Divertimento assicurato in onde medie con le stazioni a bassa potenza, più o meno. Gli ascolti sono stati fatti a Bocca di Magra con il Perseus e il loop Welbrook 1530LNP
ITALIA - ancora un mistero: su 828 una stazione annuncia "Studio Due AM 702"... una vecchia registrazione? Mandata in onda da chi? Sul gruppo FB Onde Medie Italia si suggerisce che potrebbe ricordare Z100. Un test?
594 15/11 1600 Radio Challenger, Veneto, Italia, news IT, weak fair
828 14/11 1600 "Studio Due AM 702", Italian radio, disco mx 80s, weak
927 15/11 1730 Italian Unid, Lombardia, Italy, non stop songs fair (pres. ex Radio Milan 1602 testing)
1350 12/11 0455 Z100 Milan Italy, "Good Morning Milan", ids songs, weak fair
1017 15/11 1740 Amica Radio Veneta, Vigonza Italia, Italian songs, wek fair
1566 15/11 1630 Radio Kolbe, Veneto Italy, religious talks IT, fair but QRM Greek pirate
1602 10/11 1600 Dot Radio Spello, Umbria Italy, IT, news, commercial, id, songs, fair (power increased I think)
OLANDA - Molte radio, molto divertimento. Anche se la pronuncia è terribile... almeno per me italiano
747 13/11 1603 Different Radio, Nijkerkerveen Neherlands, Dutch, songs, talks, weak
819 14/11 1630 Studio Denakker, Netherlands Dutch, ids old songs, fair
918 13/11 1600 Radio Citrus, Emst, Netherland, news Dutch, weak
918 13/11 1715 T-POT, Netherlands, id non clear, Dutch, songs, weak (QSL in few minutes, great operator Theo!)
1287 15/11 1600 Radio 0511, Ternaard, Netherlands, 100 watt, id news Dutch, fair over Spain
1395 15/11 1625 Radio Sterrekijke, Elim, Netherlands, folk country songs and mazurka non stop, just few talks with id, fair dominant
1395 15/11 1610 Radio Seabreeze, Grou, Netherlands, Dutch talks songs weak QRM another Dutch Radio
1467 12/11 0500 Radio Paradijs, Netherland, 100 watt, songs, H, weak fair
1494 15/11 0630 Rock Revolution, Pirate, Ireland or Netherlands? great id, songs, weak
1620 15/11 0600 Radio Radio Noordstar, Dutch pirate, Dutch folk mx talks in Dutch, good
NIGERIA - Propagazione da sud
747 13/11 1640 Nagarta Radio presumed, Katabu, Nigeria, afro songs no id, fair over Spain
917 15/11 1725 Radio Gotel, Yola Nigeria, songs, good (better LSB)
918 15/11 1730 Radio Benue, Makurdi, afro songs, talks Vn, weak QRM Nederland
1269 15/11 1715 Taraba State Broadcasting Service, Jalingo, Nigeria, Covid-19 alerts EE & Vn by Taraba government, songs, fair to good
GRECIA - Che fatica riuscire a identificare le radio "private". Ma ERA è sempre chiara e annuncia sull'ora.
1008 15/11 1735 ERA Proto Programa, Kerkyra, talks Greek, fair
1206 15/11 1730 Radio Ennea, Patra, Greece, Greek, Greek songs no stop, very few ids, fair good
1224 15/11 1600 Era Teknikos Radiofonikos Stathmos, Greece, double id Greek songs, fair good