Qualche ascolto nell'area del Mediterraneo in onde medie a Bocca di Magra. Sono riuscito ad ascoltare anche Cipro nonostante la Tunisia. 73, Giampiero
595 29/11 0047 SNRT Al Idaâ Al-Watania, Oujda, Morocco, fair //612 in USB to Avoid Riyadh
657 29/11 0100 Reshet Bet IBA, Israel, news, commercials, Hebrew, weak, QRM // streaming
711 29/11 1850 COPE Murcia, Spain, start regional px "COPE comunidad de Murcia", good
756 29/11 0106 Antena 1, Lamego, Portugal, talks, weak
837 29/11 0852 COPE Sevilla, Spain, "COPE Andalucia" regional news, good
882 29/11 1853 COPE Alicante, Spain, local news, id "COPE Comunidad Valenciana", good
963 29/11 0155 Cyprus BC Proto Program, Nicosia, Greek, songs, fair (loop to avoid Tunisia)
999 29/11 0206 Radio Malta, talks in Maltese, Rolling Stones, fair/good
1017 29/11 1847 Radio Base 101, PD, Italia, "Bollettino della circolazione ferroviaria", fair/good
1170 29/11 1844 Radio Capodistria, Slovenia, reports, very good
1188 29/11 0237 Greek Pirate, Greek music, under Iran
1224 29/11 1853 COPE Almeria & Huelva, asincrone, id COPE Andalucia, regional news, fair
1224 29/11 1855 COPE Palma, Baleares, regional law: Palma de Maiorca se puede llamar Palma, fair
1296 28/11 1853 COPE Valencia, Spain, local id "COPE Comunidad Valenciana", very good
1350 28/11 1720 I AM Radio, Milan area, Italy, songs, infomobility, good some QRM Hungary
1359 28/11 1725 Radio Time, Tuscany, songs, Jovanotti, fair jingle id
1360.93 28/11 1731 Greek pirate, songs, some talks, in USB to avoid 1359 ch. weak
1368 28/11 1734 Challenger Radio, songs, good at 1751 with Alan Sorrenti
1377 28/11 1947 Greek pirate, songs, fair with fading QRM Iran
1395 28/11 1952 TWR, Fllake, Albania, Hungarian program, very strong
1404 28/11 1815 ERA Komotini, Greece, talks, Greek, good
1512 29/11 1900 ERA Khania, Crete, Greece, id as "ERT Khania", talks, fair
1539 28/11 2350 Greek pirate, Greece, Greek songs, fair S QRM Spain
1539 29/11 1855 SER Manresa, Spain, local program, good
1696 29/11 0002 CROSS Med La Gard Radio, France, French, maritime info, fair/good
RX: Winradio Excalibur Pro & Collins 51S-1 - ANT: Wellbrook loop 1530LNP