Dear DX-friends, here are my latest loggings heard on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire in Skovlunde. 73, Anker Petersen
1071 2025-2040 08.10 CZE Cesky Rozhlas Plus, 2 stations Czech interview, news, 2033 English news, weather, interview (Scheduled Mo-Fr), 2038 Czech talk with songs 43444 QRM 2 stations AP-DNK
3255 1920-1930 10.10 AFS BBC, via Meyerton English talk, BBC news 25332 // 6190 (32332 QRM R Taiwan Int. in German on 6185) and 7445 (45444) AP-DNK
3985 1930-1935 10.10 D R Tirana, via SW Sce, Kall-Krekel German Letterbox 55454
4750 1940-2110 10.10 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Shavar NEW All Night Service with non-stop local songs, interrupted every half hour with Bengali ID:"... Bangladesh ..." and 2 min. talk 45333
4800 0115-0120 06.10 IND AIR, Hyderabad Telegu conversation 25232 AP-DNK
4810 0120-0125 06.10 IND AIR, Bhopal Urdu talk with music 25232 AP-DNK
5980 0755-0840 06.10 USA R Marti, Greenville Spanish talk, ID 24333 Jammed by Cuba AP-DNK
5980 1410-1720 06.10 NZL R New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki English ID's: "Radio NZ International", interview about the future, 1430 relay BBC World Sce., 1500 news 34333 QRM UNID, maybe SWR, FIN AP-DNK
6005 0820-0830 09.10 D SW Sce., Kall-Krekel German talk 25232 AP-DNK
7325 1115-1120 06.10 CHN CRI, Jinhua Japanese conversation 25232 AP-DNK (reactivated R Wantok Light, PNG, not heard)