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Dal sito Gallery TANASHI |
published in April, but here are my latest loggings on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. 73, Anker Petersen
3215.02 0250-0300 13.2 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk 35232 AP-DNK
3320.00 *2130-2140 11.2 KRE PBS, Pyongyang Anthem, Korean ann, songs by choir, ID: "Pyongyang FM Pangsong imnida" 34333 // 6400 (35444) AP-DNK
3325.00 2230-2240 11.2 INS RRI, Palangkaraya Bahasa Indonesia talk, 24242 AP-DNK
3975.00 1715-1728* 15.2 D ShortwaveRadio, Winsen English ann, pop music from 1968, 1720 ID: "This is 3-9-7-5", sudden fade out - Tx problem. Back again 16.2 at 1715-1735 45444 AP-DNK
6090.00 1720-1725 16.2 ETH Voice of Amhara State, Geja Jewe Amharic talk 44434 AP-DNK
6165.00 2320-2340 10.2 CHN Voice of Shenzhou, Beijing Amoy talk, local music 24332 (Thazin R, Myanmar, was not heard) AP-DNK
6180.00 *1200-1220 17.2 D Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg German, weathersituation and sea forecasts for Deutsche Bucht, Nordsee, Kattegat, Ostsee and Englischer Kanal, weather
observations 44554 // 5905 (45555) AP-DNK
6190.00 1155-1205 Sa 17.2 D Hamburger Lokalradio, Göhren English ann, English pop songs, ID: "This is Hamburger Lokalradio" 45544 AP-DNK
11630.00 0915-0920 21.2 CHN CNR 17, Lingshi Kazakh talk by man and woman 35343 // 12055 (35343) AP-DNK
11680.00 0935-0940 21.2 KRE KCBS, Kanggye Korean song by man with choir 25232 AP-DNK
13669.90 0910-0915 21.2 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur, woman reading a poem and laughing with piano in the background 35333 // 11885 (25333) AP-DNK
15390.00 0900-0910 21.2 CHN CNR 13, Lingshi Time signal, Uighur ann, local songs, "The East is Red", audience clapping 25232 // 13700 (45434) AP-DNK
15540.03 0855-0900 21.2 CHN China Business R, Lingshi Chinese talk by several people 35444 // 15500 (25333) AP-DNK
17580.00 0850-0855 21.2 CHN Voice of China, Lingshi Chinese conversation with music in the background 35333 // 17550 (25232) AP-DNK