lunedì 30 maggio 2016

Tempo di E sporadico. Registrare la banda OIRT con AirSpy e HDSDR

Siamo entrati in quella che dovrebbe essere la stagione delle E sporadiche. Il periodo buono per andare a caccia di stazioni lontane in FM tra gli 87.5 e i 108 MHz, ma anche nella banda OIRT tra 66 e i 74 MHz dove ancora trasmettono alcune stazioni FM dai Paesi dell'EST.

Domenica 28 nel pomeriggio Alessandro Capra ha segnalato una discreta apertura in OIRT.

E proprio per l'OIRT DXing mi sono chiesto come sfruttare al meglio il mio ricevitore AirSpy, che copre intorno ai 9 MHz ben abbondanti di banda. Quindi mi permette di vedere e di registrare in un colpo solo tutta la banda FM dell'Est Europa.

Quasi 6 minuti di registrazione di banda pesano quasi 15 GB
Ma per quanto riguarda le registrazioni programmate c'è un problema. SDRsharp, il programma che meglio opera con AirSpy (e AirSpy Mini) è un ottimo software ma su questo fronte non dispone ancora di un plugin di registrazione dotato di un buon scheduler, pratico ed efficiente nel tempo, in modo da programmare delle registrazioni seriali mirate agli orari supposti migliori e ripetute quotidianamente nel tempo.

Scheduler programmato per registrare l'OIRT sull'ora 2 o 3 minuti

Invece HDSDR presenta un ottimo scheduler versatile. Permette di organizzare le registrazioni in modo semplice e versatile. Di ripeterle nel tempo ogni giorno. Ma anche, tra l'altro, al termine di ogni registrazione consente di dare lo stop al software per poi farlo ripartire alla seguente registrazione programmata. Così si possono usare altri programmi e altri ricevitori senza sovraccaricare la CPU. Maggiori infromazioni su HDSDR QUINOTA BENE: scegliere l'extIO DLL giusto
Per controllare AirSpy ho usato l'extIO DLL che si scarica a questa pagina HDSDR clicca QUI
e ho usato il DLL dell' 8 gennaio 2015. Non usate il dll di Andrea Montefusco iw0hdv, che è più versatile per quanto riguarda alcuni parametri dell'AirSpy, messo a punto nel dicembre 2015 e scaricabile QUI  perché non mi funziona bene per lo scheduler. Le registrazioni vengono a intermittenza. Il DLL va copiato nella cartella di HDSDR

HDSDR inoltre (come anche SDRsharp) può essere collegato via due porte COM virtuali al programma CSVuserlistBrowser (vedi QUI) un eccellente gestore di database che si linka direttamente con alcuni ricevitori (Perseus, Elad, Winradio Excalibr Pro... oppure con vari software che a loro volta gestiscono uno o più ricevitori o ricetrasmettitori). Per creare le coppie di porte virtuali io uso VSPE, gratuito per la versione 64 bit

HDSDR sincronizzato con CSVuserlistBrowser (database FM E sporadico): frequenza sintonizzata 67.070

In questo caso, tornando all'OIRT DXing quando ascolto live o in registrazione sincronizzo il ricevitore AirSpy controllato da HDSDR con la lista FM E sporadico scaricata da fmlist, creatura di Gunter Lorenz, DXer e informatico, e gestita da CSVuserlistBrowser. (FMlist: clicca QUI e FMscan: clicca QUI)

Da notare che CSVuserlistBrowser scarica in automatico o con un semplice clic una serie di database: NDB, Utility, BC, FM,,, Oppure riesce a importarli con procedure semplici. Basta seguire le istruzioni. Così è molto più facile vedere cosa dovrebbe esserci on air su una certa frequenza... occhio però a non essere troppo faciloni! Talvolta si rischiano i classici fischi per fiaschi.

Programmare la registrazione: la frequenza centrale è 70 MHz, basta poi con un po' di pazienza compilar e vari campi dello scheduler, seguendo le indicazioni presenti nella finestra (vedi immagine sopra dello scheduler).

Nota importante: per registrare 1 minuto di 9 MHz abbondanti di banda servono circa 2.4 GB nella modalità illustrata nell'immagine relativa alla programmazione dello scheduler Insomma, oltre a un buon precessore serve anche un buon hard disk, magari esterno USB 3.0

NOTA PRATICA per non intasare l'hard disk e per velocizzare il controllo dei file

Se guardate lo scheduler (la seconda immagine) vedete che registro nelle ore in cui ritengo più probabile una ES (come giocare al lotto insomma) un 2 o 3 minuti sull'ora, per provare a registrare l'identificazione, dalle 8 alle 10 volte al giorno. Consumo quindi sui 25 giga al giorno di HD. Il controllo lo faccio la sera, dopo cena che per me è tra le 23 e le 24 visti i miei orari.

Non occorre  riascoltare di ogni record tutti i 2-3 minuti... basta dare il via e saltare poco dopo a metà registrazione. Se c'è una ES in corso si capisce subito. La tecnica della registrazione on the hour è stata sviluppata  bene in Nord Europa per le onde medie, con anche la variante della mezz'ora. 

Comunque se poi si vede che, ad esempio le ES in un certo periodo arrivano, ad esempio, più spesso tra le 17 e le 18 UTC nulla vieta di provare a registrare un'ora intera di banda... riascoltando a saltelli di qualche minuto... tanto, mi ripeto, le ES si vedono.
Nel caso di registrazioni prolungate si può scegliere magari di limitare la banda monitorata. Nel caso di AirSpy si può scegliere di usare la modalità 2.5 MHz (esempio 66-68.5 MHz oppure 68-70.5 MHz) facendo un compromesso banda registrata - spazio usato su HD.

Ricordo comunque che ormai si trovano dei piccoli HD da 1 TB USB3.0 a un prezzo davvero accessibile, spesso anche in offerta.

Due ascolti: Russia e Kaliningrad

Asccolti 30 maggio 2016  19.18 UTC

       kHz: 65900
    Station: R Rossii
 Power (kW): 17
    Country: RUS
   Language: russian
Transmitter: Veselovka/RTPS (KA)
       Distance: 1365

kHz: 66050
    Station: R Rossii
 Power (kW): 17
    Country: RUS
   Language: russian
Transmitter: Pskov/ORTPC (PS)
       Distance: 1893

venerdì 27 maggio 2016

Tanto Perù in onde medie. Ascolti di Saverio De Cian

Ecco altri ascolti molto belli in onde medie di Saverio De Cian (Sedico, Belluno)

870 0117- 13/05/2016 ARG LRA1 R Nacional, Buenos Aires-SS sport, ID

930 0100- 13/05/2016 URG CX20 R Monte Carlo, Montevideo-SS ID "Radio Monte Carlo"

950 0053- 13/05/2016 ARG LR3 R Belgrano, Buenos Aires-Bella Vista-SS sport, ID

1030 0016- 13/05/2016 ARG LS10 R del Plata, Buenos Aires-San Marti-SS nx, ID "Radio del Plata"

