martedì 31 ottobre 2017

Nuovi orari IBC Italian Broadcasting Corporation: voice & MFSK32

QSL di IBC in FSK dal blog I-05940-MI
Gentili ascoltatori, ecco i nuovi orari di trasmissione validi da domenica 29 ottobre 2017. Per il momento, come potrete notare, il mercoledì sera la trasmissione è in onda soltanto in onde medie; contiamo di poter utilizzare al più presto anche una frequenza in banda 75 metri. Ricordate di visitare il nostro sito per tutti gli aggiornamenti, per i rapporti di ricezione Se vorrete ricevere la nostra cartolina QSL cartacea, insieme ad un adesivo, siete pregati di effettuare una donazione con Paypal oppure attraverso il nostro sito.
Vi auguriamo una buona ricezione!


MERCOLEDI' - 19-20 UTC (20-21 ORA ITALIANA) 1584 KHZ - 87,3 MHz FM -

GIOVEDI' - 02-03 UTC (03-04 ORA ITALIANA) 1584 KHZ - 87,3 MHz FM -

SABATO - 13-14 UTC (14-15 ORA ITALIANA) 6070 KHZ

OGNI GIORNO in streaming su (user: IBC password: 123456) alle ore 13-14 UTC (14 ora italiana)

**IBC DIGITAL in MFSK32 1500 Hz**

MERCOLEDI' 20.25-20.30 UTC 1584 KHZ - 87,3 MHz FM -
GIOVEDI' 03.25-03.30 UTC 1584 KHZ - 87,3 MHz FM -
SABATO 21.25-21.30 UTC 1584 KHZ - 87,3 MHz FM -
DOMENICA 11.55-12.00 UTC 6070 KHZ


Dear listeners, this is our new schedule starting to Europe from 29 October and to the Americas from 5 November 2017. Any update on our website, reports to
If you need our paper QSL card, together with a sticker, please donate via Paypal or via our webpage.

WEDNESDAY 20-20.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
THURSDAY 03-03.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SATURDAY 21-21.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SUNDAY 11.30-12 UTC 6070 KHZ


TUESDAY 01-01.30 UTC 11580 KHZ
FRIDAY 02-02.30 UTC 9955 KHZ -
SATURDAY 01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ
SUNDAY 00.30-01 UTC 7730 KHZ

EVERY DAY live streaming on (user: IBC password: 123456) at 14-14.30 UTC

**IBC DIGITAL in MFSK32 1500 Hz**

WEDNESDAY 20.25-20.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
THURSDAY 03.25-03.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SATURDAY 21.25-21.30 UTC 1584 KHZ -
SUNDAY 11.55-12.00 UTC 6070 KHZ


TUESDAY 01.25-01.30 UTC 11580 KHZ
FRIDAY 02.25-02.30 UTC 9955 KHZ -
SATURDAY 01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ
SUNDAY 00.55-01.00 UTC 7730 KHZ

EVERY DAY live streaming on (user: IBC password: 123456) at 13-14.00 UTC




WWRB 3185 kHz e altri ascolti in onde corte

As you know, we changed from Daylight Saving Time to Normal Time last night and at the same time the winter schedules came into force for international shortwave stations. Here is, what I heard in last days in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. 
Best 73, Anker Petersen

3185.00 0150-0155 24.10 USA WWRB, Morrison, TN English talk by female 25122 AP-DNK

3930.00 1850-1855 28.10 CLA Voice of the People, via Goyang, South Korea Korean talk 32232 // 4450 (32232) both jammed AP-DNK

3995.00 0155-0205 24.10 D HCJB, Weenermoor English song: "You set me free", English ann : "Listen to the Bible" from USA, requested phone calls 35343 AP-DNK

3995.00 0220-0225 29.10 D HCJB, Weenermoor English religious talk, hymn - best in USB 45333 AP-DNK

4010.23 0225-0240 29.10 KGZ Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz talk 35232 // 4820.01 (13231), which had noise modulation AP-DNK

4765.00 0230-0235 29.10 CUB R Progreso, Bejucal Spanish talk, Cuban song 35233 AP-DNK

4765.00 1855-1900 28.10 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik ann, ID, folksongs 45323 AP-DNK

4840.00 0210-0215 24.10 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk 35233 // 3215 (25121) AP-DNK

4875.26 0240-0245 29.10 B R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR Portuguese ann, Brazilian pop song 25222 AP-DNK

4885.00 1900-1910 28.10 CLA Echo of Hope, via Sagang Hwaesong, South Korea Korean music, 1903 Three Gongs, ID "V-O-H", Korean conversation 35233 AP-DNK

4885.04 0245-0250 29.10 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese ann, rhythmic Brazilian pop song 35333 AP-DNK

4960.00 0525-0535 24.10 STP VOA, Pinheira Hausa talk, 0530 French news 25232 AP-DNK

5025.00 0250-0255 29.10 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish ann, nice Cuban song about Maria 45333 AP-DNK

5040.00 0535-0540 24.10 CUB R Habana Cuba, Bauta English talk about Habana with short musical interludes 35233 AP-DNK

6005.00 1030-1035 29.10 D SW Service, Kall-Krekel German interview, pop song 25232 AP-DNK

6250.00 1915-1920 28.10 GNE R Nacional de Guinea Equatorial, Malabo (p) Spanish talks 23222 CWQRM AP-DNK

6250.00 2010-2025 29.10 CLA Echo of Hope, via Sagang Hwaesong, South Korea Korean talk, song - jammed 43333 // 3985 (31331 QRM Kall-Krekel) and 4885 with 1 minute's delay (35333) AP-DNK

7205.00 1920-1925 28.10 SDN R Omdurman, Al-Aitahab Arabic talk 35232 AP-DNK

11735.00 1925-1945 28.10 TZA Zanzibar Broadcasting Corp., Dole Swahili ann, local pop songs 35333 AP-DNK

sabato 28 ottobre 2017

Onde Medie - ascolti euroasiatici

Qualche ascolto euroasitico in onde medie da Bocca di Magra. 73, Giampiero

720 23/10  0500 Antena 1, Portugal, news, fair/good
783 18/10 1650 Radio Damascus, Syria, Arabic, songs, few talks, good
837 18/10 1625 UR1, Taranivka, Ukraine, talks, id, fair
918 18/10 1645 AIR Suratgarh, Rajasthan, India, songs, weak

1026 18/10 1600 IRIB, Azerbaijan program, Tabriz, id, talks, songs good
1080 26/10 0450 SER Granada, Spain, Hoy por hoy Andalucia, fair
1242 18/10 1620 Radio Iran, Zanjan, id at 1630, talks, fair
1242 18/10 1632 Radio Sultanate Oman, over Iran, songs, id Arabic, good
1269 18/10 1700 Radio Asia, UAE, jingle, great id, news in Malayalam, fair/good

1476 18/10 1630 Free Radio AM, Trieste, Italy, songs 80's, fair

1521 18/10 1555 CRI, Urumqui, China, Russian px, Chinese music, weak
1557 18/10  1655 RTI, Taiwan, Chinese talks, fair/good
1566 18/10 1705 HLAZ FEBC, South Korea, songs, over Vahon H. for some minutes, good
1602 18/10 1658 Alt FM, Romania, religious song, id, commercials, good

venerdì 27 ottobre 2017

Dalle MW alle HF, pirati compresi... e ancora Radio Briscola

Appuntamento con gli ascolti del DXer Roberto Pavanello. Un log piuttosto consistente e vario: onde medie, banda tropicale, onde corte, bc e pirati...

