Pirates & Utility log monitoring the MW X band. By Carlos Goncalves in Portugal.
1610.9 2111-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1611.0 1800-... 28/3 ? UnID - pir. Tks. Adj. QRM de E on 1602. 14341
1611.0 2124-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. Adj. QRM de E on 1602. 24341
1615.0 2146-... 27/3 HOL R.Blauwe Koe - pir. Songs. Adj. QRM de E on 1602. 14341
1617.0 2117-... 28/3 ? UnID - pir. Mx. 15331
1620.0 1808-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1620.0 1902-... 02/4 HOL UnID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1620.9 1833-... 28/3 HOL UnID - pir. Dutch songs. 25341
1625.0 1906-1943* 27/3 HOL R.MOSFET - pir. Du, tks, pops. ID via DX press. 35343
1625.0 *1944-... 27/3 HOL R.Barones - pir. Du, songs. ID via DX press. 35343
1625.0 2209-... 27/3 HOL R.Barones - pir. Du, pops, tks. 35443
1625.0 2146-... 31/3 ? UnID - pir. Mx. 15331
1625.0 2057-... 01/4 HOL R.Quintus - pir. Dutch songs. 25341
1629.0 2148-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. QRM de Dutch pir. stn. 24341
1629.0 2149-... 27/3 HOL UnID - pir. Songs. QRM de Grk pir. stn. 14341
1629.0 1919-... 31/3 HOL R.Marskramer - pir. Empty carrier. ID via DX press. 15341
1629.0 2140-... 31/3 HOL UnID - pir. Pops. 25342
1629.0 2207-... 02/4 HOL UnID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1630.7 2100-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 45444
1632.0 1939-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, tradit. songs. Drifting. 25331
1634.0 1831-... 28/3 HOL UnID - pir. Dutch songs. 25341
1634.8 1918-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. QRM de Dutch pir. stn. 33331
1634.9 1810-... 27/3 HOL R.Yogi Bear - pir. Dutch songs, Dutch folk mx. Improving. ID via DX press. 35342
1635.0 2153-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. QRM de Dutch pir. stn on 1634.864. 24341
1635.0 2125-... 02/4 GRC ? UnID, Grk? - pir. Tks. 15331
1636.0 2217-... 01/4 HOL UnID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1640.0 1841-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1640.0 *2207-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 45444
1640.0 2102-... 28/3 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, songs in G, Dutch songs, tks, pop oldies. 35342
1640.0 2152-... 30/3 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, songs, mx, pops, tks. 25341
1640.0 2151-... 31/3 GRC ? UnID, Grk? - pir. Mx. 15331
1640.0 2059-... 01/4 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel (p) - pir. Dutch songs, Austrian folk mx, pop oldies. 25342
1641.2 1811-... 27/3 HOL UnID - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. 25341
1644.0 2155-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Mx. Faulty modulation. 25331
1644.0 2115-... 01/4 CNR Arrecife R, Los Hoyos. E/Cast, gale warnings? 15341
1646.8 1839-... 27/3 HOL R.Keizer en Keizerin - pir. Du, songs, tks. 25342
1647.0 2121-... 01/4 HOL R.Nachtzwerver - pir. Jodel songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1648.0 2047-... 29/3 HOL UnID - pir. Dutch songs. 15341
1650.0 1812-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Pop mx, tks. 35343
1650.0 2317-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35343
1650.0 1802-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1650.0 *1912-... 31/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, greetings, tks. Echo in speech. 25342
1650.0 1917-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. 15341
1650.0 2101-... 01/4 HOL R.Lotus - pir. Du, pops, Austrian folk mx, tks. 25342
1650.0 1904-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 15341
1650.0 2050-... 02/4 HOL UnID - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. 35342
1652.0 2158-... 27/3 HOL R.Moby Dick - pir. Songs in G, Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35342
1652.0 2113-... 28/3 HOL R.Moby Dick (p) - pir. Du, tks, songs. Adj. QRM. 34342
1653.0 2149-... 30/3 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Songs. Country & stn ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1654.0 2134-... 28/3 HOL UnID - pir. Du, tks, songs. 25341
1655.0 1837-... 27/3 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Du, songs, tks. 35343
1655.0 2104-... 28/3 HOL R.Witte Raaf (t) - pir. Du, tks, pops, c&w. 35342
1655.0 *2129-2131* 01/4 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Du, tks, mx. 25341
1656.0 2313-... 27/3 E Tarifa R, Conil. E/Cast, wx rpt & gale warnings. 35343
1660.0 1847-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Pop mx. 25342
1660.0 1916-... 27/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. Echo in speech. 35443
1660.0 2108-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1660.0 2049-... 29/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. 15341
1660.0 2131-... 31/3 GRC UnID - pir. Empty carrier, tx on & off, then tks, Grk songs. 15341
1660.0 2057-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo in speech. 25342
1665.0 1814-... 28/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, Slavic mx, tks. 15341
1665.0 2051-... 29/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. Improving. 25341
1665.0 2055-... 02/4 HOL R.Meteoor - pir. Du, tks, folk mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1670.0 1843-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. 35332
1670.0 2200-... 27/3 HOL R.Technische Man - pir. Du/E, songs, tks. QRM de Grk pir. stn. 34443
1670.0 1835-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, testing. 25341
1670.0 *2201-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. 35343
1670.0 2133-... 29/3 Balk.? UnID - pir. Songs. 15331
1670.0 2105-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. 25341
1670.0 2121-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. 25342
1673.0 2116-... 31/3 HOL UnID - pir. Dutch mx. 15341
