mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017

Israele in onde medie, India in banda tropicale

Reshet Bet su 657 kHz
Dear DX-friends, I heard the following stations in Skovlunde on my AOR 
AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. Best 73, Anker Petersen


585.00 1845-1930 28.1 IRN IRIB, R Tehran, Farhang Farsi talk, 1848 ID: "Radio Farhang", talk, 1910 Bell and songs 43433 QRM R Nacional, Madrid and an Arab station AP-DNK

657.00 0120-0140 29.1 ISR Kol Israel, Reshet Bet, Yavne Hebrew ann, Israeli songs by choir 44444 // 1206 Acco (34333) AP-DNK

819.00 0015-0025 29.1 EGY ERTU, General Programme, Batra Arabic drama with songs 44444 AP-DNK

1026.00 1535-1555 29.1 IRN IRIB, R Tabriz, Azarshahi Farsi news with short musical interludes, 1547 orchestral music 34333 AP-DNK

1278.00 0050-0100 29.1 IRN IRIB, R Kermanshah, Kermanshah
Farsi talk and string music 33333 // 1512 Ardabil (22432) AP-DNK


4010.24 1525-1535 29.1 KGZ Birinchi R, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz report from a concert 35233 // 4820 inaudible, covered by China AP-DNK

4750.00 2340-2350 28.1 CHN Voice of China, Hailar Chinese discussion, QRM Russian utility conversation // Golmud 4800 (45333) AP-DNK

4765.00 2350-2355 28.1 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik talk, local song 35233 AP-DNK

4810.00 *0023-0030 29.1 IND AIR Bhopal AIR I/S, "Vande Mataram" hymn, Hindi ann, local songs 35232 AP-DNK

4910.00 0030-0040 29.1 IND AIR Jaipur time signal, Hindi news // 4970, talk 35233 AP-DNK

4970.00 0030-0040 29.1 IND AIR Shillong Hindi news, 0035 English news // 5010 25232 AP-DNK

5050.00 2355-2400 28.1 CHN Beibu Bay R, Nanning Chinese ann, Chinese song 25232 AP-DNK