1140 0310- 09/05/2016 PRU OAM2O Radio María, Chota-SS rlg, Rosario (TNX Comuzzi) 

1190 0048- 15/05/2016 PRU OAX7B R Tawantinsuyo, Cusco-SS ann, Mx, ID

1190 0327- 02/05/2016 CLM HJCV R Cordillera Bogota D. C.-SS mx ID "Radio Cordillera"

1240 0310- 16/05/2016 PRU OAU4V R Maria, Chilca-SS rlg px, Ann, mx, ID "Santa Maria"

1290 0328- 02/05/2016 VEN YVLF R Puerto Cabello Puerto Cabello-SS ID "Radio Puerto Cabello"

1320 0327- 02/05/2016 VEN YVWP R Apolo Turmero-SS mx ID "Apolo"

1360 0310- 14/05/2016 PRU OZX7R R Sicuani, Sicuani-rlg program "El Santo Rosario"

1360 0101- 09/05/2016 PRU OCU4I R Bienestar Lima-SS rlg program ID "La Voz de Salvacion"

1380 0300- 16/05/2016 PRU OCY4U R Nuevo Tiempo, Lima-SS rlg px, ID "Nuevo Tiempo"

1380 0129- 08/05/2016 VEN YVNG Ondas del Mar Puerto Cabello-SS ann ID "Ondas del Mar"

1380 0349- 25/04/2016 MEX XECO-AM Romantica 1380 Mexico D.F-Barri-SS ann ID

1400 0103- 09/05/2016 PRU OBX4W Ecco Radio Lima-SS mx ann ID "Ecco Radio"

1420 0330- 02/05/2016 VEN R Sintonia Caracas-SS px mx Id "Radio Sintonia"

1440 0100- 11/05/2016 B ZYH466 Radio Independencia, Santo Amaro--PP rlg px, ID

1440 0103- 09/05/2016 PRU OAM7L R Solar, Espinar-SS px mx, ID "Radio Solar" (TNX Comuzzi)

1450 0327- 08/05/2016 VEN YVKJ Sonera 14-50 (R Maria) Catia La Ma rlg px ID "Radio Maria"

1470 0320- 16/05/2016 PRU OAU4B R Capital, Lima-Pantanos de Villa-SS px mx, ID

1470 0322- 15/05/2016 EQA HCLD2 R Ecos de Naranjito, Naranjito-SS px mx, ID

1470 0037- 13/05/2016 URG CX147 R Cristal del Uruguay, Las Piedras-SS mx, ID

1470 0335- 05/05/2016 PRU OAU4B R Capital Lima de Villa-SS ID "Escuchá Radio Capital"

1480 0056- 09/05/2016 PRU OAZ7G R Espinar Yauri-SS px mx, ID (TNX Comuzzi)

1500 0209- 09/05/2016 PRU OBX4I R Santa Rosa Lima-San Miguel-SS rlg px ann news ID

1500 0326- 08/05/2016 VEN YVRZ R 2000 AM Cumana-SS px mx ID "Dos Mil" 2

0056- 15/05/2016 PRU OCX6Q R TV Alegría, Arequipa-SS ann, ID "Alegría... Arequipa...

1560 0312- 22/05/2016 PNR R Adventista de Panama, Llano Bonito-SS rlg program, ID

1560 0329- 22/05/2016 PTR WRSJ, Bayamon-SS ann, ID "Puerto Rico Metro Radio"

1560 0329- 02/05/2016 PRU OAZ7N R Maria Wanchaq-SS rlg program ID anche il 16/05

1570 0102- 09/05/2016 PRU OCU4J R Bethel Lima-SS rlg program ID "Bethel Radio"

1620 0354- 30/04/2016 CUB CMNL R Bayamo Bayamo-SS news ann ID

1620 0400- 30/04/2016 CUB R Rebelde Guanabacoa-CTOM2-SS mx ID "Rebelde"

1650 0343- 25/04/2016 MEX XEAZR-AM ZER R 1650 Mexico D.F.-SS tlk ID "Zer Radio"

1660 0329- 03/05/2016 PTR WGIT Faro de Santidad Canovanas-SS rlg program

giovedì 26 maggio 2016

QSL Report to the May 2016

QSL Report to the May 2016


5975 Adventist World Radio Bulgarian Studio, Russian BCB via Issoudun. 
Received back a regular AWR Card with full data (website) inside a nice 
envelope with stamps, from the Bulgarian Studio. Included was a Booklet 
called Planet in Rebellion. Reply in 40 days for a Postal report. V/s: 
Borislav Yordanov (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)


15405 Ugandan Diaspora P10 Radio broadcast in Swahili via Issoudun. Full 
data (w/site) .pdf Media Short-wave QSL in less then eight hours after 
posting a follow-up for a total of 34 days. V/s: Michael Puetz (Edward 
Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)


15525 Bible Voice Broadcasting Broker via Nauen, 100 kW’s 148-degree 

azimuth. The following station where verified via Three (3) Full data 
(w/site, power, azimuth) ‘reaching the Nations-one person at a Time’ QSL 
cards, via the Newmarket address.

Voice of Morning Star –Ethiopian Outreach Ministry (EOM)

New Creation Amharic BCB to East Africa

Voice of Maranatha Ministries Amharic BCB to east Africa

Grace Radio Ministry Somali BCB to east Africa

African Radio Ministry – Haaiya Worship Hour

Voice of Light – Dimtsi Berhan, Tigrinyan BCB to East Africa

This for both E-mail and eventually a Postal Reports, with replies from 
93 to 10 days.

Correspondences via Amanda James (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, 

15525 Bible Voice Broadcasting via Nauen. Received back from Media 
Broadcast an e-mail .pdf QSL with just BVB listed as the Broker. This 
reply in three days after posting a follow-up for a total of 70 days. 
V/s Michael Puetz (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)


17640 Madagascar World Voice/African Pathways Radio via Mahajanga 
Transmitter site. Full data (with no site but azimuth degree indicated) 
Water/tree Evening Scene of Madagascar with a Bible verse. This for a 
Postal report with goodies to Tennessee address, with reply in 20 days. 
(Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)


6930 USB Radio Zed replied within six hours with a nice .pdf QSL 
response of the Big Band Leaders of the 30 and 40’s. Nice QSL with the 
power as 500 watts. (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)


15260 FEBC Indonesia (YASKI) Javanese BCB. Received an e-mail reply 
stating they never received my e-mail report but thanked me to my Postal 
follow-up report. This from Puteri Handayani Director’s Secretary and 
Public relations, followed with a separate e-mail statement from Samuel 
Tirthardja, President of FEBC Indonesia indicating thanking me for my 
inquiry and for that they will response soon.Replies came in 32 days 
after sending a Postal report for an April 2015 reception report. 
(Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)


5910 Radio-lead Africa via Sentech Transmitter. Received a reply from 
Martha Leah Nangalama confirming my e-mail report of March.She is a 
Canadian and from New Brunswick.Reply in 12 hours after posting my 
report to: <>

5910 Radio-lead Africa- Uganda via Sentech Transmitter. Less then four 
hours after posting my e-mail report received back a acknowledgement 
from Baker Mayamba, at radioleadafricamedia v/s: Baker 
(Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)

mercoledì 25 maggio 2016

Ascolti di Roberto Pavanello

Gli ascolti di Roberto Pavanello

828 17/5 22.45 Hit FM - Terrasa SS ID e MX buono
900 15/5 10.15 RAI R. 1 - Milano IT NX reg. Lombardia ottimo
999 15/5 10.15 RAI R. 1 - Torino IT MX vergognoso
1134 16/4 21.55 COPE - Pamplona SS ID e pubblicità locale buono...
1566 21/5 23.45 Vahon FM - Den Haag Indostano MX buono
1646 21/5 23.50 R. Barcelona - Dutch ID e MX buono

3320 21/5 23.20 R. Sonder Grense - Afrikaans talk suff.