Onde medie

558 19/10 17.10 R.N.E. R.5 - Valencia SS NX reg. Comun. Valenciana buono
738 18/10 17.25 R.N.E. R.1 - Barcelona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
792 18/10 22.25 R. Sevilla - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
990 20/10 22.32 R. Bilbao - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1035 15/10 22.30 Northsound 2 - Aberdeen EE MX buono
1035 22/10 00.00 R. Eli - Tartu Russo predica buono
1044 19/10 05.50 R. San Sebastian - SS NX reg. Pais Vasco buono
1224 16/10 21.55 COPE - Mallorca SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1431 16/10 22.05 R. Sawa - Gibuti Arabo MX suff.
1440 21/10 23.15 Paradise FM - EE MX suff.
1494 15/10 11.50 R. Briscola - Lenta IT Radiomagazine by Dario Villani suff.
1539 18/19 05.50 R. Manresa - Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
1566 16/10 17.10 A.I.R. - Nagpur Hindy MX suff.
1566 18/10 16.40 Vahon FM - Den Haag Hindostano MX suff.
1584 17/10 22.30 R. Studio X - Momigno IT ID e MX buono
1620 21/10 03.40 R. Rebelde - Habana SS MX // a 5025 KHz suff.

Banda tropicale

4750 21/10 16.20 Bangladesh Betar - Dhaka Bengali MX buono
4765 21/10 03.20 R. Progreso - Habana SS MX buono
4885 18/10 16.20 Voice of Hope - Seoul Coreano MX buono
4920 21/10 16.25 A.I.R. - Chennai Hindy nenia locale suff.

5995 21/10 23.00 R. Mali - Bamako FF NX suff.
6070 15/10 16.30 SATzentrale - Tedesco talk buono
6185 21/10 03.30 R. Educacion - Mexico D.F. SS NX suff.
7120 21/10 16.35 R. Hargeisa - Somalo MX suff.
7180 21/10 17.10 Voice of Broad Masses of Eritrea - Asmara Amarico MX suff.
7205 21/10 16.40 R. Omdurman - Arabo MX suff.
9650 21/10 22.55 R. Guinee' - Conakry FF MX afro buono
9665 21/10 03.25 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP MX buono
9960 21/10 16.10 Furosate no Kazu - Giapponese talk buono
10000 21/10 16.00 BPM - Lintong Cinese ID e pip pip buono
17630 21/10 16.05 R. Xoriyo - Somalo talk suff.


6205 21/10 09.00 Coast EE ID e MX buono
6210 22/10 08.40 R. King SW - EE ID e MX suff.
6267 21/10 16.55 R. Mustang - EE ID e MX buono
6280 15/10 09.15 R. Lesbos - EE ID e MX buono
6305 21/10 12.00 R. Merlin Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6307 17/10 16.30 R. Goofy - EE ID e MX buono

America Latina in onde medie - Log

Qualche ascolto in onde medie a Bocca di Magra. In questo periodo arrivano segnali discreti dal Sud America. (Grazie a Dario Monferini per il suo aiuto per alcune identificazioni!) 73, Giampiero

750 23/10 0445 Radio America, Belo Horizonte, melodic songs, weak/fair
760 26/10 0450 Radio Uirapuru, Fortaleza, Brazil, interview, fair
870 18/10 0525 LRA1 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina, music, talks, fair
940 18/10 0518 Super Rede Boa Vontade, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, talks, fair //1350

1040 18/10 0510 Radio Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, songs, fair
1050 18/10 0515 Radio Capixaba, Cariacica, Brazil, Deus e' Amor religious, fair
1130 18/10 0500 Radio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, conversation, fair/good
1170 26/10 0455 Radio Atalaia (p) Curitiba, Brazil, long religious talks, weak Capodistria OFF AIR
1190 23/10 0510 Radio America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, talks, weak
1190 19/10 0458 Radio Cordillera Bogota Colombia "Esta es 11-90 Radio Cordillera", fair

1270 23/10 0525 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, songs, fair
1280 18/10 0458 Radio Tupi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, talks, web address, fair/good
1290 18/10 0505 Radio Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, romantic songs, great id, fair

1350 18/10 0515 Radio Boa Vontade, Salvador, Brazil, talks about family, fair
1350 23/10 0500 Radio Buenos Aires, Argentina, id, later religious program, fair good
1390 18/10 0520 Radio Esperanca (p), Porto Alegre Brazil, long religious talks & mx, no id, fair

RX: Excalibur Pro - Ant: ALA1530LNP

giovedì 26 ottobre 2017

Brasiliani in onde corte, su 4885 Difusora Acreana

Molte brasiliane in onde corte segnalate da Carlos Gonçalves, in Portogallo.

3480.0 2107-2118 17/10 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.), Goyang. Kor to KRE, tks. 15331
3905.0 2036-... 21/10 HOL ? R.Alice (p) - pir. Mx, tks. 15341
3915.0 2213-2225 15/10 SNG BBC, Kranji relay. WS in E to SEAs, nx magazine. 35342
3920.0 1817-... 21/10 HOL Mike R - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 25331
3934.9 2120-... 19/10 HOL R.Batavia - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 25331

4774.9 2215-2225 15/10 PRU R.Tarma, Tarma. Indian songs. 35343
4875.3 2217-... 15/10 B R.Roraima, Boa Vista RR. Reg. nx, songs. Adj. RTTY QRM. 34342
4885.0 2220-2230 15/10 B R.Dif. Acreana (p), Rio Branco Songs. QRM Club do Pará, B. 32341
4894.9 2041-2052 17/10 B R.Novo Tempo, Cp.º Grande MS. Rlgs. propag. px. 35332
4905.0 2034-2045 16/10 B Nova R.Relógio, Rio de Jan.º RJ. Tks. 15331
4955.0 2223-2234 15/10 PRU R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta. Quechua/Cast, tks, rlgs. propag. 35333
5035.0 2043-2102 17/10 B R.Educação Rural, Coari AM. Songs, tks. 35321

5980.0 2226-2236 15/10 PRU R.Chaski, Cuzco. Cast, tks. 24331
6010.0 2101-2112 17/10 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 24332
6059.8 2103-2114 17/10 B SRDA, Curitiba PR. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 35343
6080.0 2101-2112 16/10 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. Silent on // 9515. 35343
6089.9 2105-2116 17/10 NIG R.Nigeria, Kaduna. Vn, nx. 45433
6110.0 2036-2046 16/10 ETH R.Fana, Geja Jawe. Vn, tks, local pops. 35433
6170.0 1502-1520 17/10 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, tks, mx, wx forecast, interviews, 25331

6295.0 *2100-... 19/10 HOL R.Black Bandit - pir. Du/E, Dutch folk mx, Austrian folk songs. Joke ID today as LLL R. 45343
6300.0 1823-... 19/10 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 25331

9630.0 1043-1110 18/10 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Tks. F/out. 15331
9630.0 2040-2052 21/10 B R.Aparecida. Mass. 25432
9635.0 1050-1215 18/10 MLI R.Mali, Kati. Vn, tks, songs. Almost no audio. 34343
9650.0 1041-1230 18/10 GUI R.Guinée, Sonfonia. Vn, tks, F at 1100, radioplay, Afr pops. 45343
9665.8 1047-1120 18/10 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Songs, rlgs. propag. F/out. 25331
9819.1 2040-2052 16/10 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Rlgs. bulletin, Momento Pastoral. 35443
9819.1 1045-1105 18/10 B R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP. Tks. F/out. 15331
11815.0 2043-2058 16/10 B R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO. A Voz do Brasil at 2100 33442
11815.0 1207-1355 17/10 B R.Brasil Central. Songs, ..., f/ball (px Parada dos Desportos?). Rtd. 25432 at 1330. Blckd. by CRI in E at 1355. 15341
11855.0 1209-1229 17/10 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Tks, advs. 15341
12035.0 1001-1059* 18/10 Voice Of Mongolia, Khonkhor Mand tks IS, Jap px at 1030  25332
15190.0 1400-1714 17/10 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Chatter, songs, ..., nx, etc. Improving. 25342

mercoledì 25 ottobre 2017

Monitoraggio X Band: pirati & utility

Appuntamento con il DXer Carlos Gonçalves e il suo monitoraggio della X band:

