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Stazione radio-meteo del DWD-Pinneberg dal blog I-05940-MI |
Qualche ascolto in onde corte. 73, Giampiero
3255 13/12 1950 BBC WS, Meyerton, South Africa, reports, good
3320 13/12 1930 Sonder Grense, Meyerton, South Africa, opera & classical mx, good
4885 13/12 1935 Echo of Hope, South Korea, Korean, songs, fair
5020 13/12 1945 SIBC, Solomon Islands, talks, poor
5905 13/12 2007 DWD Pinneberg, Germany, meteo info in German, strong QRM Radio Algerienne via Issoudun France - not a good idea to use the same frequency for 2 tx in Europe
6070 10/12 0925 DARC, Rohrbach, Germany, radio amateur program, good
6070 10/12 1102 Bclnews Radio, Rohrbach, Germany, Studio DX, in Italian, fair-good
6085 10/12 1105 Radio Mi Amigo, Kall, Gemany, nice songs, weak-fair fading
6090 13/12 2000 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, songs, good
6110 13/12 2003 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, talks, good
6180 13/12 2006 DWD Pinneberg, Germany, meteo info in German, good
9525.94 13/12 1940 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, English bc, fair, low modulation, slowly drifting
9610 10/12 0900 AWR, Nauen, Germany, Obiettivo DX and religious px in Italian, very good
9765 10/12 1035 RNZI, New Zealand, music, fair
11610 10/12 1059 RNZI, New Zealand, start bc, news, good
11690 10/12 1045 AWR KSDA, Agat, Guam, Chinese talks, fair
15110 10/12 1108 Radio Kuwait, DRM, "DRM Service A", good, SNR around 16 dB
15400 10/12 1055 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra WA, music, starting, weak
17760 10/12 1111 Radio Kuwait, Tagalog, conversation, weak-fairx
QTH: Bocca di Magra SP, Italy
RX: Excalibur Pro - ANT Wellbrook ALA1530LNP