4765 21/5 23.30 R. Tajikistan - Dushambe Tagico MX buono
4835 16/5 20.05 VL8A - Alice Springs EE MX suff.
4885 21/5 23.00 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP calcio buono
4950 21/5 23.05 R. Nac. Angola - Luanda PP NX suff

5940 21/5 22.50 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP MX buono

6040 21/5 22.55 R. B2 - Curitiba PP MX suff.
6070 22/5 08.50 R. Goldrausch - Tedesco ID e MX buono
6090 21/5 23.10 Caribbean Beacon - Anguilla EE predica buono
6285 16/5 20.15 R. Batavier - EE ID e MX buono
6295 16/5 19.55 Hitmix - EE ID e MX buono
6305 21/5 23.35 R. Johnny Tobacco - EE ID e MX buono

7300 22/5 08.40 R. Bandido - EE ID e MX buono

7590 18/5 17.05 R. Latino - IT ID e MX buono
7700U 18/5 19.50 Marconi R. Int. EE ID e MX buono
7850 21/5 23.25 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
9265 21/5 23.15 WINB - Red Lion EE talk buono

9790 22/5 09.00 AWR - Firenze IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo  

martedì 24 maggio 2016

ON AIR - Il mercoledì c'è Radio Marconi International

Just a short reminder of our regular weekly brodcasts on Wednesdays. Marconi Radio International will once again be on air tomorrow 25 May 2016, from 1800 to 1900, 2000 to 2100 and from 2130 to 2230 UTC on 7700 kHz USB mode.  

QSL inviata a Claudio Bianco
The first half hour is always a DX programme in English (Italian Shortwave Panorama) followed by mailbag show in Italian or non-stop music interspersed with announcements in English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Catalan. 

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome!

We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: - Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.

Last but not least,  we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook  or send out a tweet the day  before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our  potential audience.  We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Summer 2016 International Shortwave Broadcast Guide

New Summer 2016 International Shortwave Broadcast Guide Now Available

Teak Publishing is pleased to announce the release of the Summer 2016 International Shortwave Broadcast Guide (ISWBG) electronic book by Amazon bestselling author Gayle Van Horn, W4GVH. This all important semi-annual information resource is your electronic guide to the world of shortwave radio listening. Shortwave radio listeners are routinely entertained with unique perspectives to events, music, culture, history, and news from other countries that you won’t see or hear on your local or national broadcast channels.

Shortwave radio broadcast aren’t restricted by country borders or oceans, and can propagate thousands of miles, reaching millions of listeners worldwide, in over 300 different languages and dialects. These worldwide transmissions are monitored on internationally assigned radio frequencies between 1700 kHz and 30 MHz.

There are even broadcasts from the dark side, transmitted from broadcasters known as clandestine or clanny stations. Clandestine broadcasters are wrapped in mystery and intrigue, and they usually exist to bring about some sort of political change to the country they are targeting. Programming may largely be half-truths or sometimes even outright lies, but it is essentially propaganda for their cause.

Listeners who live in the United States can easily hear shortwave broadcast stations from Australia, Canada, China, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, North/South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, and many other counties if you have an inexpensive shortwave radio receiver, and you know when and where to listen! If you want to get in on the action, then this Amazon electronic book is your ticket the travel the world via radio.

The ISWBG is a 24-hour station/frequency guide to “all” of the known longwave and shortwave radio stations currently broadcasting at time of publication. This unique radio hobby resource is the “only” radio hobby publication that has by-hour station schedules that include all language services, frequencies and world target areas.

New In this sixth edition of the ISWBG is a lead story on clandestine broadcast and broadcasters with the latest schedules and frequencies you need to hear these intriguing transmissions. There is also an expanded special feature on Who’s Who in the shortwave radio spectrum. This story covers services and frequencies outside the regular broadcast and amateur radio bands, and includes our new, exclusive Hot HF 1000+ non-broadcast frequency list. Also new in this edition is increased frequency and station coverage of longwave broadcasters, selected medium wave broadcast frequencies used by international broadcasters, and all known international standard time and frequency stations transmitting worldwide.

The International Shortwave Broadcast Guide (Summer 2016 edition) is now available for purchase worldwide from at The price for this latest edition is US$6.49.

Since this book is being released internationally, Amazon customers in the United Kingdom, Germany, France Spain, Italy, Japan, India, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Australia can order this electronic book (e-Book) from Amazon websites directly servicing these countries. All other countries can use the regular website.

This new e-publication edition is a much expanded version of the English shortwave broadcast guide that was formerly published in the pages of the former Monitoring Times magazine for well over 20 years. This one of a kind e-book is published twice a year to correspond with shortwave station’s seasonal time and frequency changes. Don’t own a Kindle from Amazon? Not a problem. You do not need to own a Kindle to read Amazon e-book publications. You can read any Kindle book with Amazon’s free reading apps on literally any electronic media platform. The Kindle app is available for most major smartphones, tablets and computers. There is a Kindle app available for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch; Android Phone; Android Tablet; PC; Windows 8; Mac Kindle Cloud Reader; Windows Phone; Samsung; BlackBerry 10; BlackBerry; amd WebOS. This means with a free Kindle reading apps, you can buy a Kindle book once, and read it on any device with the Kindle app installed*. You can also read that same Kindle book on a Kindle device if you own one.
You can find additional details on these apps by checking out this link to the Amazon website at

For additional information on this and other Teak Publishing radio hobby books, monitor the company sponsored Internet blogs

The Military Monitoring Post (,

The Btown Monitor Post (

The Shortwave Central ( for availability of additional e-books that are currently in production.

You can learn more about the author by going to her author page on Amazon at The International Shortwave Broadcast Guide will have wide appeal to shortwave radio hobbyists, amateur radio operators, educators, foreign language students, news agencies, news buffs, or anyone interested in listening to a global view of news and major events as they happen. Whether you are an amateur radio operator or shortwave radio enthusiasts, and want to get in on the action outside of the ham bands, then this new electronic book from Teak Publishing is a must in your radio reference library. Here are a few of the public comments from radio hobbyists who purchased previous editions of this Amazon e-book.

