Monitoraggio ricco, questo, dell'amico
Carlos Goncalves che puntualmente, dal Portogallo, tiene sotto controllo le onde medie sopra i 1602 kHz. Un mare di pirati, ma anche diverse stazione BC TA, marittime e pure NDB
1611.0 1945-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 1913-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 1956-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 1722-... 18/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1611.0 1831-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 2210-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 34342
1614.0 2151-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35332
1614.0 2150-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1615.6 2205-... 15/3 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1615.9 1830-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. Echo during speech. 25342
1616.0 1922-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1616.0 1827-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1617.5 2309-... 15/3 HOL
R.Curaçao - pir. Mx. Curação is old Portuguese for cure. 15341
1618.8 1846-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1618.9 1912-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1619.0 2146-... 21/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Silent carrier, then mx. 23341
1619.9 1942-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then tradit. mx, and off. 35343
1620.0 1918-... 15/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1620.0 1921-... 16/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1620.0 2202-... 16/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. M. 1619.993. 15341
1620.0 2204-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. M. 1620.031. 15341
1620.0 2322-2334 17/3 ARG AM 1620, Mar del Plata. Tango mx. 35332
1620.0 2227-2237 19/3 CUB R.Rebelde, 3 sites. Songs, tks. // 5025 Bauta. QRM ARG. 34332
1620.0 1944-... 19/3 HOL
R.Pontiac - pir. Du, polkas, tks. 35343
1620.0 1834-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1620.0 1932-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1620.0 2145-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25342
1620.3 2149-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 2nd harm. on 3240.6, rtd. 35332. 35342
1622.9 1920-... 17/3 HOL UNID - pir. Songs, tks. 25331
1625.0 2146-... 15/3 HOL R.Pandora - pir. Du/E, Dutch songs, pops, thanking for rec. rpt.s 35332
1625.0 2316-... 17/3 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 25342
1625.0 1919-... 18/3 HOL
R.Digitaal - pir. Du, mx, ref. to R.Meteor, R.Polydor, pops. 35342
1625.0 1843-... 19/3 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Songs. 15341
1625.0 1943-... 20/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs, jodel. 35343
1625.0 1845-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1625.2 1951-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1625.4 1833-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1625.5 2236-... 16/3 HOL ? R.Pandora (t) - pir. Songs. T-ID via DX press. 15331
1625.5 1830-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1626.0 1923-... 15/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1627.2 1919-... 17/3 HOL
R.Uniek - pir. Silent carrier, drifted to 1630. 35342
1628.8 1918-... 17/3 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1629.0 1818-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1629.0 2149-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25342
1629.0 1946-... 20/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. Adj. QRM de Greek pir. stn on 1630. 24341
1629.0 1934-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1629.2 2313-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1630.0 1924-... 17/3 HOL
R.Uniek - pir. Du, pops, tks. Ex-1627.2. 35342
1630.0 1945-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Testing. 15341
1630.0 1930-... 20/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1630.0 2213-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tradit. songs, testing. Echo during speech. 35343
1631.0 2201-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo during speech. 25341
1631.0 1835-... 19/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1633.8 1939-... 20/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25342
1634.9 1847-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1634.9 1829-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, testing, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 25342
1635.0 1949-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 25342
1635.0 1833-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 25342
1635.0 1935-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 35342
1635.0 1930-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1636.0 1913-... 17/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25331
1637.8 1946-... 15/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch mx. 15341
1638.0 2157-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1638.0 2154-... 18/3 HOL
R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks. 35342
1638.0 1927-... 20/3 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1638.0 2206-... 20/3 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks, Dutch songs. 35433
1639.0 1839-... 19/3 HOL
R.Utopia - pir. Du, light mx, testing. 35342
1640.0 1917-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1640.0 1815-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1640.0 2229-2238 19/3 TA UNID. Cast, rlgs. propag. 25342
1640.0 1849-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1640.0 1839-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pop mx. 25342
1641.9 1922-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15331
1645.0 2247-... 18/3 B
MLZ ndb, Merluza oil rig off São Paulo state coast.
