venerdì 3 marzo 2017

WBZ Boston 1030 AM e altri ascolti MW & SW

Here is, what I heard during the past 3 days in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. 73, Anker Petersen


590.00 0510-0520 1.3 CAN VOCM, St. John's, New Foundland (p) English debate about family issues, advs 25333 AP-DNK

1030.00 0535-0545 1.3 USA WBZ, Boston, MA (p) English talk 23342 AP-DNK

1130.00 0545-0550 1.3 USA WBBR, New York, NY (p) English conversation 24322 AP-DNK

1512.00 0500-0510 1.3 GRC ERT1, Hania, Crete Greek talk with musical interlude 35343 AP-DNK


3480.00 2055-2105 28.2 CLA Voice of the People, via Goyang, South Korea Korean talk and music - jammed 34243 // 3912 (22232), 4450 (21221) and 4557 (33233) AP-DNK

3990.02 *2252-2305 28.2 CHN Gannan PBS, Tianshui, Hezon Opening melody, 2255 Tibetan ann by man and woman, "The East is Red", music, 2300 news 35233 // 5979 (23232) AP-DNK

4870.26 *0208-0240 28.2 CLA R Sedayee Kashmir, via Kingsway, India Constant tone until sign on at 0230 with ID in Kashmiri: "Radio Sedayee Kashmiri", ann, short female song, talk by man in Kashmiri, 0232 another song 35233 AP-DNK

4930.00 1935-1945 1.3 BOT VOA, Moepeng Hill English comments from Cambodia on President Trump's speech in the Congress 35343 AP-DNK

4940.00 2050-2100* 1.3 STP VOA, Pinheira Hausa reports, VOA jingle, talk, music, English ID and "Yankee Doodle" 45233 AP-DNK

4960.00 0520-0530 1.3 STP VOA, Pinheira Hausa translation of an speech in English, music 35333 AP-DNK