Ascolti FM alle Baleari by Gianni Palandra

Ascolti FM di Gianni Palandra a Maiorca, Isole Baleari - RX Degen DE-1103

Ascolti effettuati a Cala Rajada stanza 301 il giorno 16 Maggio 2016 tra le 22.10 e le 22.30 e il giorno 17 Maggio 2016 dalle 20.55 alle 21.10

88.4-Chaine 3-Chrea

88.7-Radio Soummam
90.2-Chaine 1-Dirah
91.5-Radio El Bahdja-Chrea
94.7-Jil FM-Chréa
95.9-Radio Ain Témouchent-Tessala
96.5-Chaîne 2-Dirah
98.0-Chaine 1-Chrea
98.4-Radio El Tarf-M'Cid
99.8-Radio Bouira-Bouira
101.8-Chaîne 1-Afkadou
102.7-Chaîne 1-Tessala
105.4-Chaine 3-Akfadou
105.5-Chaine 3-M'Cid
107.1-Radio Meghriss

sempre Cala Rajada solo il 17 Maggio ore 13.54
RAI Radio 3-97.3-Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara(OR)
107.0-Radio Adventista-St.Josep/Sa Talaia-Ibiza
ascolti effettuati a Cala Bona il giorno 16 Maggio dalle 15.44 alle 17.30

prima apertura Es dalla Turchia dalle 15.45 alle 15.52

87.5-Turchia-TRT Nagme-presunta-TX Datca/Ak Dagi
87.8-Turchia-TRT Nagme-Zonguldak/Asardogrugu
88.4-Turchia-TRT 1 Radyo Bir-Cankiri-Eldivan/Eldivan Dagi
89.8-Turchia-TRT 4 Radyo Dört-Yozgat/Camlik Tepe TTAS R/L presunta
90.2-Turchia-TRT 1 Radyo Bir-Kütahya/Karlik Tepe
95.4-Turchia-TRT FM-Kütahya/Karlik Tepe c'era musica

Spagna-93.4-COPE Valencia breve tropo-Torrent/Perentxissa=Calicanto
88.9-RAI Radio 1 Sardegna-Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara(OT)
93.0-Spagna-Rne Radio Clasica-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT 
89.9-Spagna-COPE-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba(CAT)
99.3-RAI Radio 3-Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara(OT)

Ascolti fatti di fronte Playa de Canyamel il giorno 17 Maggio 2016

103.5-Spagna-COPE-Alcúdia/Puig de Son Sant Martí-Baleari hi!
96.4-Spagna-Catalunya Música-Cabrils/Montcabrer8CAT)
95.4-Spagna-Radio Clasica-Alcúdia/Puig de Son Sant Martí
97.4-RNE Radio 3-Alcúdia/Puig de Son Sant Martí
99.7-Radio 5-Alcúdia/Puig de Son Sant Martí
101.1-IB3-Pollença 2-solo 200 Watt!!
87.7-Spagna-RAC 1-Barcelona/Collserola(CAT)
93.9-Spagna-Los 40-Collserola(BCN)
89.3-RAC 105-Vilaplana/La Mussara-(CAT)
89.9-Tunisia-ZITOUNA FM-Sfax/El-Ghraba unica tropo dalla Tunisia alle 10.45
92.9-Spagna-Radio Tele Taxi-Vilaplana/La Mussara(CAT) 
95.9-Algeria-Radio Ain Temouchent
93.0-Radio Clasica-Collserola(BCN)
93.6-Radio 5-Roquetes/Mont Carò(CAT)
90.7-RNE Ràdio 4-Roquetes/Montcaro(CAT)
99.5-Italia-RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono-Alghero/Monte Ladu(SS)


ascolti fatti nella Baia Est di fronte al Porto di Palma de Mallorca il giorno 18 Maggio 2016 dalle 14 alle 15.20

103.4-Megastar de donde??no en FM LIST en paralel con 102.8 local
103.4-COPE Ibiza e Formentera-Ibiza
107.1-Gestiona Radio-Alfafar(VAL)
93.1-Kiss FM-Ibiza
93.7-IB 3-St.Llorenc de Balafia-Ibiza
90.7-RTL 102.5-St.Josep/Sa Talaia-Ibiza
100.8-Ibiza Global Radio en ingles
107.0-Radio Adventista-Ibiza
99.7-RNE Radio 3-Confides/Aitana(VAL)
99.0-Cadena Cien-Torren/Perentixissa-Calicanto(VAL)
99.3-Radio Maria-Miranda de Ebro(GI)-CAT
102.6- hablavan de futbol de Sevilla qualquier idea??
desde Algeria tambien 91.8-92.6-94.7-96.5-101.8-105.4
ascolti effettuati a Cala Mesquida il giorno 17 Maggio 2016

Spagna-91.0-Barcelona FM-Barcelona/Collserola CAT
Spagna-107.0-Radio Arenys de Munt-Arenys de Munt/Collsacreu(CAT)
Spagna-106.6-Radio Estel-Barcelona/Collserola CAT 
Spagna-106.2-RNE Radio 4-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
107.3-Radio Maria-Monte Serpeddi(CA)
104.3-Radio Radicale-Monte Limbara(OT)
96.9-Catalunya Ràdio-Oliana-Tarrerots(CAT)
98.5-Catalunya Informaciò-Roquetes/Montcaro(CAT)
104.2-Maxima FM-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
103.9-Catalunya Musica-Sant Celoni/Montseny
101.5-Catalunya Musica-Barcelona/Collserola-cAT
102.4-Catalunya Musica-Montserrat-CAT
100.1-RAC-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
103.8-RNE Radio 4-Montserrat-CAT
96.7-Catalunya Musica-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
94.2-Catalunya Informaciò-Sant Celoni/Montseny-CAT
94.0-Radio 5 Todo Noticias-Vilaplana/La Mussara-CAT
93.5-Onda Cero-Barcelona-CAT
88.1-Los 40-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
93.9-Los 40-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
100.0-Cadena Cien-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
97.7-Radio Tele Taxi-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
97.3-Catalunya Ràdio-Montserrat-CAT
90.4-Melodia FM Girona-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
95.5-Kiss FM-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
94.9-Europa FM-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
89.8-Rock FM-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
105-RAC 105-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT no Radio Maria-Baleari
103.7-Radio Marina-Lloret de Mar/Roca Grossa
102.8-Catalunya Ràdio-Barcelona/Collserola
102.5-RAC 1-Sant Celoni-CAT
100.8-RNE Radio 4-Barcelona/Collserola-CAT
99.6-Flaix FM-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
89.1-Radio Marca-Collserola-CAT
89.4-Cadena Cien Girona-Rocacorba-CAT
98.9-Onda Cero Girona-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
89.3-RAC 105-Vilaplana/La Mussara-Tarragona-CAT
91.1-Radio Clasica-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
91.5-Radio Clasica-Vilaplana/La Mussara-CAT
93.7-Radio Estel-Sant Jeroni de Montserrat-CAT
95.9-RNE Radio 3-Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba-CAT
91.7-Los 40-Sant Jeroni de Montserrat-CAT

sabato 21 maggio 2016

Onde corte a Bocca di Magra. Qualche ascolto simpatico

Voice of Indonesia distrurbata dalla Cina
Ascolti in onde corte a Bocca di Magra per BOC DX nights numero 36
Dario Monferini e Giampiero Bernardini