CW IDs. 15331
1645.0 1846-... 19/3 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then songs. 25331
1645.1 1939-... 15/3 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then songs. 15341
1645.1 1914-... 20/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1645.8 2150-... 16/3 HOL
R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1647.0 1927-... 21/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25331
1648.2 1848-... 18/3 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 15341
1648.6 2141-... 21/3 ? UNID - pir. Pop mx. 25331
1649.0 *2147-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. Echo during speech. 35343
1649.3 1941-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Worse audio during speech. 35332
1649.8 1848-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35332
1649.8 2201-... 20/3 HOL
R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Du, songs in G, tks. 44443
1649.9 1923-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1650.0 1941-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 1914-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 2211-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 35342
1650.0 1914-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342
1650.0 2309-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 35343
1650.0 1819-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 25342
1650.0 2315-2325 20/3 USA KCNZ (p), Cedar Falls IA. E, tks. Co-ch. QRM. 24341
1650.0 1835-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 2140-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 35343
1650.3 2148-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25331
1650.7 2205-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1651.0 2224-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tradit. mx & songs. 35342
1652.0 2209-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35433
1654.0 2248-... 18/3 ? SAKO (?) ndb, site? Continuous telegraphy IDs. DF=SWest. 15331
1654.0 2203-... 20/3 HOL
R.Noordzee - pir. Du, songs, tks. Adj.24442
1655.0 2151-... 16/3 HOL
R.Witte Raaf - pir. Pop oldies, c&w. via Twente Web SDRx,. 25331
1655.7 2204-... 20/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx, tks. 25442
1660.0 1943-... 15/3 HOL
R.Batavier - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 15341
1660.0 1919-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1660.0 1932-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1660.0 2325-2335 17/3 USA WWRU, Jersey City NJ. Kor, tks, mx. QRM de PTR. 34342
1660.0 2327-2337 17/3 WGIT Faro de Santidad, Canóvanas. Cast, rlgs. QRM USA 34342
1660.0 1817-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1660.0 1844-... 18/3 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs, pops. 25342
1660.0 1845-... 19/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1660.0 1832-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Songs. 35342
1660.0 1846-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1662.0 1917-... 20/3 Balk.? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1663.0 1944-... 15/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1663.0 1950-... 16/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1663.0 1916-... 17/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 35332
1663.0 1721-... 18/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1663.0 1946-... 19/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1663.0 1834-... 21/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. Improving. 25342
1665.0 1917-... 17/3 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1666.0 1849-... 18/3 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier, tx on & off. 35342
1667.0 1941-... 21/3 HOL R.Natchtzwerver - pir. Silent carrier, then mx, pops, Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35343
1670.0 1948-... 15/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1670.0 1915-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1670.0 1949-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1670.0 1820-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 25342
1670.0 2156-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tradit. songs, tks. Some echo during speech. 35342
1670.0 1813-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1670.0 1828-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx & songs. Echo during speech. 35343
1670.0 *1847-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1670.0 1832-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25342
1670.0 1844-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Pop mx, tks. 35343
1674.0 2200-... 21/3 S Stockholm R, Stavsnäs. Sw/E, navig. warings. 25342
1678.0 1849-... 21/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1680.0 2159-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo during speech. 35332
1680.0 1938-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25331
1680.0 1815-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35443
1680.0 2231-2240 19/3 USA ? WTTM (p), Philadelphia NJ. Cast, Mexican songs. 35332
1680.0 2215-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1680.8 1921-... 18/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. Drfting, some overmodulation. Ex-1686.3. 35342
1681.8 2136-... 21/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. A bit overmodulated. Drifting. 35343
1683.0 1932-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1686.3 1814-... 18/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. Drifting, some overmodulation. 35342
1688.9 1859-... 20/3 Balk.? UNID - pir. Songs. Drifting. 15331
1690.0 1951-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1690.0 1916-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2152-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks abt the equipment, Grk mx. Echo during speech. 35332
1690.0 1951-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2317-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. QRM de CAN (p). 34342
1690.0 2318-2328 17/3 USA WPTX, Lexington Park MD. E, songs, advs. 34443
1690.0 1816-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1690.0 2212-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, light songs. 35443
1690.0 1817-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2148-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 45343
1690.0 1831-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35433
1690.0 1833-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1690.0 1937-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks abt. the equipment, mx. Echo during speech. 35343
1691.6 1816-... 19/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25341
