martedì 26 febbraio 2019

Da Radio Mi Amigo a Radio Verdad - SW Log

Radio Belarus anche via Shortwaveservice sui 6005 kHz
Dear DX-friends, here are my SW loggings from Skovlunde, Denmark, on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire, 73 Anker Petersen

3215    0225-0230     20.2    USA    WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk    25232    AP-DNK

3320    0230-0235    20.2    AFS    R Sonder Grense, Meyerton Afrikaans talk    25232    AP-DNK

3950    0235-0240    20.2    CHN    Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese conversation    25232 // 5060 (35333) and 5960 (35433) AP-DNK

3975    2215-2230    20.2    D    Shortwaveradio, Winsen    English talk, pop song, ID - nearly faded out    15211    AP-DNK

3990    0240-0245    20.2    CHN    Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur talk by man and woman    35333 // 4980 (25232), 6120 (35333) and 7205 (35333) AP-DNK

3995    0245-0250    20.2    D    HCJB, Weenermoor    German hymns 35444 (HCJB on 5920 was off)    AP-DNK

3995    2245-2320    21.2    D    HCJB, Weenermoor    German religious talk about Israel, hymn: "Meine Freunde", 2300 German news; 2302 English news and weather from LifeFM, Ireland, hymns    25333    AP-DNK

4010.23    0250-0255    20.2    KGZ    Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka  Kyrgyz conversation    45323    AP-DNK

4055    0300-0305    20.2    GTM    R Verdad, San Esteban Spanish religious talk - very weak in Denmark:    15131    AP-DNK

4500    0255-0300    20.2    CHN    Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Mongolian talk with music in the background    25232 // 6190 (34343)    AP-DNK

4765.04    0310-0315    20.2    TJK    Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik talk and nice local music    45434    AP-DNK

4840    0510-0515    18.2    USA    WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk    25232    AP-DNK

4885.04    0515-0520    18.2    B    R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA  Portuguese conversation    35333    AP-DNK

4949.78    0520-0525    18.2    AGL    R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Portuguese talk, music    15231    AP-DNK

4950    1725-1747*    21.2    IND    R Kashmir, Srinagar    Kashmiri talk, 1730 English and Hindi news from Delhi about terrorist assault in Kashmir, 1740 local Kasmiri talk, 1745 hymn by choir    34232 sporadic CWQRM    AP-DNK

4960    0525-0530    18.2    STP    VOA, Pinheira    Hausa interview 35333 // 6020 (44544 CWQRM in USB)    AP-DNK

5085    0530-0535    18.2    USA    WTWW, Lebanon, TN    English religious talk    15231    AP-DNK

5840    0535-0540    18.2    DNK    World Music R, Randers (p) English pop songs - very weak:    15131    AP-DNK

5950    0330-0335    23.2    ETH    Voice of the Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa    Tigrinya talk, Horn of Africa music    44434 QRM 5960 Kuwait in Arabic    AP-DNK

6005    1000-1005    23.2    D    R Belarus via Shortwaveservice, Kall-Krekel    German ID mentioning Kall-Krekel, news from Belarus    35233    AP-DNK

6030    0335-0340    23.2    ETH    R Oromiya, Adama via Geja Jewe    Oromo conversation    22432 QRM 6020 CRI in Chinese    AP-DNK

6050    0340-0350    Sa 23.2    EQA    Vozandes Media, Pichincha    Spanish religious talk about "Amor", hymn - prolonged broadcast    35343    AP-DNK

6085    1005-1015    23.2    D    R Mi Amigo, Kall-Krekel    English ID's: "Radio Mi Amigo", English ann, "The LA connection" songs    35343    AP-DNK

6090    0350-0355    23.2    ETH    Amhara State R, Geja Jewe    Amharic talk    33333    AP-DNK