1610.7 1900-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 24341
1611.0 2141-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Splatter de E on 1602. 23341
1611.0 2144-... 18/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1611.0 2102-... 21/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1612.3 1915-... 21/10 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25342
1616.0 2150-... 15/10 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Silent carrier. QRM R.Kárama on 1620. 24342
1616.8 2221-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1617.2 1841-... 19/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. Drifting. 25341
1619.3 2143-... 20/10 HOL R.Barones - pir. Mx. 25342
1619.9 2135-... 19/10 HOL R.Utopia pir. Tks, pops, c&w. QRM de Grk pir. stn for some time. 24341
1620.0 1833-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1620.0 2152-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1620.0 1806-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops. 35343
1620.0 1816-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1620.0 2156-... 18/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1620.0 1856-... 19/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. Weak modulation. 25331
1620.0 1903- 20/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1620.0 2145-... 20/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1620.0 1903-... 21/10 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then oldies. 25341
1620.0 2113-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1620.0 2244-... 21/10 HOL UNID - pir. Folk mx. 35342
1623.0 2207-... 21/10 ? UNID - pir. Mx, tks. 15331
1624.2 2132-... 15/10 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Du, tks, pops. 35342
1624.6 2131-... 20/10 HOL R.Uniek - pir. Du, pops, tks. 35342
1625.0 1807-... 16/10 HOL R.Napoleon - pir. Du/E, pops, tks, thanking a rpt. from Finland. 35343
1625.0 2102-... 18/10 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1628.3 1850-... 19/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15331
1628.9 1835-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Adj. QRM de another Grk pir. stn. 24342
1629.0 1834-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Adj. QRM de another Grk pir. stn. 34443
1629.0 1818-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1629.0 1851-... 21/10 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25342
1629.0 2119-... 21/10 HOL R.Akenzo (t) - pir. Dutch songs. T-ID via DX press. 15341
1630.0 1904-... 16/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15341
1633.0 2149-... 16/10 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Du, ref. to R.Montecarlo, R.Vonkenboer, songs. 25341
1633.0 1842-... 19/10 HOL R.Digitaal - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente ID via DX press. 25341
1633.0 *2139-... 19/10 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Du, songs, tks. 15341
1633.0 2245-... 21/10 HOL R.Noordzee (t) - pir. Songs. T-ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25341
1634.0 2158-... 21/10 HOL R.Blauwe Koe - pir. Pops. 35342
1634.1 2103-... 18/10 HOL R.Barones - pir. Mx, songs, tks. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25341
1634.9 1846-... 20/10 HOL Voice Of The Netherlands - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 15341
1635.0 1903-... 16/10 HOL R.Ruisbrekker - pir. Du, tks, Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 35342
1635.9 1834-... 21/10 HOL R.Keizer en Keizerin (p) - pir. Songs, tks, pops. 25341
1636.0 1838-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1636.0 2128-... 20/10 HOL R.Mi Amigo - pir. Songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25341
1637.7 2159-... 21/10 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15341
1639.5 2201-... 20/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 15331
1640.0 2137-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1640.0 1811-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1640.0 1905-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25341
1640.0 1817-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1640.0 2121-... 17/10 HOL R.Rebel (t) - pir. Dutch songs. T-ID via DX press. 25331
1640.0 2220-2231 17/10 ? UNID. Cast, rlgs. propag., songs. 35332
1640.0 2139-... 18/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1640.0 2133-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1640.0 1909-... 20/10 HOL R.Casablanca Int'l - pir. Pop oldies. ID via DX press. 25341
1640.0 2200-... 21/10 HOL R.Elektron - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1640.9 2218-... 17/10 HOL R.Casablanca Int'l - pir. Du, songs, tks. Faulty modulation. 35343
1642.0 2119-... 16/10 HOL R.Vonkenboer (?) - pir. Du, tks, songs. 35342
1642.0 2215-... 21/10 HOL R.Noordzee - pir. Silent carrier, then songs. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25342
1643.0 2104-... 18/10 HOL UNID - pir. Pop oldies, tks. 25341
1643.7 2231-... 20/10 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25342
1644.0 2126-... 16/10 CNR Arrecife R, Los Hoyos. Cast/E, navig. warnings. 35332
1645.0 1839-... 15/10 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 35443
1645.0 2134-... 16/10 HOL R.Wilskracht pir. Du, tks, ref. to R.Vonkenboer songs. 35331
1645.0 2131-... 19/10 HOL R.Vonkenboer - pir. Mx. ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1645.8 2134-... 15/10 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker tks, songs, ref. to R.Casablanca 35342
1645.8 2105-... 18/10 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker - pir. Dutch songs, tks. ID via Twente 15341
1647.0 1853-... 21/10 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 25342
1647.9 2049-... 21/10 HOL R.Moby Dick - pir. Songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1649.8 1843-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Songs, tks. 15341
1650.0 1840-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. Echo during speech. 35443
1650.0 1848-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks, greetings. Echo during speech. 35443
1650.0 1808-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 35342
1650.0 2110-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks, testing, pops. 35343
1650.0 2136-2146 16/10 USA WHKT (p), Portsmouth VA. E, tks. 25331
1650.0 2113-... 17/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? pir. Pops. QRM de Grk pir. stn playing Grk songs. 34342
1650.0 1858-... 20/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 35342
1650.0 2138-... 20/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1650.0 2202-... 20/10 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15331
1650.0 1909-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25331
1650.0 2134-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk mx. 25342
1651.0 2131-... 21/10 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1651.4 2211-... 21/10 ? UNID - pir. Tks, mx. Too distorted. 25342
1654.0 2207-... 17/10 ? SAKO ndb, site? Continuous telegraphy IDs. DF=SWest. 15331
1654.0 1835-... 21/10 HOL R.Batavier - pir. Songs, pops. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx, T-ID via DX press. Better at 2020. 25331
1655.0 1907-... 15/10 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. 25342
1655.0 1849-... 17/10 HOL R.Batavier - pir. Pops. ID via DX press. 35343
1655.0 2206-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25331
1655.0 1859-... 19/10 HOL R.Relmus (t) Mx. Country ID via Twente, T-ID via DX press. 15341
1655.0 1847-... 20/10 HOL R.Relmus - pir. Dutch songs, mx. ID via DX press. 25342
1659.9 1833-... 21/10 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1660.0 1907-... 16/10 HOL R.Kristal - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 35342
1660.0 2124-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks, light songs. 45444
1660.0 2206-... 18/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1660.0 1848-... 20/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1660.0 2149-2158 20/10 USA WWRU (p), Jersey City NJ. Kor (p), tks. 15331
1660.0 2111-... 21/10 HOL R.Hooiberg (t) Mx. Country ID via Twente, T-ID via DX press. 15331
1662.1 2208-... 21/10 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Slavic sounding mx. 15331
1663.0 1856-... 15/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, Slavic songs, tks. Strgr. audio during speech. 35342
1663.0 1901-... 16/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 35342
1663.0 1819-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 35443
1663.0 1901-... 19/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25331
1663.0 2129-... 20/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25342
1663.0 1901-... 21/10 SRB Romeo R - pir. Serb, tks. 25342
1665.0 1849-... 20/10 HOL R.Batavier - pir. Pop oldies. ID via DX press. 25341
1665.3 2051-... 21/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 15341
1666.0 2126-... 17/10 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1668.9 2211-... 19/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1670.0 2136-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1670.0 2144-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Some echo during speech. 45444
1670.0 2159-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 45444
1670.0 1809-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, testing. 35343
1670.0 2128-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 35342
1670.0 2152-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1670.0 1820-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 35342
1670.0 2135-... 18/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25342
1670.0 1849-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25331
1670.0 1900-... 20/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1670.0 1842-... 21/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1680.0 2155-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1680.0 1812-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1680.0 1822-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 35342
1680.0 2126-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25331
1680.0 1832-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1683.0 1850-... 15/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25342
1685.0 1905-... 20/10 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1687.3 1836-... 21/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. Drifting. 25342

1690.0 1851-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1690.0 *1853-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, testing, pops. 35342
1690.0 2138-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1690.0 1815-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1690.0 2112-2122 16/10 CAN ? CHTO (p), Toronto ON. Grk (?), tks. 15331
1690.0 2125-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 45444
1690.0 2210-2223 17/10 USA WPTX, Lexington Park MD. E, songs, advs. 35343
1690.0 2109-... 18/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1690.0 2147-... 18/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, ref. to other stns & operators. Some echo during speech. 35343
1690.0 1858-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1690.0 2127-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Some echo during speech. 35342
1690.0 1907-... 20/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15331
1690.0 2100-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks, testing. 35443
1691.0 2145-... 15/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 35342
1693.0 1823-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 35342
1696.0 2200-2203* 15/10 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. 25342