4810 15/5 1748 Armenian National Radio, Yerevan, nice songs, fair/good
4930 15/5 1800 VOA, Mopeng Hill, Botswana, news, English, fair
4835 14/5 2045 VL8A ABC Alice Springs, Australia, conversation, weak
4949.78 16/5 2330 R Nacional, Canal A, Angola, talks, fair
5066.39 15/5 1805 Radio Candip, Bunia, Dem. Rep. Congo, French, reports, weak

5910 15/5 1815 NBC Radio 1, Lusaka, Zambia, talks Afro lang, weak USB to avoid RRI 5910
6000 15/5 1908 Adygeyskoye Radio, Armavir, Russia, circassian, folks songs, talks, fair
6030 15/5 1835 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, like cultural bc, fair
6090 15/5 1840 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, nice songs, fair/good
6110 15/5 1845 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, phone talks, fair/good
6164.96 15/5 1901 R.D. Nat. Tchadienne, N'Djamena, songs, weak, after BBC
6970 17/5 1715-1730 Marconi R. Int., via IBC, English, DX program, good USB

Dario ascolta
6970 17/5 1730 Italian Broadcasting Corporation, Hit Parade 1970, Italian, good, USB at 1900 PlayDX DX program by Dario Monferini

9525.89 15/5 1916 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, English bc, strong QRM China 9525
11725 14/5 2035 RNZI, New Zealand, talks, good
11735 14/5 2130 ZBC, Zanzibar,Tanzania, songs talks, good
15190 15/5 1850 Radyo Pilipinas, Tinang, conversatioon, Tagalog, good //12120 9910
15345.98 14/5 2040 R. Nacional de Argentina, Sport, weak

Un angolo di tropici a Bocca di Magra con le rose che salgono su una palma
RX: Perseus & Excalibur Pro
ANT: Loop Wellbrook 1530S+ Imperium

venerdì 20 maggio 2016

Broadcasting in Russian Handbook new edition #20

20th edition of the "Broadcasting in Russian" Handbook, published by St. Petersburg DX Club, has been recently released. 

The handbook features all radio stations transmitting Russian language broadcasts in AM bands (on long, medium and short waves) at present, both from Russia and abroad. Station listings include frequency and programme schedules, transmitter location and power, target areas, postal addresses, phone/fax numbers, Web sites, social network pages, e-mail addresses as well as QSL policy info. The schedules are generally valid until 29 October 2016 (i.e. during A16 broadcasting season).

The Handbook is in Russian and distributed as a hard copy only. Volume is 68 pages of A5 size. Please address your purchase requests and questions to St. Petersburg DX Club:
Alexander Beryozkin, P.O.Box 463, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia
or by e-mail: dxspb[at]

The price is 5 EUR or 6 USD (including delivery by registered mail). PayPal and Skrill money transfers are accepted. Your comments and suggestions regarding the handbook contents are always welcome. (Alexander Beryozkin, St. Petersburg DX Club)

mercoledì 18 maggio 2016

Boc36 - Ascolti in Onde Medie a Bocca di Magra

Ecco alcuni ascolti fatti a Bocca di Magra durante l'appuntamento numero 36 delle cosiddette Boc DX Nights di Dario Monferini e Giampiero Bernardini

Per la prima volta siamo riusciti a registrare un'identificazione completa di Radio Nacional Sao Tome su 945 kHz. Diversi gli ascolti africani, con una propagazione con ampi sprazzi di apertura verso sud. Sulla stessa frequenza arrivava anche l'Eritrea. Altri country africani: Tanzania, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti.

Un altro id finalmente registrato è stato quello della stazione greca Nicolas Apo Elata su 1188 kHz
Altre stazioni greche sono state identificate grazie allo streaming web (vedi il post dedicato ai link: blog SYXNOTHTES AM FM blog))

Dario in ascolto. Il Passito di Pantelleria aiuta la propagazione
Ricevitori: Perseus & Winradio Excalibur Pro
Antenna: Loop Wellbook 1530S+ Imperium

540 15/5 2305 Onda Cero, Bercelona, Spain, good
558 15/5 1758 R Slovenija 1, Murska Sobota, very good
576 15/5 2200 Horizont, Bulgaria, id, news, good
594 14/5 2105 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, talks, fair
594 14/5 2101 Radio Fars, Iran, talks, Farsi, weak/fair
594 15/5 2000 SBC R Riyadh, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, id, talks, songs, fair//1449
595v 14/5 2058 SNRT Al Idaâ Al-Watania, Morocco, talks, id, news, good
702 14/5 2122 Radio Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, songs, Arabic, fair/good
729 14/5 2124 ERA Kosmos, Athens, niced songs, good
765 14/5 2155 Radio Iran, Shahr-e Kord, fair
765 14/5 2130 SBC Al-Quran al-Karim, Saudi Arabia, 2 txs, fair
777v 14/5 2132 ERTU Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Abis, Egypt, long talks, Arabic, good
783 14/5 2120 COPE, Miramar, Spain, fair (QRM need loop)
783 14/5 2130 IRIB R. Zahedan, Iranshahr, Iran, fair
783 14/5 2130 SBC Idha'at ul-Nedaa al-Islam, Ras al-Khair, Saudi Arabia, fair
792 14/5 2104 Studio 1, Athens, Greece, mx, //web streaming fair 
819 14/5 2205 ERTU Al-Barnameg al-Aam, Batrah, Egypt fair/good
828 14/5 2210 Smooth Radio, 2tx UK, 200 or 270 w fair
828 14/5 1000 Z-100, Lombardia, Italy, StudioDX 672, trunked few minutes toward the end, heard on A1 and A14 going to Bocca di Magrafrom Milan
846 14/5 1500 Challenger Radio, Padova, Italy, weak/fair
846 14/5 2220 Greek pirate, fair
864 14/5 2235 ERTU Al-Quran al-Karim, Santah, Egypt, good
873 14/5 2228 SER Zaragoza, Spain, SER network prg, good
882 14/5 2230 BBC Wales, UK, good
891 14/5 2235 R 538, Dutch, Nederland, disco-techno mx, very good
909 14/5 2240 BBC R5 Live, UK, very good

Alba a Bocca di Magra
917 14/5 2220 Radio Gotel, Yola, Nigeria, music, talks, fair, USB  to  avoid 918
927 17/5 0258 TRT 1 Radio Bir, Izmir, Turkey, anthem, ids, news, fair
945 16/5 2000 R. Nacional Sao Tome, news, great it R Nacional, Portuguese, fair
945 16/5 1925 Dimtsi Hafash 1, Asmara, Eritrea, talks, songs, fair/good
954 15/5 0040 Onda Cero, Madrid, La rosa de los vientos, good, Dvojca off
972 16/5 1915 EBC Ethiopia National R, Robe, talks, HoA mx, fair
999 14/5 2257 Radio Malta, Holy Rosary, Maltese, good

