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QSL di Radio Nord ricevuta da Anker Petersen |
5840 0945-0955 27.10 DNK World Music R, Randers English singing ID, Spanish and English pop songs 45434 AP-DNK
5920 0940-0945 27.10 D HCJB, Weenermoor German religious talk, hymn 33443 CWQRM in LSB AP-DNK
6005 0935-0940 27.10 D SW Service, Kall-Krekel German ann, orchestra music 25232 AP-DNK
6035 1400-1405 Fr 26.10 S R Nord Revival, Waxholm Fortress, Stockholm (0,5 kW) Swedish ID: "Radio Nord Revival", ann transmissions either on 5995 og 6035 kHz, pop music 45444.
Also heard 1815-1835 Fr 26.10 Swedish ann, wellknown Swedish pop songs, requested reception reports - best in USB 35422.
Also heard 0955-1000 Sa 27.10 Swedish advs, English and Swedish pop songs, like "Back to Happiness" and "Sucu-Sucu" 35444.
Also heard 1340-1450 Sa 27.10 Swedish advs, report, Swedish pop songs - best in USB 35444 AP-DNK
6150 0920-0930 27.10 D R Marabu, via R Europa 24, Datteln German ID: "Radio Marabu auf Kurzwelle 6150", German pop songs 35343 AP-DNK
6190 0915-0920 27.10 D Hamburger Lokalradio, Göhren German reading poetry 55455 AP-DNK