QSL Report to the May 2016
5975 Adventist World Radio Bulgarian Studio, Russian BCB via Issoudun.
Received back a regular AWR Card with full data (website) inside a nice
envelope with stamps, from the Bulgarian Studio. Included was a Booklet
called Planet in Rebellion. Reply in 40 days for a Postal report. V/s:
Borislav Yordanov (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)
15405 Ugandan Diaspora P10 Radio broadcast in Swahili via Issoudun. Full
data (w/site) .pdf Media Short-wave QSL in less then eight hours after
posting a follow-up for a total of 34 days. V/s: Michael Puetz (Edward
Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)
15525 Bible Voice Broadcasting Broker via Nauen, 100 kW’s 148-degree
azimuth. The following station where verified via Three (3) Full data
(w/site, power, azimuth) ‘reaching the Nations-one person at a Time’ QSL
cards, via the Newmarket address.
Voice of Morning Star –Ethiopian Outreach Ministry (EOM)
New Creation Amharic BCB to East Africa
Voice of Maranatha Ministries Amharic BCB to east Africa
Grace Radio Ministry Somali BCB to east Africa
African Radio Ministry – Haaiya Worship Hour
Voice of Light – Dimtsi Berhan, Tigrinyan BCB to East Africa
This for both E-mail and eventually a Postal Reports, with replies from
93 to 10 days.
Correspondences via Amanda James (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta,
15525 Bible Voice Broadcasting via Nauen. Received back from Media
Broadcast an e-mail .pdf QSL with just BVB listed as the Broker. This
reply in three days after posting a follow-up for a total of 70 days.
V/s Michael Puetz (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)
17640 Madagascar World Voice/African Pathways Radio via Mahajanga
Transmitter site. Full data (with no site but azimuth degree indicated)
Water/tree Evening Scene of Madagascar with a Bible verse. This for a
Postal report with goodies to Tennessee address, with reply in 20 days.
(Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)
6930 USB Radio Zed replied within six hours with a nice .pdf QSL
response of the Big Band Leaders of the 30 and 40’s. Nice QSL with the
power as 500 watts. (Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)
15260 FEBC Indonesia (YASKI) Javanese BCB. Received an e-mail reply
stating they never received my e-mail report but thanked me to my Postal
follow-up report. This from Puteri Handayani Director’s Secretary and
Public relations, followed with a separate e-mail statement from Samuel
Tirthardja, President of FEBC Indonesia indicating thanking me for my
inquiry and for that they will response soon.Replies came in 32 days
after sending a Postal report for an April 2015 reception report.
(Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)
5910 Radio-lead Africa via Sentech Transmitter. Received a reply from
Martha Leah Nangalama confirming my e-mail report of March.She is a
Canadian and from New Brunswick.Reply in 12 hours after posting my
report to: mlnangalama@yahoo.com <mailto:mlnangalama@yahoo.com>
5910 Radio-lead Africa- Uganda via Sentech Transmitter. Less then four
hours after posting my e-mail report received back a acknowledgement
from Baker Mayamba, at radioleadafricamedia @gmail.com v/s: Baker
(Edward Kusalik - Daysland, Alberta, CANADA)