Radio Tirana International |
3480 1940-1945 07.8 CLA Voice of the People, via Goyang, South Korea Korean conversation, music 35232 // 3910 (33333), 3930 (33333), 4450 (13231), 6520 (33333) and 6600 (23232) - all parallels jammed AP-DNK
3975 1945-1950 07.8 D Shortwaveradio, Winsen English ann, English pop songs 45444 AP-DNK
3985 1950-2030 07.8 D Radio Tirana, via Shortwaveservice, Kall-Krekel German ann, song, I/S, ID, Italian talk 55444 AP-DNK
3995 2035-2040 07.8 D HCJB, Weenermoor German talk about working places 55333 AP-DNK
4010.23 1745-1750 05.8 KGZ Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz talk 34232 Whisteling tone in LSB AP-DNK
4750 1755-1800 05.8 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Shavar English report 33333 Hum QRM AP-DNK
4765 0335-0340 05.8 CUB R Progreso, Bejucal Spanish ann, Cuban song 25232 AP-DNK
4800 0035-0040 07.8 IND AIR, Hyderabad English news from Delhi 35333 // Chennai 4920 (25131) and Thiruvananthapuram 5010 (35232) AP-DNK
4800 2040-2045 07.8 CHN Voice of China, Golmud Chinese talk 45343 // 6125 (35233) and 7230 (45333) AP-DNK
4810 *0025-0030 08.8 IND AIR, Bhopal AIR melody, "Vande Mataram" hymn, Hindi ann, Indian string music 45333 AP-DNK
4820 2045-2050 07.8 CHN Xizang PBS, Baiding, Tibet Chinese ann, music 45333 // 6050 (45444), 7240 (44444 QRM 7245) and 7450 (25232) AP-DNK
4875.02 0045-0050 08.8 B R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR Portuguese talk 25232 AP-DNK
4885 2050-2055 07.8 CLA R Echo of Hope, via Taereung, South Korea Korean talk 35232 // 6250 (24333 jammed) AP-DNK
4885.04 0040-0045 08.8 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese talk 25232 AP-DNK
4905 2055-2100 07.8 CHN Xizang PBS, Baiding, Tibet Tibetan talk 35333 // 4920 (35333), 6130 (45444) and 7385 (34433 QRM 7390) AP-DNK
4930 1935-1940 07.8 BOT VOA, Moepeng Hill English report - only audible in LSB, because of heavy noise in AM and USB 35333 AP-DNK
4950 0025-0110 08.8 IND UNID whisteling tone, no audio - R Kashmir, Srinagar? Off 0125 3533x AP-DNK
4960 *2029-2035 07.8 STP VOA, Pinheira Hausa song, ID, ann, Trump visiting Dayton, Ohio 45444
6055 1058-1100* Sa 03.8 D Evangelische Missions Gemeinden, Nauen German closing ann, ID 55555 AP-DNK
6070 0830-0850 31.7 D Channel 292, Rohrbach German ann, pop music from Donau, "Rich Girl" 35343 AP-DNK
6085 0850-0855 31.7 D R Mi Amigo Int., Kall-Krekel English pop songs 25333 AP-DNK
6170 2135-2145 Fr 02.8 FIN Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish ann, Finnish pop songs 35444. This station faded out here around midnight, but was heard back 03.8 0410-0415 with Finnish pop songs 33333 AP-DNK
6185 0325-0330 05.8 MEX R Educación, Ciudad México Spanish ann, Mexican song 25232
7205 0330-0335 05.8 SDN R Omdurman, Al-Fatihab Arabic talk by woman, Arab songs 45333
11689.87 1055-1105 Sa 03.8 FIN Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish conversation and song, 1100 English ID and talk from Washington 25343 AP-DNK
11689.87 1350-1355 Sa 03.8 FIN Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat Finnish ann, pop music - Scheduled on SWR website 3 AUG on 11720 ! 35243 // 6170 (25232) AP-DNK
11880 2100-2130* Su 04.8 AUT AWR, via Moosbrunn English ID: "This is Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope", English religious programme with hymns and greetings from 8 years old Ghana girls, Accra address 45534 AP-DNK