1700.0 1855-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 35343
1700.0 1821-... 16/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 35342
1700.0 2117-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. QRM Grk pir. stn playing Grk songs. 34342
1700.0 2133-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. QRM 44444
1700.0 1845-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1700.0 1837-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops. 25342
1704.6 1901-... 20/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Mx, tks. Drifting. 15331
1707.2 1905-... 15/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25341
1707.6 1857-... 21/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1708.7 1908-... 16/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs, tks. 25331
1710.0 1857-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1710.0 1826-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1716.0 1847-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. 35342
1716.1 1858-... 15/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25341
1716.7 1825-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, testing. 35342
1720.0 1859-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk pops. 25341
1720.0 1910-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25331
1720.0 1827-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops. 25341
1727.0 1900-... 15/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 35343
1730.0 2146-... 15/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 35342
1730.0 1909-... 16/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1730.0 1844-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1730.0 2114-... 18/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1730.0 2224-... 19/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1730.0 1913-... 21/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1732.0 1829-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. Faulty modulation, drifting. 25342
1735.0 2144-... 16/10 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Croat/Serb (?), tks. 25331
1738.3 2131-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 25331
1740.0 1901-... 15/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks, testing. 35342
1740.0 2126-... 21/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1746.0 1831-... 17/10 ? UNID - pir. Croat/Serb (?), tks. 15341
1748.6 2128-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks, Slavic mx. 35332
1752.0 1840-... 17/10 IRL Valentia Coastguard, Valentia. Navig. warnings. 35332
1753.4 1848-... 17/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, Slavic mx, tks. Faulty modulation. 35343
1755.0 1843-... 17/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1760.5 2150-... 18/10 ? UNID - pir. Tks. Drifting. 15331
1777.8 1903-... 15/10 SRB UNID - pir. Tks, testing. 25342
1777.9 1911-... 16/10 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25341
2677.0 *2203-2206* 15/10 F CROSS Med La Garde, Fort Ste.-Marguerite. Wx rpt. 35343

Ascolti onde corte in 40 e 41 metri... e non solo

Ecco qualche ascolto a Milano. Diversi in 40 (banda radioamatoriale usata anche da Somalia ed Eritrea per le loro broadcasting) e in 41 metri. Ma non solo. 73, Giampiero

6070 21/10 0710 Radio Wales Int. Rohrbach Germany songs ids good
6070 21/10 0800 Radio Atlantic 2000 Rohrbach Germany start bc ids good

7120 23/10 1826 Radio Hargheisa, Somaliland, Somalia, phone talks, weak/fair
7140 23/10 1824 Voice of Broad Masses 1, Eritrea, talks, weak
7181.55 23/10 1826 Voice of Broad Masses 2, Eritrea, Hoa songs, fair

7236.74v 23/10 1805 V. o. Peace and Democracy, Ethiopia, talks, muffled mod., fair
7255 23/10 1830 Voice of Nigeria, English, talks, weak nothing on 15120
7280 23/10 1833 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, German, reports, fair
7320 23/10 1810 Denge Kurdistan, Gavar, Armenia, talks, mx, fair //6155 weak
7325 23/10 1814 Radio Cina Internazionale, Jinhua, Italian, tourism in Tibet, good
7480 23/10 1817 Radio Payam e-Doost, Maiac, Moldova, Farsi, song, talks, very good
7540 23/10 1820 Deewa Radio, Udon Thani, Thailand, Pashto to Afghanistan, songs, very good
7550 23/10 1823 All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru, Indian mx, later nx in English, very good //9445 2213

9390 23/10 1848 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, talks in Thai & songs, good
9395 23/10 2208 WRMI Radio Miami International, USA, songs, weak
9420 23/10 2211 Voice of Greece, Avlis, Greek songs fair //9935
9445 23/10 2213 All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru, songs, very good //7550
9490 23/10 2215 KNLS, via Madagascar, Mahajanga tx, religious, Chinese, fair
9600 23/10 2219 Radio Vaticana, Tinang, Philippines, Chinese talks, good
9629.98 23/10 2221 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, talks Voz do Brazil p, weak
9665.87 23/10 2225 Radio Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis, songs, weak/fair
9725.41 23/10 2235 Radio Evangelizar, Curitiba, Brazil, music, weak

11735 23/10 1836 ZBC, Zanzibar, Tanzania, nice Afro songs, fair
11830 23/10 1839 Radio Free Asia, Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands, Korean talks, fair
12050 23/10 1842 Dandal Kura, via Ascension Island, to Nigeria, talks in Kanuri, fair
12160 23/10 1845 WWCR 2 Nashville, TN, USA, religious talks English, weak

martedì 24 ottobre 2017

Onde corte, dalla Somalia alla Colombia, via Bangladesh

Dal blog DXing in Donetsk
Ascolti del DXer Mauro Giroletti


7120,R Hargeisa SOM Hargeisa,1615 Octo15,prog music local ,(Mauro Giroletti)
7140,1,Voice of the Broad Masses1 ERI Eritrea Asmara,1615 Octo15,prog music local (Giroletti)
7181,5,Voice of the Broad Masses2 ERI Eritrea Asmara,1830Octo15,talk musi ,(Mauro Giroletti)

4750, Bangladesh Betar BGD Shavar Dhaka,1625 Octo15,prog music local ,(Mauro Giroletti)
4885 , R Clube do Pará B Belém Pará,0220 Octo19,prog talk local ,(Mauro Giroletti)
4765, R Progreso CUB Bejucal,0230 Octo19,prog music local ,(Mauro Giroletti)
5040, R Habana Cuba Bauta,0240 Octo19,local "la historia la Habana" (Mauro Giroletti)
5025, R Rebelde CUB Bauta,0245 Octo19,local music (Mauro Giroletti)
5910, Alcaraván R CLM Puerto Lleras,0250 Octo19,local music (Mauro Giroletti)


1071, AIR IND Rajkot,1730 Octo15, music ,(Mauro Giroletti)
1206, R Amica Veneta I Vigonza,1750 Octo15, music italian old style ,(Mauro Giroletti)
1550, Radio Nacional de la R.A.S.D ALG Rabouni,1758 Octo15, px talk ,(Mauro Giroletti)


-JRC 525 NRD-LOWE HF 150-Elad FDM S2
-Antenna LOOP ALA100M- MiniWHIP
-Filter PAR Electronics LPF - HPF
-Lat. 45.25’.00’’ Long. 9.7’.00” -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

X Band DXing: Argentina, Usa & pirati

Dal sito Barentsdx
L'amico Carlos Gonçalves sempre a caccia di pirati, utility e broadcasting sulla X band

1611.0 2122-... 10/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1613.0 2216-... 09/10 HOL ? UNID, Dutch? - pir. Mx. Splatter de E on 1602. 14341
1616.0 1758-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk tradit. songs. 24342
1617.4 1743-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 25342
1619.5 2134-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 35342

1620.0 2232-... 09/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs, tks. 15331
1620.0 1917-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Noisy carrier. 25342
1620.0 2049-... 12/10 HOL UNID - pir. C&w. 25342
1620.0 1942-.. 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 35342
1620.0 2211-2221 13/10 ARG AM 1620, Mar del Plata. Songs. 25332
1620.0 1759-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1621.0 2146-... 14/10 HOL R.Metallica - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks. Adj. QRM. 34342
1624.9 2136-... 09/10 HOL R.Pandora - pir. Du/E, pops, songs, polkas, tks, s/off anns 35342
1625.0 2221-... 09/10 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Du, Dutch folk mx, tks, ref. to R.Pandora. 25342
1625.0 2056-... 13/10 HOL R.Pandora - pir. Du, pops, tks, Dutch folk mx. 35443
1625.0 2220-... 13/10 HOL R.Montecarlo Du, tks, Dutch folk mx, ref. to R.Spanningzoeker. 35343
1629.0 1903-... 09/10 HOL R.Blauwe Koe (t) - pir. Pops. T-ID via DX press. 25342
1629.0 2126-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15331
1629.0 2058-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1629.0 2220-... 11/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 15341
1629.0 1838-... 12/10 HOL R.Edelkampioen - pir. Du, folk mx, tks, ref. to R.Twentana, R.Barones, pop oldies. QRM de Grk. pir. stn. 34343
1629.0 1839-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. QRM de Dutch pir. stn. 34343
1629.0 1944-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35443
1629.1 1838-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341