999 15/5 1830 TWR, Maiac, Moldovia, start Russian bc, id, good
1026 15/5 1836 Radio Tabriz, Iran, Azer, comedy, fair
1035 14/5 2300 BBC Sheffield, news, fair
1035 14/5 2302 Radio Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, news, Arabic, fair
1044 14/5 2300 Radio Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, id, news//1035, fair
105317/5 0305 Radio Libya, Tripoli, id, Arabic, good
1062 15/5 1830 Radio Country, Praha, Czech, ballads, fair, dominant
1071 15/5 0130 AIR Rajikot, (tent) India, Hurdu sce. poor
1080 17/5 0059 Radio Huesca SER, Spain, local id, fair
1116 14/5 2300 Radio Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, id, news, good
1125 15/5 1912 Radio Miniwatt, Athens, Greece, request songs, good //web
1134 14/5 2300 R Kuwait, id, news, Arabic, very good
1161 15/5 2200 IRIB WS, Qasr-e Shirin (Kermanshah), Iran, id, news, good

1188 15/5 2159 Nikolas apo Elata, Athens, Greece, songs, id recorded, fair
1188 15/5 1920 R. Payam, Iran, national news, Farsi, fair (QRM Nikolas apo Elata)
1197 15/5 0258 Targu Mures, Brasov, Romania, anthem, id, news, fair/good
1206 15/5 2158 IBA Reshet Bet, Haifa, Israel, commercial, id, news, weak/fair
1242 15/5 2200 R Sultanate Oman, news, Arabic, fair
1242 14/5 1930 Absolute R. various txs, UK, fair
1251 15/5 2158 IRIB Radio Iran, Kiashahr (Gilan),music, id, good
1269 14/5 1925 Radio Asia, UAE, fair, dominant over Novi Sad & Arbadil Iran
1278 14/5 1920 UR1, Odessa, Ukraina, Culture, in Russian, good
1278 14/5 2015 IRIB R Kermanshah, Kermanshah, Farsi, weak/fair
1287 15/5 2000 Radio 322, Thessaloniki, Greece, music // web, fair/good
1296 14/5 2257 R. Omdurman, Sudan, song, id, news, Arabic, good
1296 14/5 1909 VOA Ashna, Afghanistan, talks, QRM Beograd & Spain
1296 15/5 2215 R. Beograd 1, Vranje, Serbia, short news in German, fair

Lavori sul fiume Magra. Ma nessun disturbo ai poveri DXer

1305 15/5 2100 Symmetoxiko R. (pres), Greece, music, good
1314 14/5 2300 SRR R Oltenia-Craiova, Craiova, Romania, id, fair
1323 14/5 1955 Radio Base 101, Vigonza, PD, Italy, Italian songs, fair
1350 15/5 2200 I Am Radio, Lombardy, Italy, PR news in English, fair
1368 14/5 2259 Manx Radio, Isle od Man, UK, id, fair
1368 14/5 2227 Challenger Radio, Villa Estense PD, Italy, old prgVOA Europe about Pc, fair
1377 14/5 2050 Radio Free Africa, Mwanza, Tanzania, rap songs, talks, Afro lang, fair/good
1404 16/5 0300 ERA Proto Programa, Komotini, Greece, National Hintem, id, news, fair/good
1413 17/5 0300 Vesti FM, Maiac, Moldovia, Russian anthem and news, good
1431 15/5 2200 Radio Sawa, Djibouti, usual songs prg, good
1440 14/5 2225 Adamawa BC, Yola, Nigeria, talks (loop to avoid Saudi Arabia)
1449 15/5 2000 SBC R Riyadh, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, RAI and Saudian id, fair //594
1476 15/5 2158 ERTU Al-Quran al-Karim Egypt & R. Kordestan Iran, Mixed
1512 15/5 2200 ERA, Chania, Kriti, Greece, Greek songs, very good
1530 16/5 0325 VOA Sao Tome, English bc, reports, good
1539 14/5 2250 Radio  7 (pres) Thessaloniki, Greece, songs , fair QRM SER Spain
1550 14/5 2259 Saharawi Arab Dem. Rep. Nat. Radio, Rabouni, Algeria, songs, good
1560 15/5 0340 WFME, Family Radio, new York, USA, talks, weak
1566 15/5 2223 Vahon Hindustani R. Nederland, usual px, fair
1575 14/5 2345 Radio Sawa, Kuwait, songs, ids, good
1584 14/5 2340 Studio X, Momigno, Italy, songs, full power, good
1593 14/5 2355 R. Bretagne 5, France, French songs, id, fair/good
1593 17/5 0300 Radio Cluj, Oradea, Romania, time, id, news, fair. Dominante no RRA
1593 15/5 0015 ERTU, Matruh, Egypt, Arabic, fair
1602 17/5 0259 Radio Beograd 1, Leskovac, id, news, good, No Spain! Dominante

lunedì 16 maggio 2016

BOC 36 - Stiamo ascoltando per voi!

Stiamo ascoltando per voi. Scusate i disagi!

Dario testa la propagazione

Dario Monferini e Giampiero Bernardini sono a Bocca di Magra per l'edizione 36 delle Boc DX nights. Vita dura quella del DXer...

venerdì 13 maggio 2016

Onde lunghe e medie. Ascolti di Carlo Goncalves

Ascolti in onde lunghe e medie di Carlo Goncalves, Portogallo

153.0 2143-2157 01/5 ROU Antena Satelor, Bod Colonie. Romanian songs. 35352 CG

189.0 2145-21 01/5 ISL RÚV, Gufuskálar. Pops, tks. Adj. QRM de D on 183. 34342 CG

207.0 2146-21 01/5 ISL RÚV, Eiðar. Cf. // 189 Gufuskálar. QRM de MRC. 34332 CG

207.0 2156-2221 07/5 ISL RÚV, Eiðar. IDs, tks, jingle, nx, pop oldies. MRC off the air. 35352 CG

225.0 2149-2203 01/5 POL Polskie R, Solec Kujawski. Piano concert. 35342 CG

595.0 2152-... 01/5 MRC SNRT-Al Watania ch., Oujda. Tks, Ar. mx. Off channel. Adj. QRM. 54444

693.0 2227-2237 10/5 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Reggane. A, songs, tks. QRM de E+G. 23441 CG

711.0 2231-... 05/5 MRC SNRT-Reg., El Aiún. A, chanting. Co-ch. QRM. 44444 CG

765.0 2210-2220 10/5 IRN IRIB-VoIRI, Chah Bahar. A, tks, mx. Adj. QRM. 24432 CG

777.0 2148-2206 03/5 EGY ? ERTU-M.East ch. (p), Abis. Ar. songs, nx (?) at 2200. Adj. QRM. 23441 CG

