The observant ones amongst you will have noticed that this is the 500th edition of the club
magazine Communication! The first edition was published, by the then Twickenham DX Club, in September 1974. The first issue consisted of just three A4 size sheets. The name chosen then for our magazine has remained the same ever since, although the club changed its name to the British DX Club in March 1979, in order to more accurately reflect its wider membership.
Communication has been published every month since that first issue in September 1974, with the exception of just three months: joint issues were published in June/July 1975 and June/July 1977 and the July 1985 edition was missed when we switched printing format.
Up until the 499th (June 2016) edition of Communication, the club had published 19,731 pages in Communication. This total rises to around 20,775 pages when we include the Broadcasts in English supplements that members now automatically receive twice a year. And nowadays of course, some members opt to receive Communication electronically as a pdf via email, instead of the traditional printed paper booklet dropping through your letter box each month In September 2014 we published a special 40th Anniversary edition of Communication which included a detailed look-back at the history of the club and its magazine, so we will not repeat that history here. (Communication July 2016 – Edition 500)
Per scaricare il numero di Communication dedicato ai 40 anni del BDXC CLICCA QUI