1629.8 2228-2235 13/10 ARG R.América (p), San José Songs, tks. 24331

1630.0 1841-... 10/10 HOL R.Marianne - pir. Du, Dutch songs, tks, Dutch folk mx. ID at 2113. 35342
1630.0 2115-... 10/10 HOL R.Montecarlo - pir. Mx. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1633.0 1950-... 13/10 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 25342
1633.5 2146-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25342
1635.0 1849-... 10/10 ? UNID - pir. Mx. 15331
1635.0 1844-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1635.9 1910-... 09/10 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15331
1635.9 1744-... 14/10 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 35443
1636.0 2117-... 10/10 HOL R.Noordzee Du, tks, folk songs, ref.R.Marianne, R.Montecarlo. 25342
1636.0 2050-... 12/10 HOL R.Mi Amigo - pir. Pop oldies. ID via DX press. 35342
1638.0 2228-... 08/10 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, songs in G, tks, oldies. 35342
1638.0 2055-... 11/10 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel - pir. Du, songs, tks, pops. 35343
1638.0 1918-... 12/10 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel (p) - pir. Pops. 35342
1638.0 2141-... 14/10 HOL R.Blauwe Vogel (p) - pir. Dutch songs & Du. folk mx. 35343
1638.3 1745-... 14/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. Faulty modulation. 25442
1639.0 1832-... 08/10 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1639.3 *2227-2230 09/10 HOL R.Casablanca Int'l - pir. Du, pops, ref. to R.Montecarlo & R.Pandora, tks. Faulty modulation. 25342

1640.0 2136-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks abt. the equipment. 25342
1640.0 2118-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1640.0 2051-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1640.0 1949-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1640.0 1755-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx. 35443
1640.8 2241-... 09/10 HOL R.Casablanca Int'l - pir. Du, pops, tks. Faulty modulation. 35342
1641.9 1826-... 08/10 ? UNID - pir. Songs. 15341
1643.9 2103-... 13/10 HOL R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker  pir. Du, songs, tks, ref. to R.Relmus. 35443
1645.0 *1844-... 11/10 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 25342
1645.0 1848-... 12/10 HOL UNID - pir. Pop oldies. 35443
1645.0 2225-... 13/10 B MLZ NDB, Merluza oil rig off São Paulo state coast. Continuous telegraphy IDs. Much better on 14/10, 2145. 15341
1645.0 2226-... 13/10 HOL R.Montecarlo Dutch folk mx, tks, ref. to R.Pandora, R.Metallica. 35342
1645.0 1746-... 14/10 HOL UNID - pir. Mx. 25341
1645.4 *1852-... 10/10 HOL UNID - pir. Silent carrier. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1646.9 1820-... 08/10 HOL R.Witte Tornado - pir. Dutch songs. ID via DX press. 25341
1648.0 2155-... 14/10 HOL R.Moby Dick (t) - pir. Dutch songs. T-ID via DX press. 35342

1650.0 1904-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Echo during speech. 25342
1650.0 2146-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Testing. 35342
1650.0 2240-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops. 35443
1650.0 2123-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1650.0 1847-... 11/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Songs. 15341
1650.0 2101-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25342
1650.0 1849-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35443
1650.0 2102-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 35443
1650.0 1747-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35342
1650.0 2156-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. Echo during speech. 45444
1650.7 2116-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35332
1650.9 1837-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1651.3 1855-... 10/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Croat/Serb, tks. 15341
1654.0 2239-... 09/10 ? UNID - pir. Light songs. 15341
1654.9 1907-... 09/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs, tks. 25342
1655.0 2125-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Testing, tks. 15341
1655.0 1841-... 11/10 HOL UNID - pir. Songs. Country ID via Twente Web SDRx. 15341
1655.0 1837-... 12/10 HOL UNID - pir. Pops. 35443
1655.0 2055-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35343
1655.0 1943-... 13/10 HOL R.Relmus- pir. Du, pops, tks. Vy. strg. after 2200. 35443
1659.9 2128-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Light mx, tks. 25331

1660.0 2137-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35343
1660.0 1836-... 10/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 25341
1660.0 2223-... 11/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1660.0 1841-... 12/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Pops. 25342
1660.0 2952-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, testing, tks. Echo during speech. 35343
1660.0 2105-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx, tks. Echo during speech. QRM rk pir. stn. 44444
1660.0 1945-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35343
1660.0 2209-2219 13/10 USA WWRU, Jersey City NJ. Kor, tks, street interviews. 35342
1660.0 2142-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Mx oldies, Grk songs. 45444
1661.2 2108-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Silent carrier, then pops, tks, testing. 35342
1663.0 2056-... 11/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs & mx. 25342
1663.0 1946-... 13/10 Balk. ? UNID - pir. Pops. 35343
1663.0 1748-... 14/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 25342
1665.0 2200-... 14/10 HOL UNID - pir. Dutch songs. 35343
1668.0 1834-... 08/10 HOL R.Kachelboer - pir. Mx. ID via DX press. 15341

1670.0 1822-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1670.0 1905-... 09/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1670.0 2140-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 25341
1670.0 2116-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk mx. 35342
1670.0 1846-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 15341
1670.0 2143-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, electr. mx. Echo during speech. 45343
1670.0 1840-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. QRM de another Grk pir. stn. 34343
1670.0 *1916-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. Some echo during speech. 35343
1670.0 1947-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. Echo insertion. 35342
1670.0 1750-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 35443
1670.0 *2210-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35332
1679.9 1749-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks. 35443

1680.0 1823-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1680.0 2150-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, incl. mx oldies. 35343
1680.0 2201-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1680.0 1850-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 15341
1680.0 1840-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35342
1680.0 1850-1853 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. Blocked by another Grk pir. stn. 15341
1680.0 1853-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 34342
1680.0 1842-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35443
1680.4 2138-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 25342
1683.0 1824-... 08/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 15341
1685.2 1850-... 12/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 35443

1690.0 2141-... 09/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1690.0 1838-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25331
1690.0 1853-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks abt. the equipment. 35443
1690.0 2138-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 35342
1690.0 2225-... 11/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15331
1690.0 2056-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks, testing. 35343
1690.0 1948-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs, tks. 35343
1690.0 2223-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 45444
1690.0 1751-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. QRM de another Grk pir. stn. 24341
1690.0 2143-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx. 35343
1694.7 1801-... 14/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. 25331

1700.0 2142-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35342
1700.0 1839-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1700.0 2152-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 35232
1700.0 1855-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Pops, tks, testing. 25342
1700.0 1852-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1700.0 1951-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25342
1700.0 2212-2222 14/10 USA UNID. E, tks. 15341