783.0 2238-... 07/5 SYR ORTAS, Tartus. Ar. songs px. QRM de E. 44433 CG

819.0 2211-2220 05/5 EGY ERTU, Batra. Tks. 35343 CG

828.0 2209-2217 11/5 G Smooth R, 2 sites 200 & 270 W. Songs. 14331 CG

846.0 2240-2250 07/5 IRL R.North, Redcastle, 1 kW. E, c&w. Adj. QRM. 23431 CG

864.0 2154-2206 10/5 EGY ? ERTU-Koran ch. (p), Santah. Koranic chanting, tks. QRM de E. 33432

891.0 2228-2241 09/5 HOL R. 538, Hulsberg. Songs. Adj. QRM. 34432 CG

917.0 2235-2244 04/5 NIG R.Gotel Yola, Jabura. Vn, tks. Off channel. QRM de E on 918. 33342 CG

927.0 2216-2226 05/5 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Timimoun. A, tks. Adj. QRM. 34342 CG

945.0 2213-2221 05/5 G Smooth R, Bexhill-on-Sea, 700 W. Songs, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 34332

990.0 2224-... 10/5 G UNID, 4 stns listed, 0.09 ~ 1 kW. Tks. QRM de E. 12441 CG

1035.0 2215-... 10/5 EST R.Eli, Tartu. Ru, tks. Adj. QRM. 14331 CG

1062.0 2203-2214 10/5 IRN IRIB-R.Kerman, Kerman. Tks. 24442 CG

1071.0 2219-2230 04/5 ARS BSKSA, Beesha. Tks, phone-ins. QRM de IRN. 24422 CG

1071.0 2215-2224 06/5 IRN IRIB-R.Ma'aref, Qom. Tks. 35332 CG

1080.0 2200-2216 11/5 ? UNID: IRN, ISR? Ar. songs. QRM de E. 23441 CG

1089.0 2208-2219 03/5 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Adrar, Adrar. A, tks. QRM de G. 33431 CG

1161.0 2210-2220 03/5 G BBC Sussex, Bexhill-on-Sea, 1 kW. Songs, chatter & phone-ins. QRM de Smooth R, G. 24432 CG

1161.0 2220-2228 03/5 G Smooth R, Blunsdon, 150 W. Songs. QRM de BBC Sussex, G. 14431 CG

1161.0 2221-2228 06/5 ALG R.Algérienne/R.Tamanrasset, In Salah. A, tks. 25331 CG

1170.0 2218-2233 02/5 SVN R.Capodistria, Beli Križ. Ital, px Spazio Jazz. Adj. QRM. 44443 CG

1188.0 2229-2241 03/5 IRN IRIB-R.Payam, Tehran. Tks. 35443 CG

1197.0 2214-2225 02/5 G Absolute R, 9 sites 0.2~2 kW. Songs. Adj. QRM. 34432 CG

1197.0 2231-2242 03/5 G Absolute R, 9 sites 0.2~2 kW. Pops. 35422 CG

1233.0 2230-2239 06/5 G Absolute R, 4 sites 100~500 W. Pop oldies, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 24331 CG

1242.0 2216-2226 02/5 G Absolute R, 4 sites 0.5~2 kW. Songs. Adj. QRM. 34432 CG

1296.0 2223-2230 02/5 G R.XL1296AM, Birmingham. Indian songs. QRM de E. 23431 CG

1323.0 2211-2220 02/5 G Smooth R, Brighton, 500 W. Songs. Adj. QRM. 34342 CG

1332.0 2239-2251 04/5 IRN IRIB-R.Iran, Tehran. Tks. QRM de several stns. 24332 CG

1332.0 2233-2238 06/5 G Smooth R, Peterborough, 600 W. Songs. 14321 CG

1350.0 2230-2239 09/5 I I AM R, site? Pops. Adj. QRM. 24331 CG

1359.0 2213-2224 04/5 G Free R 80s, Coventry, 270 W. Pops, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM (de G). 24432 CG

1368.0 2209-2223 04/5 G Manx R, Foxdale, IoM. Pops, chatter. QRM de G. 44444 CG

1377.0 2216-2229 04/5 TZA R.Free Africa, Mwanza. Swah, pops, tks. 25342 CG

1386.0 2231-2244 02/5 LTU R.Liberty via R.Baltic Waves Int'l, Sitk?nai. Ru, tks on theatre. 45444 CG

1404.0 2213-2224 02/5 GRC ERT, Komotini. Grk songs. Adj. QRM. 34443 CG

1413.0 2138-2150 10/5 IRN ? IRIB-R.Fars (p), Estahban. Mx, tks. QRM de E. 22431 CG

1413.0 2145-2158 10/5 MDA Vesti FM, Grigoriopol. Ru, tks. QRM de E. 22431 CG

1431.0 2233-2244 09/5 DJI R.Sawa, Doralé. A, Ar. pops. Adj. QRM. 34332 CG

1458.0 2235-2245 02/5 GIB R.Gibraltar, Maida Vale. E, pops. QRM de G. 33442 CG

1467.4 2236-2246 06/5 IRN IRIB-R.Qom, Qom. Tks, chanting. 15341 CG

1530.0 2225-... 03/5 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Portuguese songs. 35433 CG

1550.0 2309-2335* 09/5 ALG POLISARIO Front (cland.), Rabouni. A, chanting, tks, s/off ann. in Cast (!), mx, sung anthem. 55444 CG

1557.0 2223-2233 03/5 G Smooth R, 2 sites 500 & 760 W. Songs, tks. 25422 CG

1566.0 2214-2228 11/5 G BBC Somerset, Taunton, 630 W. Songs, chatter, quiz & phone nr. ann. 24432 CG

1593.0 2127-2144 10/5 F Bretagne 5, St. Gouéno. Songs, stn sl. Bretagne Cinq - écoutez la Bretagne. 35443 CG 