1691.9 1946-... 21/3 SRB UNID - pir. Serb, Slavic mx, testing, calling Greece. Poor mod 35343
1692.0 2150-... 15/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic songs. 15341
1694.0 1851-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1697.3 1837-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1698.9 1929-... 16/3 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1699.6 1828-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, laughter, pops. 35343
1700.0 1950-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1700.0 2142-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1700.0 1958-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1700.0 1938-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35343
1700.0 2320-2330 17/3 USA WJCC (p), Miami Springs FL. F creole, interview. 34342
1700.0 1821-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks abt. the equipment. 35343
1700.0 1823-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1700.0 1919-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1700.0 1848-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks abt. the equipment. 35343
1701.4 1912-... 19/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. Drifting. Was on 1697.7 at 1924. 25342
1703.0 1924-... 18/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx & songs. 35342
1706.0 1825-... 18/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25342
1708.0 2218-... 16/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1708.7 2143-... 15/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Songs. 25342
1709.8 1953-... 15/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1710.0 1931-... 16/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1710.0 1829-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1710.0 1930-... 18/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 25341
1710.0 2200-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1710.0 2205-... 18/3 NOR ? Bodø R, Sandnessjøen. Wx (p) rpt. QRM de Greek pir. stn. 23341
1710.0 1825-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1710.0 1857-... 20/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1710.0 2202-... 21/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Electr. mx. 25342
1711.2 1819-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Drifting. 25342
1715.9 1908-... 21/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. 35343
1718.7 1945-... 17/3 Balk.? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1720.0 2154-... 16/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25331
1720.0 2218-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx. 25342
1720.0 1915-... 21/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, pops. 15341
1721.7 2207-... 18/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 35342
1723.0 1956-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1725.6 1914-... 19/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1730.0 1952-... 16/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs, tks. 15331
1730.0 1943-... 17/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1730.0 1839-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1730.0 1820-... 19/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, mx. 25342
1730.0 1851-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342
1730.0 1856-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35332
1731.7 2144-... 15/3 Balk.? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1732.3 1855-... 20/3 Balk.? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1734.0 1917-... 19/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 15341
1735.0 2000-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 15341
1739.3 1853-... 21/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25342
1740.0 1955-... 15/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1740.0 2145-... 15/3 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 25331
1740.0 2156-... 16/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1740.0 1833-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1740.0 1915-... 19/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1740.0 1853-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Electr., mx, tks. 25342
1740.0 1952-... 20/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 35342
1740.0 1913-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1743.0 1954-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Testing. 15341
1745.3 2221-... 19/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 35342
1747.6 1822-... 19/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1749.8 2222-... 19/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1750.0 1955-... 16/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1750.0 1932-... 17/3 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 25331
1750.0 1831-... 18/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. If the same, much better at 2215, rtd. 35342. 25331
1750.0 1910-... 21/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25342
1750.0 2205-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1750.0 2218-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Pops. 35343
1750.9 1852-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1751.4 1957-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 25341
1756.3 1836-... 18/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. Drifting. 15341
1757.3 2207-... 15/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Tks, Slavic mx. Echo during speech. 15341
1758.0 1948-... 19/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1765.1 1928-... 18/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 35342
1767.0 1854-... 21/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1770.0 2152-... 19/3 ? UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 15341
1775.4 1959-... 20/3 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. Echo during speech. 35343
1776.5 2216-... 16/3 Balk.? UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15341
1777.3 1906-... 21/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1777.7 1828-... 18/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25342
1780.3 1854-... 20/3 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1782.8 2214-... 16/3 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1792.1 1837-... 18/3 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25331
1888.0 2206-... 21/3 I Civitavecchia R, Civitavecchia. Navig. warnings. 25342
1925.0 2208-... 21/3 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Navig. warnings. 35343
1950.6 1948-... 21/3 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35343
2598.0 2146-... 18/3 CAN UNID coastal stn, 8 listed. Wx rpt. 35443
2628.0 2147-... 18/3 I Augusta R, Augusta. Navig. warnings. 25342