1701.9 1849-... 11/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic songs. 15341
1709.9 2130-... 11/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, light mx, pops. Drifted to 1710. 35343
1710.0 1827-... 08/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 15341
1710.0 2118-... 11/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, electr. mx. 15331
1710.0 2058-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks. 25341
1710.0 *2103-... 12/10 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx. 35343
1710.0 1802-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, testing. 35443
1728.0 1814-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, Grk songs. 25342
1729.8 1841-... 08/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15331
1730.0 1909-... 09/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, songs. 15341
1730.0 2131-... 10/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk songs. 15341
1730.0 2212-... 11/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks, mx. 15331
1730.0 2110-... 13/10 GRC UNID - pir. Electr. mx, testing. 35443
1730.0 1812-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Grk pops. 35342
1735.1 2111-... 13/10 ? UNID - pir. Silent carrier. 25342
1740.0 1803-... 14/10 GRC UNID - pir. Tks, pops. 35443
1741.7 2122-... 13/10 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 15341
1743.4 2119-... 13/10 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15331
1745.4 1810-... 14/10 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 25342
1750.0 2244-... 09/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Mx. 15331
1750.0 2140-... 10/10 GRC ? UNID, Greek? - pir. Tks. 15331
1750.0 1811-... 14/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx & songs. 25342
1769.9 2202-... 14/10 Balkan UNID - pir. Slavic mx. Unstable carrier, drifting. 35343
1772.5 2120-... 13/10 ? UNID - pir. Ru/Ukr, tks. 15341
1782.8 1844-... 08/10 ? UNID - pir. Tks. 15341

1925.0 2153-... 09/10 I Genova R, Genova. Navig. warnings. 15331
2632.0 2158-... 09/10 I Napoli R, Napoli. Navig. warnings. 25341
2663.0 2152-... 09/10 I Crotone R, Crotone. Navig. warnings. 15341
2680.0 2147-... 11/10 I Cagliari R, Quartu Sant'Elena. Navig. warnings. 15341

Buoni segnali sull'Atlantico in onde medie

Ecco gli ascolti in onde medie del DXer portoghese Carlos Gonçalves. Buoni segnali dall'altra parte dell'Atlantico e non solo.

590.0 2110-2120 12/10 CAN VOCM, St. John's NL. E, pops. Adj. QRM. 33442 CGS
600.0 2205-2214 10/10 CAN ? CBNA (p), St. Anthony NL. E, tks. Adj. QRM. 13441 CG
610.0 2242-2250 11/10 CAm? UNID. Cast, tks. Adj. QRM. 22341 CG
650.0 2213-2220 08/10 CAN ? CKGA (p), Gander NL. E, tks. Adj. QRM. 13441 CG
675.0 2245-2256 11/10 QAT ? QMC R.Qatar (p), Al-Arish. Ar. songs. Adj. QRM. 43443 CG
710.0 2215-2226 08/10 CAN CKVO, Clarenville NL. E, pops, VOCM IDs.  QRM. 33442 CG
740.0 2108-2115 12/10 B R.Sociedade da Baía (p), Salvador BA. Songs. Adj. QRM. 32441 CGS
750.0 2223-2232 08/10 CAN CBGY (p), Bonavista NL. E, tks, street interviews. QRM. 23441 CG
756.0 2228-2241 11/10 IRN IRIB-R.Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiari, Shahr-e Kord. Tks, Persian mx, poetry. QRM de POR. ** Not R.Gilan, Rasht, as obs'ed on 05/10. ** 34332 CG
760.0 2208-2218 08/10 B R.Uirapuru (p), Fortaleza CE. Songs. 15341 CG
760.0 2107-2117 12/10 B R.Uirapuru. Songs in rlgs. propg. px Ponto de Luz. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 34443 CGS
783.0 2106-2116 12/10 MTN R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. A, tks. QRM de E. 54444 CGS
828.0 2113-... 12/10 AZR Antena 1 Açores, Monte das Cruzes, Flores, 1 kW. Antena 1 Lisboa relay for f/ball match comments. Adj. QRM. 34443 CGS
860.0 2118-2128 12/10 B R.Cidade (p), Fortaleza CE. Tks. Adj. QRM. 23441 CGS
917.0 2036-2046 14/10 NIG R.Gotel Yola, Jabura. Vn, Afr. pops. Off channel. Adj. QRM de E on 918. 43443 CGS
945.0 2217-2227 12/10 NIG R.Kebbi, Birnin Kebbi. Vn/E, tks, interview. QRM de G. 33342 CGS
945.0 1901-1909 14/10 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Miercurea Ciuc. Nx. QRM de G. 23431 CGS
950.0 2126-2134 12/10 B UNID. Rlgs. propag. Adj. QRM. 23441 CGS
963.0 2211-2224 10/10 TUN RTT-Int'l Sce., Djedeida. F, tks. QRM de POR local. 43442 CG
1035.0 2217-2226 10/10 G No.Sound 2, 320 W, or West Sound AM, 780 W Pops, tks. QRM de Lyca Dilse, G, & adj. chs. 24432 CG
1070.0 2039-2050 14/10 B UNID. Songs, phone-ins. Adj. QRM. 33442 CGS
1071.0 1911-1924 09/10 IND AIR-Ext. Sce., Rajkot. Urdu to PAK, Indian songs. 44444 CG
1110.0 2228-2237 12/10 B UNID. Songs. Adj. QRM. 33442 CGS
1170.0 2229-... 12/10 G Swansea Sound, Winsh-wen, Cymru, 580 W. Welsh, songs, tks. 44444 CGS
1206.0 2225-2233 10/10 ISR Kol Israel - Bet ch., Haifa. Tks on politics, rpts. 25342 CG
1220.0 2231-2241 12/10 B R.Globo, Rio de Jan.º RJ. Tks. Adj. QRM. 33442 CGS
1350.0 2230-... 14/10 I I AM R, Milano area. IDs, NPR nx E, mx. Adj. QRM. 34443 CGS
1380.0 2042-2051 14/10 B R.Continental, Recife PE. Rlgs. propag. px, mx, songs. 33442 CGS
1400.0 2133-2145 12/10 CAN CBG, Gander NL. E, As It Happens px. Co-ch. QRM. 44444 CGS
1400.0 2236-2246 13/10 B R.Espinharas (p), Patos PB. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil 34342
1400.0 2238-2248 13/10 GRD Harbour Light Of The Windwards, Carriacou. E, radioplay 34443
1404.0 2229-2240 10/10 GRC ERT, Komotini. Interview. Adj. QRM. 34443 CG
1430.0 2231-2241 13/10 B R. Libertadora Mossoroense, Mossoró RN. A Voz do Brasil QRM 34343
1470.0 2232-2242 13/10 B UNID, 2, unsync. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 34342 CGS
1530.0 2154-2202 10/10 G Pulse 2, Huddersfield, 740 W. Pops, advs., tks, more pops. 33432 CG
1530.0 2202-2207 10/10 ROU R.România Actualităţi, Rădăuţi. Nx. Adj. QRM. 24431 CG
1530.0 2225-... 14/10 MDR PEF-Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 3 kW. Portug. songs. 44444 CGS
1560.0 2047-2058 14/10 B UNID. Songs, tks. Adj. QRM. 23341 CGS
1560.0 2214-2224 14/10 USA WFME (p), New York NY E, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 24342 CGS
1560.0 2218-2228 14/10 B R.Princesa das Matas, Viçosa AL. Advs., fq ann. QRM. 24342 CGS
1570.0 2223-2231 14/10 B UNID. F/ball match rpt. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 24442 CGS

lunedì 23 ottobre 2017

Log - Molta America Latina in onde corte

Molta America Latina negli ascolti in onde corte del DXer portoghese Carlos Gonçalves

Banda Tropicale

3310.0 2211-2221 12/10 BOL R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. Quechua, tks. 25342
3320.0 2046-2104 11/10 AFS SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton. Afrkns, songs, nx at 2100. 35332
3320.0 2209-2222 12/10 AFS SAUK/R.Sonder Grense. Afrkns, songs. 45343
3910.0 2102-2112 14/10 KOR Voice Of The People (cland.) Kor to KRE, tks. Jammed. Ex-3912. Better on // 3930. 23331
4774.9 2146-2156 12/10 B Radio Congonhas, Congonhas MG. Fqs ann. & ID, nx. 35332
4805.0 2124-... 13/10 B R.Dif.ª do Amazonas, Manaus AM. Tks. Vy. weak modulation. 25332
4845.0 2137-2147 12/10 B R.Cultura do Amazonas, Manaus AM. F/ball match rpt. Weak modulation. 35332
4875.2 2126-2138 13/10 B R.Roraima, Boa Vista RR. Tks, anns., infos, advs. Adj. RTTY QRM. 34332
4949.7 1816-1835 12/10 AGL RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos. Songs, TCs, nx h/lines for the 1900 h nx, mssgs. 35342
4965.0 1819-1830 12/10 ZMB Voice Of Hope, Makeni Ranch. E, songs. 35343
4985.0 2135-2145 12/10 B R.Brasil Central. Songs px Brasil Sertanejo hosted by Ulisses Jr 45444
5035.0 2134-2144 12/10 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Px Com A Mãe Aparecida. 35332

