QSL di Harmony Radio dal sito MyRadioWaves |
4949.7 1833-1849 11/5 AGL RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos. Tks, mx. 25331
4985.0 2145-... 11/5 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Mx px Brasil Sertanejo. 35332
5035.0 2146-2157 11/5 B R.Educação Rural, Coari AM. Songs, chatter, px ann. for Saturday. 35332
5140.0 2048-... 14/5 ? Charleston R Int'l pir. Tks, songs. 25331
6080.0 2103-2113 10/5 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. 23431
6110.0 1813-1827 12/5 ETH R.Fana, Geja Jawe. Vn, tks, mx. 35332
6134.9 2147-2158 11/5 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Mass. Adj. QRM. 44433
6290.0 2045-... 14/5 HOL R.Montferland - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 35342
6300.1 1829-... 12/5 ? UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 25331
6305.1 2131-... 13/5 G Central R Int'l - pir. Pops, tks. T-ID via DX press. 25331
6309.5 2106-... 16/5 IRL Harmony R - pir. Oldies. 45343
6309.6 2102-... 15/5 IRL Harmony R - pir. E, oldies. Ex-6375v. 35433
6319.9 1424-... 12/5 G R.Focus Int'l - pir. E, tks, mx. Improving. ID via DX press. 15331
6319.9 2132-... 13/5 G R.Focus Int'l - pir. E, pops, tks. Adj. uty QRM. 34332
7140.0 1635-1647 12/5 ERI Voice Of The Broad Masses, Selai Dairo. Vn, HoA songs. Variable adj. QRM de amateurs. 23331
7237.0 1633-1646 12/5 ETH R.Ethiopia, Geja Jawe. Vn, tks. Adj. QRM. 34331
7425.0 0902-0950 12/5 NZL R.NZi, Rangitaiki. E, wx forecast, mx, ..., tks. F/out. 25332
8989.0 2159-... 11/5 NCG El Pescador Predicador, site? Rlgs. propag., blessings. USB tx. 35343
9630.6 0925-1025 10/5 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Tks, songs. Adj. QRM. F/out. 14431
9635.0 1130-... 13/5 MLI R.Mali, Kati. No audio. 35443
9635.8 0955-1110 13/5 VTN R.Voice Of Vietnam, Son Tay. Viet, tks. F/out. 25432
9650.0 1155-1236 10/5 GUI R.Guinée, Sonfonia. Vn, phone-ins, anns., F at 1200,sl. R.Guinée - la radio de toutes les générations, mx px. 45444
9664.9 2203-... 11/5 B R.Voz Missionária. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 44443
9665.0 0932-1005 10/5 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Songs, tks. F/out. 14431
9725.3 0936-1010 10/5 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Tks. F/out 14431
9725.3 2205-... 11/5 B R.Evangelizar. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 45444
9818.7 0945-1005 13/5 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Songs, tks. F/out. 15331
9835.0 0950-1120 13/5 MLA Sarawak FM via RTM, Kajang. Songs, tks, prayer. F/out. 25432
11735.0 1835-1851 11/5 B R.Transmundial, St.ª M.ª RS. Tks. QRM de TZA. 23431
11735.0 1408-1436 12/5 B R.Transmundial. Songs, anns. for rlgs. event, rlgs. propag. 25332
11815.0 2103-2119 12/5 B R.Brasil Central. Songs. Adj. QRM. 33442
11815.1 1116-1220 12/5 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. Songs, ..., mx. 25442. 15431
11855.8 1112-1225 12/5 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Rlgs. propag. & songs to match, ..., more rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM at 1200. 25432
11855.8 1830-... 12/5 B R.Aparecida. Songs. Adj. QRM. 34433
11891.1 1130-1227 12/5 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Tks, rlgs. propag.. Improving. 14341
11934.9 1120-1215 12/5 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. Improving. Adj. QRM at 1200. 15431
13730.0 2116-2120 12/5 NZL R.NZi, Rangitaiki. E, interview. Tx off at 2120. 25432