1675.0 1913-... 01/4 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. Echo insertion. 25342
1677.0 1906-... 02/4 E Matxitxako R, Cabo Quejo. Cast/E, gale warnings. 35342
1680.0 2202-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo in speech. Uty. QRM. 34432
1680.0 2110-2111* 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 34342
1680.0 *2111-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Testing, Grk songs, tks. Uty. QRM. 34342
1680.0 2143-... 30/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 14341
1680.0 2137-... 31/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 14341
1680.0 2117-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. Uty. QRM. 24341
1680.0 2052-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Uty. QRM. 23341
1685.0 1825-... 28/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, Slavic mx, tks. 35342
1690.0 1845-... 27/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Slavic mx. 35342
1690.0 2204-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. Echo in speech. 35443
1690.0 2106-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Pop mx, tks. Echo in speech. 35343
1690.0 2115-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Rpts. for other stns, Grk songs. Echo in speech. 45433
1690.0 2122-... 29/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1690.0 1907-... 31/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. 25342
1690.0 1921-... 31/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1690.0 2224-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 15331
1690.0 2047-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 35342
1698.0 1907-... 02/4 E Finisterre R, Finisterre. Cast/E, gale warnings. 35342
1700.0 1908-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk pops. 35343
1700.0 2301-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs. 35433
1700.0 1806-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, pop mx. Echo in speech. 25342
1700.0 2128-... 28/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Slavic songs. 35332
1700.0 1915-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. Grk songs. Echo in speech. 25342
1704.0 2236-... 27/3 E Cabo de Gata R, La Guapa. E/Cast, navig. warnings. 35343
1707.0 1908-... 02/4 E A Coruña R, Ortiguiera. Cast/E, gale warnings. 35342
1710.0 1910-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, testing, tks. Echo in speech. 25342
1710.0 2213-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Pops, tks. Echo in speech. 35342
1710.0 2119-... 01/4 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1710.0 2113-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Pops, testing. 15341
1710.0 2135-... 02/4 GRC UnID - pir. Testing. Echo insertion. 25342
1710.0 2209-2210* 02/4 S Stockholm R, Grimeton. Wx rpt, navig. warnings? 15331
1715.0 2144-... 31/3 Balk.? UnID - pir. Mx. 15331
1715.5 2139-... 28/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1715.7 2215-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Ru (t), tks. 25341
1717.7 1827-... 28/3 ? UnID - pir. Ru, tks. 35342
1720.0 2229-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Songs. 25331
1720.0 1846-... 28/3 GRC ? UnID, Grk? - pir. Pops. 35332
1720.0 2124-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, greetings. Echo in speech. 35443
1720.0 2148-... 31/3 GRC ? UnID, Grk? - pir. Mx. 15331
1730.0 2217-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Pop mx, Grk tradit. songs. Seemingly some relay of an FM stn as fq was ann'ed. 45444
1730.0 2208-... 30/3 GRC ? UnID, Grk? - pir. Pop mx. 15331
1730.0 2115-... 02/4 GRC ? UnID, Grk? - pir. Pop mx. 25342
1732.4 2119-... 28/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic songs. Drifting, on 1629 at 2124. 25342
1734.0 2138-... 02/4 DNK Lyngby R, Blåvand. E, navig. warnings. 15341
1740.0 1914-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25331
1740.0 1844-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo in speech. 35343
1744.0 2219-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Ru, tks. 35332
1745.0 1840-... 28/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks abt. the equipment. 25342
1752.0 2223-... 27/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Slavic mx & songs. 35332
1752.0 2244-... 27/3 IRL Valentia Coastguard. Navig. warnings. QRM de Balkan pir. stn. 34343
1758.0 2140-... 02/4 DNK Lyngby R, Frederikshavn. E, navig. warnings cf. // 1734. 15331
1758.7 2304-... 27/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Slavic mx. Drifting. 35342
1760.0 1912-... 27/3 GRC UnID - pir. Tks. 25342
1760.0 1838-... 28/3 GRC UnID - pir. Songs. 25331
1763.0 2142-... 31/3 Balkan UnID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25331
1775.0 2225-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1777.1 1842-... 28/3 ? UnID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1782.0 2307-... 27/3 ? UnID - pir. Ru, tks. 25342
1876.0 1908-... 01/4 I Lampedusa R, Lampedusa. Wx rpt, A bit better at 2133. 15341
1888.0 2135-... 01/4 I Civitavecchia R, Civitavecchia. Wx rpt, navig./trfc. warnings? 15331
2624.0 1902-... 01/4 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). Wx rpt, navig./trfc. warnings? 15341
2628.0 2139-... 01/4 I Augusta R, Augusta. It/E, navig./trfc. warnings? 15341
2632.0 1910-... 01/4 I Napoli R, Napoli. Wx rpt, navig./trfc. warnings? 15341
2642.0 1904-... 01/4 I Genova R, Forte Castellaccio (Genova). Wx rpt, navig./trfc. warnings? 15341
2656.0 2141-... 01/4 I Ancona R, Ancona. Wx rpt, navig./trfc. warnings? 15331
2663.0 1900-... 01/4 I Crotone R, Crotone. Wx rpt, navig./trfc. warnings? 15341
2680.0 1905-... 01/4 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena. Trfc warnings? Better at 2135. 25341
2719.0 2137-... 01/4 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Navig./trfc. warnings? 15341