49 metri e oltre

5939.8 2125-2135 08/10 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Anns., songs. 35322
5939.8 2201-2213 12/10 B R.Voz Missionária. Songs in rlgs. propag. px. // 9665.8 rtd. 55444. 45433
5995.0 1836-... 11/10 MLI R.Mali, Kati. Tks. Extrem. weak modulation, carrier almost empty, useless waste of power. 55444
6010.0 2203-2215 12/10 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Songs. QRM de CHN. // 15190 rtd. 25332. 33431
6040.7 2214-2224 12/10 B R.B2, Curitiba PR. Mx px. 45433
6059.9 2124-2134 14/10 B SRDA, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. px Voz da Libertação. Adj. QRM. // 9564.9 only. 24331
6070.0 2130-2138 13/10 CAN CFRB via CFRX, both Toronto ON. E, tks. Adj. QRM. 24321
6110.0 1812-1824 10/10 ETH R.Fana, Geja Jawe. Vn, HoA songs, tks. 45444
6115.0 1828-1846 12/10 COG R.Congo. F, end of the 1800 h nx, rlgs. propag. px. 45343
6134.8 2212-2223 12/10 BOL R.Santa Cruz, St.ª Cruz de la Sierra. Cast, nx. DRM (p) QRM. 34432
6160.0 2152-2200* 12/10 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Rlgs. propag. 35332

6205.0 0900-1145 14/10 G Laser Hot Hits - pir. E, pops, tks. Deteriorating. 25342
6230.0 2106-... 11/10 AUS Wiluna Marine Weather stn, Wiluna WA. Warnings. USB tx. 25332
6250.0 2134-2144 13/10 KOR Echo Of Hope (cland.), Nowon-gu. Kor to KRE, songs, tks. Jammed. // 3985. 34332
6285.0 1743-... 08/10 G R.Underground - pir. E, chatter, pops. 35332
6289.8 2105-... 11/10 ? UNID - pir. Pops. 35332
6325.0 1839-... 08/10 HOL R.Joey - pir. Du/E, electr. mx, tks, thanking for rec. rpts. 35433

7425.0 0908-1130 14/10 NZL RNZI Rangitaiki. E, nx, ..., nx at 1000, pops, etc. Deteriorating, almost inaudible at 1130. 45444
8989.0 2141-... 13/10 NCG El Pescador Predicador, site? Tks, surely rlgs. propag. USB tx. 15341
9515.0 2135-2150 11/10 B R.Marumby, Curitiba PR. Songs. 25331
9515.0 2142-2153 13/10 B R.Marumby. Rlgs. songs. 35343
9550.0 2111-2121 14/10 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Música Legionária in propag. px. // 11895.1, 6160. 33342
9564.9 2040-2049 14/10 B SRDA, Curitiba PR. Rlgs. propag. QRM de USA + Cuban jammer. // 6059.9 only. 33441
9630.0 2143-2152 13/10 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Songs px No Ritmo da Música, advs. Vy. weak modulation; strgr. on 14/10. 35343
9635.9 1002-1155 14/10 VTN R.Voice Of Vietnam, Son Tay. Viet, songs, tks, interviews, light mx. F/out. 35433
9650.0 1831-1844 10/10 GUI R.Guinée, Sonfonia. Vn, tks, interview, Afr. songs. Adj. QRM. 44433
9665.9 2112-2124 08/10 B R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC. Mx px Bandas de Metais, anns., songs. 35422
9665.9 0952-0930 14/10 B R.Voz Missionária. Folk songs, tks. F/out. 25332
9674.9 2133-2145 11/10 B R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP. Songs, rlgs. propag. 35332
9674.9 2107-2117 14/10 B R.Canção Nova. Rosary. Adj. QRM. 33442
9725.4 2146-2158 13/10 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Rlgs.propag. px Crescendo na Fé, fqs. ann., natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil at 2200. 35433

11735.0 1831-1843 11/10 TZA Zanzibar BC, Dole. Swah, tks. 35433
11735.0 1832-1845 12/10 B R.Transmundial, St.ª M.ª RS. Rlgs. propag. QRM de TZA (rtd. 44444). 44443
11855.0 2108-2118 11/10 B R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP. Songs, tks. 25332
11895.1 2109-2120 14/10 B R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Música Legionária in rlgs. propag. px. // 9550, 6160. 35443
11934.9 2154-2207 13/10 B R.Evangelizar, Curitiba PR. Fqs. ann., natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil at 2200. Adj. QRM. 33442
13840.0 2112-2149 11/10 NZL RNZI, Rangitaiki. E, Dateline Pacific px till 2136, sports nx . Deteriorating, adj. QRM. 34443
15190.0 2202-2217 13/10 B R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG. Natl. nx magazine A Voz do Brasil. 35443

sabato 21 ottobre 2017

Log onde medie e corte & QSL da Radio Lesbos 6280 kHz

Appuntamento con il report settimanale del DXer Roberto Pavanello


Radio Lesbos 6280 KHz - con QSL elettronica allegata in 5 ore.


828 14/10 10.00 Z100 - IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione buono
972 10/10 16.50 Ashna R. - Washington Pashto talk // a 7495 suff.
1080 11/10 17.35 R. Mallorca - SS NX reg. Baleares buono
1125 9/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.5 - Vitoria SS NX reg. Pais Vasco suff.
1224 9/10 21.27 COPE - Almeria SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1350 12/10 22.30 R. Boa Vontade - Salvador PP ID e gospel suff.
1350 15/10 00.05 R. Buenos Aires - SS predica suff.
1476 9/10 17.35 Free R. AM - Trieste IT MX suff.
1539 9/10 21.55 R. Elche - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1566 13/10 17.50 HLAZ - Jeju Cinese MX suff.
1602 12/10 15.30 Alt FM - Arad Rumeno predica suff.
1638 14/10 23.25 R. Montecarlo - Dutch ID e MX buono

3320 14/10 03.20 R. Sonder Grense - Meyerton Afrikaans MX suff.
3915 14/10 22.50 BBC - Singapore EE NX buono
5820 15/10 09.15 R. Saturnus - EE ID e MX buono
5910 14/10 03.25 R. Alcaravan - Puerto Lleras SS MX suff.
5940 14/10 23.15 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP predica suff.
6005 14/10 12.00 DP07 Seefunk - EE e Tedesco meteo buono
6065 9/10 17.30 Voice of Hope - Lusaka EE predica suff.
6090 14/10 03.30 Amhara State R. - Bahir Dar Amarico MX buono
6150 15/10 08.55 R. Marabu - EE ID e MX buono
6170 10/10 16.45 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE NX buono
6240 9/10 16.20 R. Metropolis - EE ID e MX buono
6255 15/10 08.45 R. Casanova - EE ID e MX buono
6307 11/10 16.30 R. Goofy - EE ID e MX buono
6376 9/10 16.15 R. Merlin Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6747 13/10 16.40 R. Pioneer - EE ID e MX buono
9725 14/10 23.00 R. Evangelizar - Curitiba PP MX buono
9790 15/10 09.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
11735 9/10 16.30 Zanzibar BC - Swahili discorso buono

Marconi Radio International torna on air

Dal blog di Renato Feuli IK0IZK
Good news!

Dopo diverse settimane di assenza Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, domenica 22 Ottobre 2017, dalle 13.45 alle 15.45 UTC su 7700 kHz USB.

Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at)

Nostalgia: Radio Luxembourg, bandierina e video

L'amico Christian Ghibaudo segnale questo video. Il buongiorno dedicato agli amici di Radio Luxembourg. Risale agli anni '50

MW Europee: log con anche TU, NDB russo su 1290 kHz

Dal sito
Ascolti europei a Bocca di Magra con  Marzio Vizzoni e Michele D'Amico IZ2EAS. Ascoltato per la prima volta il beacon russo TU da Bely su 1290 kHz. 73, Giampiero

Spagna programmi regionali

729 16/10 0545 RNE Logrono, Regional La Rioja, news, good
972 16/10 0545 RNE Monforte de Lemos, Regional Galicia, news, good
1179 16/10 0550 SER Logrono, La Rioja, regional news, weak
1287 16/10 0550 SER Burgos, Castilla y Leon, Hoy por hoy Castilla y Leon, weak/fair
1413 16/10 0545 RNE Vigo, Galicia, regional id news, fair

Resto d'Europa

765 1610 1600 Radio Mayak, Ukraine, songs id fair
1206 14/10 2231 Radio Amica Veneta, Vigonza, Italy, fair/good
1251 14/10 2239 Radio Sim, 2 tx 1 kw, Portugal, Portuguese songs, fair/good
1278 16/10 1812 Radio Ukraine Int., Petrivka, talks, fair QRM Oman

1290 16/10 0112 TU, beacon NDB, Bely, Russia, CW fair 2200 km

1305 16/10 0550 Premier Christian Radio, 2 tx London 500 w, UK talks, fair
1377 16/10 1710-1715* TWR, Gavar, Armenia, songs, end of Bc very good . Then start again
1386 16/10 1738 Radio Japan NHK, via Lituania, Russian, good
1395 16/10 2220 Radio Seabreeze, Grou, Nederland, songs, few ids, weak/fair
1440 17/10 0430 Paradise FM pirate, songs, id, fair
1476 16/10 1730 Free Radio AM Trieste, songs, pubblicità "astrologia", fair
1512 14/10 2144 ERT Kosmos, Khania, songs, id very good, //web streaming
1557 14/10 2137 Greek Pirate, Greek songs, good

RX: Excalibur Pro, Perseus, Tecsun S-2000

venerdì 20 ottobre 2017

Consigli per l'ascolto da Tom Taylor EMR

Consigli per gli ascolti da Tom Taylor di EMR (EMR Relays + More)

Scheduled Transmissions from Radio City are:

3rd Saturday at 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz with Repeats all other Saturdays
4th Saturday at 12.00 to 13.00 UTC on 7265 kHz via Hamburger Lokalradio

Contact address remains:

Saturday Hamburger Lokalradio:

 06.00 to 10.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
10.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

Sunday Hamburger Lokalradio:

09.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz

E-mail: Thank you!
HLR FM-DAB+ Program via the Internet : Daily 24 h

European Music Radio Relays:

21st October 2017:

21.30 to 22.00 UTC on 7490 KHz - to Central & North America via WBCQ

Internet Repeats on 22nd October 2017:
EMR will have this months Transmissions via two streams running at the following Times:15.00, 17.00, 19.00 UTC will be on 96 kbps /44 KHz stereo for normal listening will be 24 kbps / 22 KHz mono will be especially for low bandwidth like mobile phones.

The Mighty KBC

Programme Schedule
Please Email: Thank you!

Radio Joystick:
11.00 to 12.00 UTC on 7330 KHz in November
Contact the Station:

Hobart Radio International:
Full Schedule A17:
Please Email: Thank you!

Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules:

Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at

You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at:

QSL report by Christian Ghibaudo

Ecco le ultime QSL ricevute dal DXer Christian Ghibaudo


Radio Free Asia (Lampertheim) 13775 QSL in 10 days. Report in English sent to :

Radio Atlantic 2000 International 6070 eQSL in 5 days. Report in French sent to


Radio Free Asia (Tinian) 11805 QSL in 9 days. Report in English sent to :


KTWR 11995 QSL in 22 days. Report in English sent by postal mail.


Free Radio AM 1476 eQSL in 26 days. Report in Italian sent to :


Radio Vaticana 15575 QSL in 25 days. Report in Italian sent to :


Radio Mi Amigo International 11845 QSL in 6 days. Report in English sent to :


Scandinavian Weekend Radio 11690 eQSL in 3 days. Report in English sent to :


Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 eQSL in 4 days. Report in Portughese sent to

Log banda tropicale e 49 metri

Dear DX-friends, Here are my latest loggings from Skovlunde on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. Best 73, Anker Petersen

3240.00 0305-0310 15.10 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Ranch Shona hymns 35343 AP-DNK

3255.00 1940-1945 15.10 AFS BBC, via Meyerton English talk 25232 AP-DNK

3320.00 0310-0315 15.10 AFS R Sonder Grense, Meyerton Afrikaans ann, orchestra music 35333 AP-DNK

3480.00 1945-1955 15.10 CLA Voice of the People, via Goyang, South Korea Korean talk 25222 // 3910 (25222) and 3930 (25222) AP-DNK

3955.00 1955-2000* 15.10 G R Taiwan International, via Woofferton French closing ann, ID's, address and song 55444 AP-DNK

3955.00 *2000-2005 15.10 G R Korea International, via Woofferton German opening ann, ID, musical interlude, news 55444 AP-DNK

3985.03    2135-2145    17.10    CLA    Echo of Hope, via Gyeonggi-do, South Korea    Korean talk and Korean songs    35343  (Kall-Krekel, Germany, was Off.)   // 6250 (45433)     AP-DNK

4800.00    2145-2150    17.10    CHN    Voice of China, Golmud    Chinese ann, Chinese song    35333    AP-DNK

4885.00    2150-2215    17.10    CLA    Echo of Hope, via Sagang Hwaesong, South Korea    Korean talk, Korean song, 2202 ID: "Huimang-e ....", conversation - New schedule NOT // 3985    25232    AP-DNK

4885.04 0315-0320 15.10 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese ann, Brazilian songs 35333 AP-DNK

4905.00    2215-2220    17.10    CHN    Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet    Tibetan ann, Tibetan songs    35333 // 4920 (35333)    AP-DNK

4930.00    0350-0355    18.10    BOT    VOA, Moepeng Hill    English talk    35232    AP-DNK

4930.00 0320-0325 15.10 BOT VOA, Moepeng Hill English conversation 25242 AP-DNK

4960.00    *0359-0405    18.10    STP    VOA, Pinheira    "Yankee Doodle" melody, English ID, news    35232    AP-DNK

5025.03    0345-0350    18.10    CUB    R Rebelde, Bauta    Spanish talk, song    23222    CWQRM in LSB    AP-DNK

5040.03    0340-0345    18.10    CUB    R Habana Cuba, Bauta    Spanish talk and music    35232    AP-DNK

5950.00 0325-0330 15.10 ETH Voice of the Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa Tigrinya ann, Horn of Africa songs 25232 AP-DNK

6030.00 0330-0335 15.10 ETH R Oromiya, Adama, via Geja Jewe Oromo talk, Horn of Africa songs 35333 AP-DNK

6090.00 0335-0340 15.10 ETH Voice of Amhara State, Geja Jewe Amharic interview 35333 AP-DNK

6110.00 0340-0345 15.10 ETH  Radio Fana, Addis Ababa Amharic talk 34333 QRM 6105 AP-DNK

Consigli per l'ascolto nel fine settimana: Atlantic 2000

Mail da Atlantic 2000:

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this weekend:

Saturday 21st of October, from 0800 to 0900 UTC on 6070 kHz (repeat of the show of October 7 and 8)

+ streaming at the same time on our website:
Only detailed reception reports will be confirmed by eQSL.
Reports to:

Good listening!

Tropo DAB: Monaco e Nizza da Lerici

Ascolti DAB, direi grazie alla tropo: tra Lerici e Montemarcello, in provincia di La Spezia, Liguria, ho ricevuto i 2 mux di Monaco, molto bene con audio perfetto, e uno di Nizza, debole e con audio praticamente assente:

8A MCR1 Monaco, Mont Agel 4 kw

11A RNT Nice 1, Mont dee l'Ubac 12 kw

12B MCR2 Monaco, Mont Agel 4 kw

RX: Sony XDR-S41D con antenna stilo