Here a log made from Mantova (North Italy) on MW with some private stations that can be he heard from this beatiful city. Ciao, Giampiero
711 22/2 1310 Media Radio Castellana, Castel San Pietro Terme, good much better than //1098
774 23/2 1150 Radio Città del Capo, really poor, QRM Spain poor too. Low signal also in Milan
819 22/2 1225 Radio Diffusione Europea trieste fair //1584
1098 22/2 1305 Media Radio Castellana, Castel San Pietro Terme, fair good //711
1404 22/2 1220 Radio 106, Reggio Emilia province, weak
1566 22/2 1230 Radio Kolbe, Vicenza province, fair
1584 22/2 1225 Radio Diffusione Europea Trieste fair //819
1602 22/2 1235 Radio Milano 1602 AM weak fair
Note: 990 Z-100 Milan on Friday 22 and Saturday morning-afternoon off air