1610.9 2203-... 30/4 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Splatter de E on 1602. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 14341 CG
1611.0 2241-... 30/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331 CG
1611.0 2133-... 04/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341 CG
1611.0 2221-... 09/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341 CG
1612.2 2136-... 07/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 25341 CG
1613.9 2239-... 11/5 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Du, tks, mx. Previously on 1615. 15341 CG
1614.9 2131-... 04/5 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 15341 CG
1615.0 2205-... 06/5 HOL R.Napoleon - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 15341 CG
1615.0 2138-... 07/5 HOL R.Turftrekker - pir. Du/E, pops, tks. ID via DX press. 35342 CG
1615.0 2130-... 11/5 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Songs. ID via Twente WebSDRx. Later on 1613.9. 25331
1618.0 2124-... 01/5 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx, tks. 15331 CG
1618.0 2156-... 08/5 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331 CG
1619.7 2153-... 30/4 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Songs. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1620.0 2126-... 01/5 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331 CG
1620.0 2149-... 02/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342 CG
1620.0 2140-... 05/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342 CG
1620.0 2126-... 06/5 HOL R.Mustang - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 15341 CG
1620.0 2132-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 15341 CG
1620.0 2116-... 09/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342 CG
1621.0 2212-... 06/5 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341 CG
1621.9 2237-... 11/5 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 25342 CG
1624.0 2243-... 30/4 Balk ? UNID - pir. Mx. Adj. QRM UNID Dutch pir. stn on 1624.8. 23341 CG
1624.8 2142-... 30/4 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Songs, pops. For some tike, adj. QRM de 1624.993. 24442 CG
1624.9 *2204-... 04/5 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25341 CG
1625.0 2146-... 02/5 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 15341 CG
1625.0 2141-... 03/5 HOL R.Napoleon - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1625.0 2231-... 11/5 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1626.0 2147-... 05/5 HOL R.Polydor - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1626.8 2128-... 06/5 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1628.9 2125-... 10/5 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15331 CG
1629.0 2309-... 01/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25432 CG
1629.0 2143-... 03/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. Echo during speech. 35332 CG
1629.0 2208-... 06/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341 CG
1629.0 2130-... 07/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35443 CG
1629.0 2225-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Later under adj. QRM de UNID pir. stn on 1630. 25342 CG
1629.0 2225-... 11/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342 CG
1629.5 2201-... 30/4 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 25341 CG
1630.0 2139-... 04/5 HOL UNID - pir. Du, tks, Dutch songs. 15341 CG
1630.0 2244-... 08/5 ? UNID - pir. Pops. Adj. QRM de UNID Greek pir. stn on 1629. 24342 CG
1630.0 2118-... 10/5 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1630.0 2133-... 11/5 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. 15341 CG
1633.0 2130-... 02/5 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25341 CG
1635.8 2134-... 07/5 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25341 CG
1636.0 2320-... 30/4 HOL R.Dinkelland - pir. Du, tks, Dutch songs. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 25341
1636.0 2153-... 04/5 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341 CG
1636.0 2114-... 10/5 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1636.8 2144-... 30/4 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. 25341 CG
1637.0 2210-... 30/4 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, songs, tks. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 25341 CG
1637.0 2222-... 07/5 HOL UNID - pir. Pops, songs in Germ. 15341 CG
1638.0 2133-... 01/5 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 15341 CG
1638.0 2131-... 02/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341 CG
1638.0 2141-... 04/5 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1638.0 2240-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25341 CG
1638.0 2119-... 09/5 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341 CG
1638.0 2141-... 11/5 HOL R.Calimero - pir. Tks. ID via DX press. 15341 CG
1639.8 2125-... 09/5 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 25341 CG
1640.0 2149-... 05/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341 CG
1640.2 2224-... 09/5 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341 CG
1640.7 2154-... 02/5 HOL R.Casablanca Int'l - pir. Du, pops, tks. 25341 CG
1640.9 2241-... 11/5 HOL R.Casablanca - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1643.0 2148-... 30/4 ? UNID - pir. Pops. Low modulation. 25341 CG
1644.8 2133-... 02/5 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Du, tks, songs. 35342 CG
1645.0 2218-... 09/5 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1645.0 2233-... 11/5 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 15341 CG
1646.0 *2206-... 30/4 HOL R.Barcelona - pir. Du, Dutch mx, tks, ref. to R.Turijn, R.Spakenburg, R.Nordzee. 25342 CG
1646.0 2135-... 04/5 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 15341 CG
1647.0 2119-... 01/5 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1647.0 2140-... 07/5 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 15341 CG
1647.0 2136-2205* 08/5 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Songs, mx. 25341 CG
1648.0 2151-... 30/4 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25342 CG
1650.0 2202-2205* 02/5 F CROSS Corsen, Pointe de Corsen. Wx rpt. 25342 CG
1655.0 2147-... 04/5 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1655.0 2225-... 07/5 HOL R.Snowman - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 15341 CG
1656.0 2207-... 30/4 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1656.0 2307-2311* 09/5 E Tarifa R, Tarifa. Wx rpt. 35443 CG
1660.0 2135-... 02/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25341 CG
1660.0 2142-... 05/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341 CG
1660.0 2233-... 98/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341 CG
1661.7 2152-... 02/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341 CG
1665.0 2141-... 01/5 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341 CG
1665.0 2137-... 04/5 HOL R.Twentana - pir. Dutch folk mx, pops. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341
1665.0 2145-... 07/5 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341 CG
1669.9 2201-... 05/5 HOL R.Nachtserver - pir. Mx. ID via Twente WebSDRx. 15341 CG
1670.0 2122-... 01/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341 CG
1670.9 2135-... 01/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341 CG
1674.0 2159-... 08/5 S Stockholm R, Stavsnäs. Wx rpt (p). 15341 CG
1677.0 2306-2311* 09/5 E Cabo de Peñas R, Cabo de Peñas. Wx rpt. 45444 CG
1679.9 2144-... 05/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25341 CG
1680.0 2245-... 30/4 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Uty. QRM. 23341 CG
1680.0 2214-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Uty. QRM. 23341 CG
1680.0 2128-... 09/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Uty. QRM. Better at 2230. 33341 CG
1680.0 2135-... 11/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341 CG
1689.0 2235-2237* 08/5 CNR Las Palmas R, Maspalomas. Wx rpt. 25342 CG
1689.7 2137-... 02/5 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341 CG
1690.0 2145-... 03/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341 CG
1690.0 2151-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15331 CG
1690.0 2121-... 09/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25331 CG
1690.0 2123-... 10/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341 CG
1693.0 2227-... 07/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341 CG
1695.0 2238-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341 CG
1696.0 2200-2205* 02/5 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste. Marguerite. Wx rpt. 25342 CG
1700.0 2138-... 02/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342 CG
1700.0 2142-... 07/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 35342 CG
1700.0 2135-... 09/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341 CG
1700.0 2116-... 10/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341 CG
1700.0 2143-... 11/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341 CG
1710.0 2237-... 30/4 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35343 CG
1710.0 2127-... 01/5 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx, tks. 25341 CG
1710.0 2148-... 07/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15331 CG
1710.0 2138-... 08/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341 CG
1710.0 2206-... 08/5 NOR Bodø R, Sandnessjøen. Tks. 15341 CG
1710.0 2120-... 10/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo during speech. 25342 CG
1710.0 2145-... 11/5 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331 CG
1721.2 *2129-... 01/5 ? UNID - pir. Testing. 15341 CG
1730.0 2128-... 01/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342 CG
1730.0 2238-... 02/5 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx. 15341 CG
1730.0 2150-... 07/5 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341 CG
1730.0 2202-... 08/5 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341 CG

1734.0 2139-... 02/5 DNK Lyngby R, Blåvand. E, navig. warnings, Dan, tks. 25342 CG

1758.0 2141-... 02/5 DNK Lyngby R, Frederikshavn. Cf. // 1734 Blåvand. 15341 CG

2624.0 2133-... 03/5 I Trieste R, Monte Radio (Trieste). Wx rpt. 15341 CG

2642.0 2130-... 03/5 I Genova R, Forte Castellaccio (Genova). Wx rpt. 25342 CG

2677.0 *2205-2207* 02/5 F CROSS Corsen, Pointe de Corsen. Wx rpt. 35342 CG

2680.0 2136-... 03/5 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena (Cagliari). Wx rpt. 25342 CG

2719.0 2138-... 03/5 I Porto Torres R, Porto Torres. Wx rpt. 25331 CG