 *2250-2310 15.12 CHN Gannan PBS, Tianshui Tibetan ann, local orchestral music, song, 2300 talk by man and woman until *2309 Xinjiang PBS covering the frequency // 4980 and 6120 35333 AP-DNK

4010.23 1740-1800* 12.12 KGZ Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz talk, 1757 s/off with choir singing 25332 AP-DNK

4765.00 2310-2320 15.12 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik songs 45333 AP-DNK

4810.00 1655-1755 Mo 12.12 ARM Armenian Public R, Noratus, Gavar Kurmanji talk, song, IS, 1700 Turkish news, 1710 Armenian songs, IS, 1715 Anthem, Azeri ID, news, 1733 songs, 1744 ID, IS 1745 Anthem, Farsi ID, schedule, news 44333 QRM AIR Bhopal AP-DNK

4820.00 1445-1455 15.12 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Chinese conversation 35233 // 5935 (25232), 6050 (45333) and 7240 (42332 QRM Saudi Arabia) AP-DNK

4885.00 1310-1320 16.12 CLA R Echo of Hope, Sagang Hwaesong, South Korea Korean talk 35233 // 3985 (25232), 6003 (22232 Jammed) and 6348 (32232 Jammed) AP-DNK

4949.75 2320-2330 15.12 AGL R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Portuguese talk, African songs 35243 AP-DNK

5050.00 2330-2340 15.12 CHN Beibu Bay R, Nanning Chinese interview 35233 AP-DNK

venerdì 16 dicembre 2016

Appuntamenti radio del fine settimana 17-18 dicembre

Appuntamenti radio del fine settimana 17-18 dicembre
Da Tom Taylor

                                      Hamburger Lokal Radio email:
    Relay & TX Power
   Transmitter Site
  Time (UTC)
     Transmitting to:
SW Station Göhren 1KW
   Göhren, Germany
  6190 KHz
  07.00 - 11.00
     Western Europe
SW Station Göhren 1KW
   Göhren, Germany
  7265 KHz
  11.00 - 16.00
     Western Europe
SW Station Göhren 1KW
   Göhren, Germany
  9485 KHz
  10.00 - 13.00 
     Western Europe

                                           Radio City -  email:
    Relay & TX Power
   Transmitter Site
 Time (UTC)
     Transmitting to:
     IRRS  -  150 KW
     Not Known
  7290 KHz
 3rd Friday
 19.00 - 20.00
     IRRS  -  150 KW
     Not Known
  9510 KHz
 09.00 - 10.00
Radio Merkurs  - 2 KW
     Riga, Latvia
  1485 KHz
 20.00 - 21.00
Challenger Radio 2.5 KW
    Padova, Italy
  1368 KHz
20.00 onwards
     Northern Italy
                                       European Music Radio - email:
    Relay & TX Power
    Transmitter Site
 Time (UTC)
   Transmitting to:
   WBCQ -   50 KW
Monticello Maine, USA
 7490 KHz
 17th Dec
 22.00 - 23.00
Central & North America
   KBC    -  100 KW
  Nauen, Germany
 9475 KHz
 18th Dec
 08.00 - 09.00
     Southern Europe
   KBC    -  125 KW
  Nauen, Germany
 6045 KHz
 18th Dec
 09.00 - 10.00
     Western Europe
SW Station Göhren 1KW
  Gohren, Germany
 9485 KHz
 18th Dec
 09.00 - 10.00
     Western Europe
 Channel 292  - 10 KW
 6070 KHz
 18th Oct
 20.00 - 21.00 
     Western Europe

                                           KBC -  email: 
    Relay & TX Power
    Transmitter Site
 Time (UTC)
   Transmitting to:
      KBC  -  125 KW
    Nauen, Germany
 6145 KHz
 00.00 - 01.00

                                      Hobart Radio email:
    Relay & TX Power
   Transmitter Site
  Time (UTC)
     Transmitting to:
    Channel 292 - 10KW
   Rohrbach, Germany
 6070 KHz
 21.00 - 21.30
    Western Europe
    WRMI -  50KW
   Okeechobee, USA
 9955 KHz
 03.30 - 04.00
 Americas, Asia/Pacific
    WRMI -  50KW
   Okeechobee, USA
 22.30 - 23.00 
 Americas, Asia/Pacific
    WBCQ -  50KW
MonticelloMaine, USA
 5130 KHz
 03.30 - 04.00 
     North America